
Chapter 20

She rubbed her little belly with fear and tears in her eyes. She was four months pregnant and her weight was very low. She feared for her baby and the consequences that her poor diet, mistreatment, lack of medical check-ups, and the precarious way she was living could bring to her baby. She knew that her belly should be a little bigger, she understood that many first-time mothers did not have big bellies, but she was aware that she was affected by malnutrition and anemia.

As a dangerous animal, she was confined in a small dirty room near the stables. No bedding or furniture, just straw and an unwashed dish where she was fed bad food once a day. She had to survive and be strong for her son or daughter. She feared that she would not be able to deliver her baby or that she would die at any moment.

“We must escape,” she sobbed as she caressed her tiny belly, tears welled in her eyes and her hands trembled with hunger.