
Chapter 14: Brandon talking about talking

I don’t understand people who are afraid of public speaking. I mean, I understand them, intellectually. I know that they have a captivating fear of speaking in front of people, one so severe that it is often greater than a fear of death (or at least more commonly admitted to.) I’ve heard that most people would rather be inside the coffin than standing next to it giving the eulogy. I know that, and I’ve used that joke. But I don’t agree with it. I don’t see it. I don’t get what’s so scary.

I love public speaking; always have. I guess it runs in the family. Everyone in my family has a job that requires constant public speaking. It’s just never been a problem for me. Better than not being a problem, I love it. I love the attention. My favorite times in these conventions are when I get to give a seminar or sit on a panel and answer questions. I just love communicating with people. Whether it be by book or film, by radio or in person, I just love the act of two minds sharing an idea.