
The Vengeance Will Come ¿Eventually?

If your World End´s next is just a new beginning. Follow The Fate´s Doll in their seek of vengeance and purpose

ShadowsOverTheWall · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter 4: What is your Desire?

[00:30 of the 4th day. Time until the Draw of Worlds: 3 days, 23 hours, 30 minutes].

Some time later the pale boy found himself staring at the ceiling in the same place where he had dawned earlier amidst nightmares and debauchery, the young man was nervous, unable to fall asleep.

Quite a lot was going through his mind, especially the kindness, even affection, received by the seductive Goddess and her two beautiful handmaids who made him enjoy and relax despite his strange condition.

Until that minute the pleasurable moments expelled the thoughts that hovered in the corners of his head.

Images crossed his mind again: The boy and the lady, the man and the sword, the war, the cigar, the pain.

Each one stirred his heart with a cocktail of feelings: melancholy, anger, longing, etc. What memories engraved with fire in his soul, vestiges between the real and the unknown that he did not know how to digest. They provoked strange feelings in him, being alien to himself, a stranger in his own flesh.

No matter how hard he tried to gather something, he only got static, a white glow and a clamor similar to that of a beast. 

She had already been told that most kept only their personality and some vague recollection of their life before their death, few were those who fully remembered their life and even fewer if you considered the integrity of memories among those who reincarnate. Only the Chosen Servants could enjoy such benefits but even they had lost or left something behind... with a few exceptions, perhaps.

As much as he wanted the answers he feared that by overexerting himself he would once again experience a crisis like the one that left him in a coma for about 2 days.

He tried to relax by stretching, doing push-ups, shadowboxing. Ultimately, some breathing exercises. 

Outside the room, footsteps stopped. Then some screams began to be heard, slight telluric movements and sound of destruction that shuddered and reached the interiors of the soundproofed room.

A shiver ran down his back, his instincts warning him to fall asleep as soon as possible, he jumped up to lie down, took a deep breath and released slowly with every effort, until slowly relaxing every muscle, falling asleep.

"I should have brought another cigar..." [sounds of a pistol cocked between static and a low sound, almost like the scream of a beast] "Anima!...". 

He concluded his rest. The last fragment of a "dream?" settled in his mind, he tried to reproduce several times the voice and noise so as not to forget it with his eyes closed until he felt sure to remember it.

Slowly he opened his eyes, yawning, still sleepy but well rested despite the last scare of the night. He gently pushed Lisa off of him, got up quietly to do some morning stretches and jumped in surprise when he realized that he stepped in a puddle, at that moment he noticed the beautiful girl that appeared above him on the bed. Even considering the amount of space he had and that it was clearly not his room. 

The sleeping girl awoke softly with a somewhat curly brown lock of hair over her beautiful face as well as some drool on the side of her mouth and a strong smell of fermentation.

"Good morning" said the sleepy Lisa calmly, giving a tender yawn and wiping her drool.

"G-good morning!?" Said Uzziel, shocked by the young lady's impudence. As he turned around still looking back he slipped on a lump that made him fall face first into something substantial.

As he sat up, sprawled next to him was Marie, snoring with a 1.5 Lt. Exportaci*n bottle and a rainbow puddle on the side of her face expanding over a large area. The boy looked with disgust at that scene feeling a shiver in his extremities as he dripped something from his face, his pallor momentarily worsened.

[Soul integrity: 67.00%]


The night before, as Uzziel retired, the 2 trusted Handmaids and their Goddess shared some more time until retiring without missing his absence. The drinks kept coming as merry chatter poured forth along with the concoctions on the table.

"Miztres, hic, you should have seen the work of those wretches, hic, simply, hic, eshpectacularsh vulgarity." Marie said, already drunk and leaning on the table, spilling some wine from her bottle.

"At your age it's normal to be carried away by the view my dear. But experience will lead you to think on the spot, a tool is nothing without a good handler." Said the red-haired woman with a slight blush on her beautiful cheekbones before puffing on a cigar and sipping from a short glass with a certain bluish labeled whiskey.

"Do you think it will stay balanced the rest of the time?" Lisa said with a concerned expression in a calm manner more with a slight blush after consuming from her keg of liquor and tossing it to the empty side.

The red-haired Goddess and Marie looked at each other and incorporated seriously at the question.

"Monna mia, the boy's soul is held by force and glue, a churning sea swirls tempestuously within." Expressed the Goddess seriously to the girl with serious countenance to then deposit remains of her cigar in an ashtray.

"Psyche assured that there will be no new incidents as long as the waters in the boy's soul remain still. His admission did not help much to stabilize his condition, there are remnants of memory that were not possible to separate due to the complexity of his inner self. His inner self already had to be strengthened to withstand such pressure, only with natural development and growth will he achieve greater harmony." Shared the red-haired lady stubbing out her cigarette. 

"You both know your circumstances, there is little we are allowed to intervene. Remember this only happened at the whim of Fate and there are already enough of these miscreants taking advantage of claiming my intervention. I just wanted to smoke in peace." Said the lady with a simply stunning expression of resignation.

"I hope Uzzy gets a good sponsor like you have been with us, if he can't be our brother I hope we can see him again in his new life." Said the temperate girl who did not denote the effect of the huge amount of alcohol she had consumed.

The redhead had the sunsets shining in her eyes.

"Well, the end of our relationship is not as near as you think," she said with conviction.

They continued their chat for a few more minutes, the drinks kept flowing until the lady decided to retire to her abode. She was just getting up when a drunken woman spoke up.

"Speaking of Uzzy, i believe je require the zerbises of a Zervant of take and lo-oin." Marie said looking at Lisa with a drunken expression loaded with seriousness.

"I don't know bout you vut I saw that pale lil´ ass firzt." she continued.

Monna and Aphrodite crossed glances with a playful smile somewhat blushing.

"Very true my dear, it is the duty of the Goddess of Love and Beauty to treat her guests with all the meat on her grill." Said the red-haired Goddess trying to hold in her laughter with an attempt at seriousness.

"My dear Pauline..." she said, holding the dizzy damsel's chin.

"...Show that man the true power of our House."

"To the ordshen... burp... my lady " said the girl swallowing her vomit attempting a military gesture as she stood up with lacking balance.

"Lisa, please witness such a spectacle and watch that I'm not going to suck the boy's soul dry." ordered Aphrodite in a mocking tone.

Lisa nodded trying to contain her laughter as she pushed her sister in the direction of the room's exit, who unexpectedly returned to the table for one last bottle.

The girl had to correct the course of both of them several times, finally she decided to carry her drunk sister and go rampant through walls and everything in between until she reached the room.

After several losses on their way and uncomfortable scenes, after breaking certain walls, the girls reached their goal. 

Lisa stood outside waiting with her bundle until hyperventilating and gasping for breath inside turned into the faint sound of calm behind the door.

Stealthily entering Marie let out a, "Im jere Sweetie~" before collapsing on the floor filling it with half-processed liquor and less digested leftovers, sinking into a deep sleep.

Lisa looked carefully to make sure he hadn't been alerted before cautiously approaching the sleeping boy who seemed to be having nightmares. Gently, step by step, she cut her way up the bed and placed her hand on the pale man's chest.

"At some point everything has to get better, leave the past behind, look for light in the present." She murmured in the sleeping beauty's ear.

Soon the powerful girl also fell into the arms of Morpheus.


[09:00 of the 4th day. Time until the Drawing of Worlds: 3 days, 13 hours, 30 minutes].

After an explanation, and a bath, Uzziel was ready to start his 4th day.

On the recommendation of the pair of drunks, they would set off for a transport point in the center of the District. But not before spending one last pleasant moment with the benefactress who welcomed him and the two maids he already considered his friends.

Again they had breakfast together, although the young man was struck by the new room, although similar to the usual one there were certain things different, the paintings to begin with and the darkness to continue.

"Looks like they had a pleasant evening" Said the young man with a smile looking at the 3 damsels in front of him.

Aphrodite with dark glasses as the night, the two ladies with pale countenance and marked dark circles on their beautiful faces, one more composed than the other.

They all nodded.

"I've been thinking about..." 

"Better not finish the sentence dear, there is no yes for an answer." Aphrodite said in a serious, dry tone as she affirmed her head with one hand.

"I thought..." Said the young man with surprise and disappointment.

Yes, you have the affection and friendship of my House, more so of these little girls, what I cannot grant you is my patronage." Said the Goddess with a hangover and seriousness. 

"There are... circumstances that do not permit it." She clarified without dodging his gaze.

In the time that Uzziel was unconscious, the lustful Goddess of the Greek Pantheon was besieged with questions and summons from countless other Deities due to the young man's coma. 

The Goddess had the misfortune to use her Divine Authority to turn the busybodies away some time before the star's collapse of the moment. Circumstances that no one overlooked and several were those who used such to create false accusations and formulate ruses against the Goddess.


Long ago during Uzziel's coma...

In the middle of an eternally high circular court, sitting with one leg over the other, in the midst of the Council of Gods, lay a beautiful redhead with her hair braided in a ponytail. She wore a gray two-piece suit with a tailored white silk blouse. Such an outfit pleasantly highlighted her curves with a prominent fit at breast level. A sort of rectangular black censor covered her view.

"My lords, have I been a bad girl~?" Said in an innocent and sensual tone the beautiful lady while making a motion to give emphasis to her breasts.

A noble and deep sounding voice cleared her throat before speaking.

"Goddess Aphrodite of the Greek Pantheon, you have been summoned to ask for explanations about the situation of the soul of the last Earthling." she said with great seriousness but hinting at some embarrassment in her words.

Several voices made their discontent known amidst boos and other complaints, especially some female ones:

"Release the boy!" 

"Respect the pact, Z*rra!"

"We want to see the human suripanta!"

"Walk on me in stiletto heels!"

"Hang her from a branch of Ygdrassil."

"Try looking at your nose while sticking out your tongue."

Outside of pleasing her audience with the lewd expression accompanied by a gesture of love and peace, the Goddess disregarded the moans to then respond.

"Aaa... That annoying little boy? Of course, he passed out yesterday and hasn't woken up."

The lady made a gesture that had a large portion of the male Pantheon gawking as she explained, "I had to use this frail, lanky little body to drag him into my domain." 

[The God of Anime is satisfied with the explanation.]

[The Patron of Porn*graphy is satisfied with the explanation.]

[Several male Deities accept the explanation.]

While many doubted, there were no complaints regarding the response from the mayority of the male sector.

An ominous female voice took the lead in questioning.

"Lady Aphrodite..." She said irritably.

"Miss, I still have a couple of eons to burn" said the sensual lady winking with a flirtatious expression which it was not possible to fully visualize.

"Se-ño-ri-ta... What is the human's current situation?"

"No Sponsor and in recovery, he has only received the help he needs to recover on his own. Is that what you really wanted to know?"

"May I remind you that..." the unpleasant voice was interrupted by a high-pitched, tender little girl's voice.

"When can I see Uzzy again?" Said a curly white-haired Loli with heterochromia after appearing out of nowhere in front of Aphrodite.

[Several Supreme Beings cautiously watch.]

"My beautiful Tique! Just appearing at the best of times." said the peerless beauty with a smile as she gestured for the girl to be placed on her lap.

"The boy is still sleeping, maybe tomorrow when he wakes up you can play with him." There was no point in hiding anything in front of the new arrival.

"Mmm... Okay!" said the little girl smiling with her eyes closed accepting a caress on her head.

"Tique, my dear, do you think you could give this Onee-san a few minutes? There's an important meeting going on and everyone is waiting to ask me a few questions." She expressed with an expression of resignation and weariness worthy of the best actress.

[The Lord of Agriculture and Theater approves of the demonstration.]

"We hate, meetings" said a curly black-haired Loli with a cold and displeasure-laden expression sitting on the Goddess's lap looking at the Council.

[A thousand Gods feel shivers.]

[Several Gods request to dismiss the meeting.]

An idea reached the mind of Tique who snapped her fingers "I know, let's go get some ice cream, bad times are better with something sweet." She said looking at Aphrodite who was stroking her whitish hair with a smile befitting a mother.

"Insightful as ever, cutie!" she said pinching the little lady's cheeks before setting her down and taking her hand. 

"You heard Fate, see you later." Said the supernatural beauty blowing a kiss in the direction of the Council before withdrawing from the little girl's hand.

No one dared to move until both women had left the room.

Murmurs began to arise among those present. Some angrily and indignantly cursed inwardly at the Loli's intervention, others simply laughed.

"That bitch..." muttered a Goddess burning with rage.

Already far from the walls of the Council both women conversed in private.

"I'd thank you but it seems to me that all this has its root in you." glancing sidelong at the little girl at her side as they shared some ice cream.

"I don't plan on denying it or confirming it~." said with a particular sonority in her voice the apparent little girl licking a 3 layer ice cream.

"What are your plans for the boy?."

"Nothing special. I just plan to have some fun for a while." She said with an innocent smile.

"Does that fun have any end planned beforehand?" She consulted tugging a little on the sexy woman's string.

"Depends on how the plot unfolds." teasingly asserted the small, assimilated-eyed girl.


Uzziel made a resigned face at the redhead's words. His handmaidens looked at the young man with some sadness even though they knew the decision beforehand. Not being able to sincerely express the desire within themselves. 

"Our lady's blessings are more powerful in women." finally said Lisa trying to convince herself even so with her words.

"If you want to be someone powerful you better look for someone according to what you want to achieve." she continued.

"What is your desire? Something must fulfill your heart despite the few memories." Marie said with a curious expression in the young man's direction.

He closed his eyes, concentrating on himself.

A few minutes passed before she caught his response.

Images of the boy holding a katana came back to her mind with a fervent desire.

"I think...I want to learn how to wield a sword." The young man finally said with embarrassment of embarrassment looking rare plus supreme determination in his gaze.

The godlike beauty nodded with a sincere smile before speaking to her handmaidens.

"Girls, I think you know where he must go." 

"Uzziel, I pray that Tique will be propitious to you and help you on your way." the beautiful Goddess said sincerely.

[A chuckle was heard somewhere in the Pantheon.]
