
The Vermir Project

Adam is an average man living a boring life that he is tired of. However, he would never imagine that what would drive him to change would be the revelation that the universe in which they all live is just a simulation created by mysterious entities for an unknown purpose. With the world transformed into a twisted imitation of a video game, Adam, almost by accident, will find himself in command of a group of survivors and a small refuge that could become a seed of hope for humanity. However, if Adam is to remain in command, he will have to succeed in defeating nearby threats as he struggles to control the chaotic group of survivors under his command and tries to find out the fate of his family.

Avennir · Urban
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84 Chs

Chapter 52: Discoveries and reflections

For his part, Carlos returned to his room, still somewhat angry. His wife was waiting for him there. She was busy trying to use the limited internet service on her computer.

"Are you still angry?"

"Yes, that boy doesn't seem to know what he's doing. He's taking too many risks."

Nadia just nodded, without even taking her eyes off her computer. Carlos looked at his wife, somewhat irritated. He didn't regret marrying her, but sometimes she was so distant and indifferent that he didn't know how to approach her. He felt uncomfortable with the silence, but luckily, Alfred entered the room shortly after.

"I really don't understand your problem with Adam, Dad. I also feel we need to kill that thing fast."

Carlos shook his head. Part of him knew that the creature had to die right away, but he couldn't help but feel that the others were taking too much of a risk. Alfred had already heard the whole discussion. If he hadn't been convinced of that, then Carlos didn't know how to entice his son on his side. Besides, he also didn't think to explain to him that he wished Adam and the others would stop for a moment while he thought about how to catch them up in level without risking too much, he wouldn't repeat something as stupid as the superblock thing again.

"Honey, can you guys talk outside, I'm trying to make this work and you're not helping."

Alfred approached his mother with the same frustration as his father. They were both used to Nadia's selfish nature, but lately it seemed to have gotten worse.

"What are you doing, Mom?"

"I'm trying to work on a design, just like before. I've already gained a few levels because of it."

Carlos was startled to hear Nadia.

"What? You're leveling up? How?"

"Eh? I'm just designing the interior of an apartment, just like I did in my job. It seems that doing this has allowed me to level up."

Carlos began to laugh as his wife looked at him quizzically. Of course, the answer was so simple that it was complete stupidity that no one had noticed. Combat was not the only way to level up. Well, Carlos doubted that those with the basic classes, such as mage or warrior, had any other option. But the others could advance in level without the need to take excessive risks.

Carlos checked this information by asking the System and the answer he received was what he expected.

"Are you saying that you can level up without fighting zombies?"

Alfred couldn't believe what his mother had said either. Immediately, he tried to think of ways to level up using this.

"Isn't it obvious? I thought everyone knew that"

Carlos sighed. It was pretty obvious, but he believed everyone was still processing what had happened and many were refusing to acclimate to the new world. He left his room and decided to let Tracel know about this important information that everyone seemed to have overlooked.

Tracel, who was on the first floor and was preparing to convince the survivors, took the call and listened carefully. It was good news without a doubt and he also considered himself an idiot for not noticing, but Tracel also thought about Noah's words, how did the system assign abilities, it was a question the System itself refused to answer, which only meant it was an important question. He had no doubt that managing to decipher that pattern would be of great help in the future, if not vital to their survival.

For his part, Krieg left Adam behind and headed for the stairs, where Miguel was waiting for him.

"So we all like to eavesdrop today, do we?"

Miguel simply nodded and pointed to the stairs. Both elders descended in silence. Finally, Miguel spoke.

"I was hoping that Adam could overcome his problems on his own. I'm aware that he's pushing himself, but if he can get through it and get through it he'll get stronger."

"I don't doubt it Miguel, but I think you're forgetting something. Don't treat him like a soldier. Besides, in my opinion, that way of seeing things only brings more problems in the long run."

Miguel said nothing and they both kept going downstairs. Finally, near the first floor, the old soldier continued.

"I'm afraid that since this mess started, everyone who decided to fight the zombies can be considered a soldier. They have to get used to it quickly or they won't survive long."

"That may be, but that doesn't mean not taking a break after something horrible happens. Also, if I remember correctly, you were being quite cautious during the meeting."

"I was cautious because I know better than anyone that a very hasty decision only leads to disaster, I say that from experience. Still, the right answer was always to kill that thing, of that I had no doubt."

"Well, I hope everything turns out well. If I were a few years younger I might join the action, but I feel I'm too old for that."

Miguel paused for a moment. As they spoke they had already pulled into the parking lot. It was barely noon, so the heat was almost unbearable.

"Can't you feel it?" He asked, "Every time I go up a level my body regains strength. You are not old for this Krieg, move and level up and see for yourself."

Krieg looked at Miguel without much energy.

"I'm sorry. I'm a little stronger than I used to be and I haven't felt this good in years, but I still don't want to do it. I'm just... tired. Today was a strange day, I don't even remember the last time I left the building for anything other than walking Darry or buying groceries. I don't even know why I spoke to Adam that way."

Miguel sighed and decided to leave the conversation until there.

"In that case, I'll go back to my apartment. I hope you can cheer up and get out more."

Krieg nodded and Miguel followed him with his eyes until he disappeared into the building.

Noah, meanwhile, had gone up to the top floor of the superblock and was looking around the parking lot. He watched Krieg and Miguel, but his thoughts were elsewhere. He hated what was happening. He thought he was a person who could take any shit that came his way, but he felt he had found his limit.

He had attended the meeting in the hope of being able to distract himself, but he had barely listened. Before he thought about it, it felt like he was back in that horrible void, so he began to think about other things, especially asking questions of the System. The theory he had expressed at the meeting was the result of an almost obsessive attention to such matters since he had parted from Adam in the parking lot.

He believed he was somewhat right, but the truth was that he didn't much care. He just wanted to forget. He reached into his pocket and pulled out another cigarette, it must have been his fifth by now and there were only three more left.

He continued smoking as he thought, but suddenly his mind remembered the void again, that feeling of floating in nothingness gave him a chill. Before he understood what he was doing, he pressed the lit cigarette to his arm. Noah suppressed a cry of pain, but the relief he felt when his mind realized he hadn't returned to that place outweighed everything else.

He had tried to sleep, but the result had been similar. Closing his eyes for too long made him panic. He wished he had something to drink on hand, but soon realized it would be a bad idea, plus he didn't understand what the effect of alcohol would be like on his level-strengthened body.

Noah understood that he was screwed. He probably wouldn't be of much use in the following battles if he couldn't sleep. Noah tossed the crumpled cigarette in his hand and reached for a new one. He sighed, a little depressed, as this whole situation wasn't turning out to be as entertaining as he'd hoped, though he supposed he just had to give himself some time to recover.

Meanwhile, Adam was still standing in front of Carlos's apartment, processing everything Kreig had told him. Still, thinking about everything that had happened was painful, so he decided to move on. He had to start preparing for the hike. The new skill he had gained was an interesting thing, it was an indication that his engineering class was starting to head towards his area of study.

To distract himself as he headed off to talk to Terry to get some information, he thought about all the skills he could gain in the future. He also thought about the equipment he had obtained in his first pack. What could he use it for?

Before he knew it, he was in front of Terry's apartment door. He raised his hand to knock on the door, but decided it was a better idea to call him on his cell phone. She had to wait a few minutes for him to answer.

"What now?"

"I'd like to ask you more details about the ability that monster used, Miguel said you felt something."

Terry remained silent, making Adam uncomfortable by the question. The situation continued this way until, finally, Terry answered.