

|SUTON| n. The approach of death or the end of something "What did I do to deserve this?" He chuckled at my question before saying, "You were born princess." She bathed in her own tub of blood, And he watched her, Finding pleasure. He was killing her When she tried saving him

theAkuhle · Urban
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74 Chs

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So I could hear voices.

Yeah, voices.

But I didn't recognize a single one of them. They were completely different. I was completely still and I could tell I was sleeping on something. I force myself to open my eyes after moments of failing. "I think she's responding," I hear a females voice. "I'll leave you alone with her," my heart began racing.

Leave me alone with who?

To see who it was, my eyes slowly fluttered open but I immediately regretted it when I'm faced with the light.

The darkness was so much better.

Okay, that was partly a lie.

I don't appreciate not seeing where I'm going. A warm hand covered mine that had always been cold and I melt at the feeling. Fluttering my eyes open once again, my lids are heavy- so blink a few times before my eyes adjust to the light. "Hey," Is the first thing I hear since I've opened my eyes. My eyes make contact with the dark brown ones. I recognize the person almost immediately. "Hi," I stretch my lips into a small smile.

My throat hurts when I say it. "Water please," I utter those two words. Without hesitating, he walks elsewhere to where there was a jar of water. He pours it into the paper cup and walks over to me with the object in hand. Luckily there was a straw, so that helped a lot. Within a second, the water is gone. He takes the cup from my hand and puts it over on the stand, beside the bed. "Thank you," he gives me a genuine smile. His dimples slightly showing. "What did they do to you?" he whispers, his hand trailing on the exposed parts of my skin.

"Typical jail stuff," I lightly shrug. "They're always looking for something they can do. And since I couldn't keep my mouth shut for one second, this happened," I gesture to all the parts I could see but my face. "I don't understand how someone could ever hurt you," he shakes his head. Him genuinely not understanding.

"They've been many, so I'm really not surprised," I shrug as if it was normal. Which it kinda was in a way, I'm always the target and I don't know why. It's like I'm the easiest to blame, the easier one to make the bad guy. It's frustrating, tiring and it's worse when you're someone who's struggling to get back on their feet- it makes you feel like giving up. Like it's not worth it anymore.

"What's going on in that little head of yours? You can tell me," his warm fingers, running its way on my cheek. The one that was slapped the most. "I- I don't know Angelo. I'm just tired. I'm tired of always trying when others are not doing the same in return. It's always when I'm rebuilding everything- someone always has to do something to fuck it up and I don't get it. I don't! It's unfair. It really is because I just want to be happy. I don't think I'm asking for much because I've constantly struggled. It's not fair!" I cry at the end and I found myself wrapped in a hug already. "It's not fair, it's really not!" I cry on his shoulder. "I know baby, I know," his hand rubbing my back.

My grip on his shirt tighten as I cry on it. I don't know how long I'd be crying but it was long enough because there was a knock on the door. Neither of us pulled away, Angelo held me tight as I sobbed lowly. "May I come in?" I felt Angelo inhale at the sound of that. Before he could answer, I pull away slowly and he begins wiping away my tears. "Sure," I say once I make sure no tears would be coming out. The door opens and I come face to face with a lady in a white gown, a clipboard in her hand. The doctor of course. Her brown skin was perfect with her thick silky black hair, tied into mid sleek pony tail. She was definitely off Indian descent.

"Hello ma'am," her accent fitting in perfectly. "I am... And I'm the doctor who will be assisting you today,"

"Serine." I nod, shaking her hand. "Fortunately, you have no broken bones in your body, I would just recommend rest because any injury now could lead to a severe broken bone. Your body took the beating very strongly but you have to be careful next time. I've told the young man over here all of the necessary things that need to be done, do take your medication so you can heal much more faster,"

"Thank you so much," I smile genuinely and she mirrors my actions. "I've lied to the security guards, saying your case is severe so you can spend the night in the infirmary and rest well without anybody disturbing you."

"Oh my God- thank you, really thank you. I really appreciate that,"

"Well now, I'll be leaving. I hope you have a speedy recovery, and be well, young man,"

"And I hope you have a blessed day" she does a little head shake that every Indian does with a smile and leaves.


"Williams, you got a visitor," the security guard, dressed in black says blankly. Her face screaming that she hated her job. I get up slowly, with her just looking at me like my slowness was annoying her. "Hurry,"

I get off the bed, and wince at the pain as I land on my feet. I brush it off, making my way to the door as I make my to the visiting area, with the security holding me by my arm. Once I'm there, I search for the person who came to visit me. My eyes land on a black leather jacket, grey eyes and everything.


I almost look pass him but he speaks up before I can. "Is it me that you're looking for?" he smirks and I roll my eyes. "Come on now, don't be rude. Take a seat, I took the time here to come and see you." With caution, I stare at him suspiciously as I take my seat, slowly. "Why?"

"Damn you love that word, huh?"

"If you came here to waste my time-"

"I did not come here to waste your 'precious' time," he emphasizes. "Then talk," I glare at him. He smirks, "Just like I knew you before," he whispers.

"Okay so let me cut to chase," he finally says. "Remember two years ago?" It was like he was already stabbing my heart just by saying that. "Vividly," I respond. "I didn't pull the trigger,"

I chuckle unenthusiastically, "Damnit, you are so ridiculous," I state. "Listen," he says lowly, reaching out to grab my hand, but I move it so quickly like he would burn me. "I didn't pull the trigger. It wasn't me,"

"Then was it Casper the ghost? Alexander, please give me a damn break,"

"It wasn't me," he growls. "Why don't you just listen to me?"

"Because you betrayed me! You betrayed me Alexander. You were buddies with Denzil! For God's sake the person who ruined my life!"

"Now that's where I have to get at," he swallows. "Denzil, he was the one that pulled the trigger. I had a silencer on my gun,"

"Denzil is dead McCann. How could he have ever shot Sarah?"

"You see, you're asking stupid questions because you're not listening. The only thing you did was push him against the mirror, not even noticing the damage you had done to his leg because there was a knife there. One that he was going use on you. Evidently that back fired- you were far gone and distracted by the girl in the hood. Not even knowing what was going on. He was aiming his gun at you, I stopped that."

"And it ended in you shooting her?"

"Can you just listen?" he says with a whole lot of frustration. "Saving your damn life, he shot her."

"But since you were too oblivious to that, you thought I was the one who did that. What reason would I have doing that? None, Serine, none."

"If you think you telling me all this will have me running back in your arms, you're dead wrong,"

"We'll see about that. Maybe not by running in my arms but certainly ruining your life. Make sure you stay out of trouble," he winks. "Impossible," I say. "but as long as I don't see your face for much longer, I'll stay out, gladly,"