
The Vermir Project

Adam is an average man living a boring life that he is tired of. However, he would never imagine that what would drive him to change would be the revelation that the universe in which they all live is just a simulation created by mysterious entities for an unknown purpose. With the world transformed into a twisted imitation of a video game, Adam, almost by accident, will find himself in command of a group of survivors and a small refuge that could become a seed of hope for humanity. However, if Adam is to remain in command, he will have to succeed in defeating nearby threats as he struggles to control the chaotic group of survivors under his command and tries to find out the fate of his family.

Avennir · Urban
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84 Chs

Chapter 17: Breather

Adam watched the group leave, not knowing what to think. He did not know much about Carlos, however, he knew he was in the same circles as Tracel. Politics in Benintia has always been a dirty field. Tracel and Carlos were small time politicians and the only important position Tracel had ever held was that of Mayor. Although he lost it soon after due to a corruption scandal. Adam had no idea what their Classes might be, but it was clear he would have to deal with them sooner or later.

Next, he turned to look at his group. Tarin was still unconscious, while Jane had fallen asleep on the floor. Adam, to some extent, was surprised that Jane hadn't panicked. For his part, he was well aware that it was his own talent that allowed him to remain abnormally calm in the face of hard fights.

Adam decided that he would give them both a chance to withdraw from the fight until they were better. As for Miriam and Marlen, the sisters were doing much better than he himself expected. If it weren't for them, Adam was sure they would have all been dead by now.

Adam was tired and hungry, but since the downstairs wasn't completely clean yet, he sat down next to Jane and Tarin to wait for them to wake up. To his luck, Marlen and Miriam remembered him and soon came out of the apartment with food.

Adam didn't even wonder what he was devouring, he simply began to swallow.

"This fight was too close," said Miriam. Adam just nodded and continued eating.

"Yes, and I don't think it will be the last. We still have floors to clear and three dangerous zombies."

"Sister..." Miriam hesitated before continuing, "Don't you think we've had enough? Why keep fighting when we've secured our building? I'm tired of fighting non-stop.

Miriam was fed up with the whole thing. Seeing her sister and the others wounded over and over again was getting to her. She didn't even want to think about what would have happened if she hadn't chosen the [Healer] Class.

"Zombies keep evolving, that's the reason. I've been doing some thinking and I doubt the evolved zombies will stay cooped up in the apartments once they are free of humans. At some point they will come out to hunt, I'm sure. That's why it's important to kill the closest ones before they become too dangerous."

Adam agreed with Marlen. Besides, he couldn't entirely deny that, deep down, he was enjoying the dangerous fighting.

With Marlen's words, the conversation came to an end. A few minutes later, Tarin awoke.

"Am I alive?" Tarin uttered the words weakly. He felt exhausted.

"What do you think?" asked Marlen, in a mocking tone.

"I think I'm going to retire."

Adam nodded in the young mage's direction and said nothing. Tarin, for his part, could not get the memory of the pain caused by the blow he received out of his mind. Not even the new level and the spell gained were enough to excite him. Just thinking about the Berserker sent a shiver through his body.

"That's it? This little idiot betrays us by passing information to his treacherous brother and he can just walk away like it's nothing," Marlen looked at Tarin and he swallowed. Adam hadn't forgotten what Tarin had done, but it honestly didn't seem that important to him. Though he couldn't deny how annoying it was to deal with Tracel.

"Yeah, that's it. What are we going to do, send him to prison? I don't think it's in our best interest to get into a fight right now."

"Okay, but don't expect me to team up with him again."

Tarin remained silent throughout the conversation, but avoided looking Adam and Marlen in the eyes.

It wasn't long before Jane woke up.

"How are you doing? Do you think you can go on?" Adam asked.

"Yes, but I'll need a good vacation after this, if we survive."

Jane had advanced to level 4 and was still reading her new skill. [Penetrating Shot].

Adam sighed and stood up, Noah, who had stayed with the group, but secluded in a corner, came over.

"I'm willing to join the shelter if you return my package. I also hope to join you in clearing the superblock, I think I'll need to level up quickly. The only problem is that I'm low on ammo."

"I wouldn't worry too much. I saw the contents of your package and it contains a pistol. If it's the same as Krieg's, then it should have a special magazine. The bullets reappear after a while.

"Infinite bullets? This system is crazy."

"I have your package in my apartment," Adam turned to his group and continued talking. You guys finish cleaning up downstairs and wait for me.

Tarin got up from the floor, a little shakily.

"I'll come back with you."

Adam nodded and then set off, with Noah and Tarin following close behind. It didn't take them long to reach the building, where they were met by Krieg.

"What a fuss you made. I had to go up a few floors to find out what was going on. It was a big one, wasn't it?" Then he looked at Noah and frowned. Don't think that owning the building allows you to bring in strangers whenever you want, especially if they're from the guard. There's not a single trustworthy person among their ranks.

"Well sir, I'm just trying to survive, so I'm not really interested in listening to the complaints of a cranky old man."

Krieg drew his pistol and Noah raised his rifle.

"Stop it! Both of you put your guns down, we've got enough zombies without starting to kill each other. Noah is just coming to get something and go back to the superblock, where he can get an apartment."

Krieg put his gun away, but spat in Noah's direction before disappearing into his apartment. Adam could see a future headache coming, but tried not to think about it. Then, he went up to his apartment along with Noah and Tarin.

Tarin said goodbye and went into his apartment while Adam entered his, alongside Noah. After making him wait in the living room, Adam brought him his package. Noah was quite pleased with its contents, so he followed Adam into the superblock without much trouble.

Meanwhile, Tarin joined his brother in his living room.

"How's mom? Have you received any news from our father?"

"Stable and no. I can't reach him yet. But tell me, what happened out there? Carlos doesn't want to answer his phone."

Tarin sat down on one of the dining room chairs and took a deep breath. Tracel was impatient, but he noticed that his brother was not in the best condition; so he decided to wait.

"Everything went to hell, that's what happened. I don't know the details too well, as I was unconscious, but someone from Carlos's side attracted a dangerous zombie and many ended up dead before Adam's group killed it."

"Adam's group? You're not part of it anymore?"

"No. After the whole mess was over, someone told Adam about the information I passed on to you. Adam doesn't seem too mad at me, but Marlen doesn't want me to join the group again. Honestly, I am relieved about it, I need a break after almost dying."

Tracel noticed the difference in his brother, his shyness was gone, but his voice was muffled and the expression on his face showed distress. Tracel suppressed his irritation. Taking care of his mother was hard enough without having to add Tarin.

His plan had failed, but Charles and his group were not the only survivors. By this time, the others should have started clearing their buildings, so it would be best to call them. He left Tarin in the living room and headed for the kitchen, where he pulled out his phone. The first group he called was located in one of the buildings in block 2, next to the other superblock in the development. The phone rang several times with no one picking up. Finally, Tracel gave up.

He then called Indi, an acquaintance who was in another building in Block 2 and who had joined a small group of survivors, led by an old retired military man.

"Tracel? What do you want now? This is not the right time."

"Do you know anything about Trim? I haven't been able to contact him, he should be in a building in block 2, next to the superblock."

"I don't know anything, I just know that everyone who tried to get out ended up dead. Tracel, there is something out there and it is hunting. Miguel has told us that the best thing to do is to hide until we are more powerful."

"Do you think Trim's group is dead?"

"I don't know, I told you," Indi answered grumpily. An hour ago there was a scandal in the parking lot and Miguel said there was a strange winged zombie, but I don't know anything else, you'll have to ask him.