
Chapter 15: Questions about talking

I hate this part. Even though I prefaced this and told them that I would be asking them for their involvement, even though involvement is pretty normal for workshops like this, there’s that bit of time before anyone actually asks a question. And every time that stretch of silence comes, a nagging doubt comes with it. A feeling that I’m doing a terrible job, that they hate my presentation, and that they’re going to be quiet just out of spite.

Finally, after an eternity lasting all of maybe three seconds, a hand goes up. “Yeah?” I say. I point at her and make eye contact. Or at least, I look like I do. That’s good enough.

A young woman stands up. I can’t see her that well, but she looks kind of cute. “Hi,” she says. “I have a question, about what you said earlier.”

I give an open gesture. “Ask away.”

“Well, I just wanted to know, um.”

“What is it?” I smile. I love illustrating points like this.

“How do you know how a character is going to speak?”