
14| night In jail


I honestly couldn't believe where I was at. Never did I imagine myself in a jail cell with two other people in just because I had done what I wanted to do all my life. And that was to beat the hell out of Kelly.

Unfortunately for Levine and I- we were in separate cells, therefore I hadn't seen her ever since I gotten in the cell. "Hey cutie," I almost cringe. I ignore the person who had just said that and stare up into space.

Never talk to people in jail.

"You might wanna consider sitting, cause I'm pretty sure you don't want to be standing for countless hours," I could almost hear the smirk from the same person. I continue to ignore them, staring through my peripheral vision as the figure gets up from the bed.

"Listen," Their hand snaking around my neck. "I don't like people who ignore me," Their warm breathe fans my ear. "And you wanna know why?"

No, no I really don't.

"Because they think their much more higher than everybody else,"

Wait, what?

I'm doing this to protect myself lady and to get out of trouble. I just got here!

"So," She turns me around- a little too aggressively and my back makes contact with the metal. The pain in my back erupts widely and I flinch. Showcasing my pain. "Little cutie, you are about to tell me, why you're here." I pull my brows together. "And why would I do that?"

"Because," she smirks in a mischievous way. "I'm bored,"

You have got to be kidding me.


Hours had passed and I had come to realize Miranda was not my only cell mate. Sika, was another one who wasn't there when I came because she had a visitor.

Miranda was no different from Sika. Sika looked an awful lot like a Samoan. Her naturally tan skin, her dark eyes, the all black hair and tattoos said it all. Miranda was Latina. Your typical feisty Latina. She had long brown hair, pretty eyes but with a dangerous look planted on her face, letting you know, you shouldn't mess with her. Both of them actually.

And being stuck with them didn't help me. Not even in the slightest. They both got up, as I was sitting, they both basically towered over me- but I knew the moment I'd get up, we would be looking at each other, eye to eye. So that's what I did.

"I told you to leave me alone didn't I?"

"I don't recall you saying that because I wasn't even listening to you," Miranda is suddenly all up in my face. "Well then, to refresh your junky ass memory;, I'll remind you both to, leave me the hell, alone," I had honestly had enough. All I wanted to do was mind my own business and they just couldn't handle that. "Did you hear that Sika?"

"I heard, and the pretty little doll here has the damn, nerve." I refrained myself from asking; what the hell she was gonna do about it but I knew it was going to get me in trouble and I planned on staying out. "I think we should teach her a listen,"

"And since she got in here for fighting in a public area-"

With those words coming out her mouth followed a vicious kick to my back. My front harshly connected it the steal as I arched my back. "We should teach her a lesson," One of them grabs my hair but I somehow muster up the energy to elbow them in the stomach but to my dismay, there were two of them and one sent me a hot, fierce slap to my cheek. Affecting my neck in the process, leaving me shaking. My hand was covering the part as if it was gonna ease the pain.

My leg is kicked from behind, forcing a cry out of me. I'm on one knee, arms hold me arms back and I can't even use them again. Another slap, followed by a bunch in my stomach is thrown and I immediately yelp. The leg connects with stomach as Miranda continues her assault. Punching, kicking, slapping, pinching- everything you can imagine with pain written all over my body. It was Sika's and by the first bunch, my vision was already getting blurry

I was internally pleading them to leave me alone, to let me be.

I needed someone to come get me. For the first time I needed someone to save me. I was defenseless, helpless, facing one of my hardest beatings in my life. This was proof that I can never have a peaceful time. This was proof that justice, wasn't anything anymore.

If somebody was murdered, vengeance wouldn't bring them back to life but it was like allowing the dead to rest in peace. Getting justice for somebody was sort of the same- except it was nothing once that person got out prison.


It was like history repeating itself but with different tactics. I wasn't sure on why I was still here for a second, but I remembered the people who risked their lives for me.

With another hit, my body couldn't take it because everything just went black.

officially back!!

theAkuhlecreators' thoughts
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