
The Vampire Quinn Selar

Quinn Selar and his best friend Tyler right out of high-school started working on a mobile game. It was a game about vampires where you play as a vampire and make choices that actually matter. It had 20 endings, and wasn’t one of those games that claimed to be interactive. This one actually is! One day Quinn and Tyler were finally done and went to go sell it. They got 5 million dollars from it which obviously made them super proud of themselves. That night Quinn decided to go for a walk where he found a woman being attacked. He tried to save her but in doing so got attacked by an actual vampire. What would you do if you woke up one morning with your appearance totally changed and you could only digest blood or raw meet? Quinn now has to face these challenges. Of course it’s not all bad, none of the traditional weaknesses affect him and he still has a reflection. He now has to go on living as a vampire. Find out what powers he has, figure out why this has happened to him, and he must find out if vampires were always in town, or does his game tie in to his situation somehow.

Agames_Online · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Chapter 16: Out Of Control

"Susan?!" I yelled as I jump up and run to her. I wrap my arms around her tightly.

"What happened?!" I asked concerned.

Susan just stands there shivering violently.

"I… I couldn't stop. I just couldn't stop!" Susan yelled.

"What do you mean? What exactly happened?" I asked. I hold her shoulders and look into her eyes. She looks so afraid.

"After I went to the blood center I took a walk. The blood center closed down for the night and I was still so incredibly hungry. I went down to the pier and met a homeless man. At first I felt sorry for him and wanted to help. So I was going to bring him here and ask if I could turn him." Susan said.

"I would have allowed it. Not only do we need people but I want to help people. And vampirism might have been good for him." I said.

Susan starts crying even more as I say this.

"Susan, tell me what happened." I said.

"As we walked back…. I could hear his heart beat. It was so weak and I was so hungry. Before I knew it." Susan started to say. She then burst out in tears even more.

"I drained him dry! I just couldn't stop! And then…. I blacked out. I woke up outside the hotel covered in blood! Susan shouted.

I hold Susan and rub her back.

"It's ok… just tell me where the body is. I'll take care of it." I said as I hug her.

"It's in an alleyway. Two blocks left of here. I'm so so sorry. I don't know what happened! I've never killed. I've understood that killing can be necessary but he didn't deserve it!" Susan shouted once more.

I kiss Susan on the lips and walk her to the shower.

"Get undressed and take a shower. You need to get his blood off of you." I said. Susan nods and closes the door.

I walk to the scene and I smell blood.

"Well, I guess this is the right place." I said to myself.

I walk further in and I see nothing. I finally see blood on a door knob in the alley on the back of a building. I open the door and see a night club.

"Oh my god. Susan what have you done?" I asked myself.

The night club had apparently been open and there was a party. Drinks and food everywhere. Strobe lights going all over the room in every color. And bodies all over the floor. The homeless man on the bar ripped apart. Susan had drained him then made it look like an animal attack. Someone must have seen her so she killed everyone. It's a bloodbath. I call up one of my guards and tell him to clean up the mess. This needs to be kept hidden.

I walk back up to my room and hear water running. I open the bathroom door to see Susan with a stake in her heart. I rush to her and yank it out. Susan is just sitting by the shower crying.

"What happened?! Who was here?!" I asked.

"No one. I couldn't live with what I did so I tried to end it. But I can't die!" Susan said.

I can't believe what I'm hearing.

"What?! You made a mistake! We all do that! We learn from our mistakes we don't just kill ourselves?!" I shouted.

Susan just looks at me with sadness.

"I remember. I got into the shower and started remembering. I'm a fucking monster!" Susan shouted.

"Your not a monster. I told you you'll have to get used to a hormone change. I assume you were seen trying to make your kill look like an animal attack. Which was smart. But you got filled with anger and took care of the witnesses. Right?" I asked.

Susan nods.

"You went to far yes. But you freaked out and made a mistake. It happens. You will learn to get it under control. Especially the blood drinking. It'll take time. But it will get under control. You don't try to kill yourself because of it. You get better." I said.

Susan smiles a bit. She looks into my eyes.

"You know. Drinking blood made me feel kinda funny. And I am in your bathroom naked." Susan said.

I look down for the first time and see her beautiful body. She has piercings and a tattoo of a black rose between her legs. I didn't even notice before. What's wrong with me?

"Yes…. Yes you are." I said as I stare. I smile and can't look away.

"Like what you see?" Susan asked with a grin.

I snap out of it and look into her eyes. I nod and kiss her passionately. I take her to bed and we have a great night.


"So I guess he isn't seeing how I'm doing?" I asked.

I walk to Quinn's room and hear loud noises. I hear a woman screaming and heavy breathing from Quinn.

"Huh. You sly dog." I said with a grin.

"You deserve to be happy." I said to myself.

I go on a walk to get some food. I am incredibly hungry. Quinn said I need raw meat so I guess I'll hunt some birds.

"Why do we have to live in the city. All the butcher shops are closed and birds are so small!" I yelled to myself.

I hear a loud bang and feel a sharp pain in my shoulder.

"Ooowww!" I scream out in pain.

"Huh, I thought he turned you. I felt our connection severe and just heard you talking about butcher shops and birds. Which I thought meant blood." A man said.

I look up and see the man who controlled me for all that time. I feel anger. Nothing but pure hatred.

"But I guess he didn't turn you because that bullet wouldn't have hurt so bad." He said as he kneels beside me. He points the gun at my face and I quickly slap it out of his hand.

"What the?!" He yelled.

He looks at me again and falls backwards in fear.

My eyes turn yellow and my canine teeth begin to grow and sharpen. Fur starts to grow on my cheeks and I can feel my face getting longer. My hair spikes back. My ears get pointy. I feel my bones shifting as I get taller and my muscles grow. I gain claws as I yell out in pain.

"You mother fucker!" I yelled in a deep voice.

"What the fuck?! Your no vampire?! What the fuck are you?!" He asked.

I look down at the man who controlled me and cant stop myself. Not that I'm trying. I lunge down to get a bite but he is quick. He jumps back and gets his gun back.

"Don't come any closer you freak!" He said as he starts shooting.

I feel every bullet and each one hurts like hell. But I heal quickly and the bullets fall to the ground.

"What?!" The man screamed out.

I smile and lunge again. I pin him to the ground by his wrists and take a bite out of his arm. Then I bite a chunk out of his shoulder. I listen to his screams and revel in them as I feed. I hear sirens and look up. I see blue and red lights.

"Shit!" I yell in a deep voice. Almost demonic.

I jump up and climb the walls. Gunshots from the police hit the wall beside me as I climb but I don't get hit. I jump to the roof of the building and jump from roof to roof till I'm a couple miles away.

I finally get to the hotel roof and lay down. I start shifting back to normal and again this hurts like hell. I feel every bone shorten. I can't help but scream.

I hear the door open and hear laughter. Then it stopped. I look up to see Virgil.

"Tyler?! What happened?!" Virgil yelled and he ran to me.

I look down to see all my clothes torn up.

"I got attacked. I got away but the man just jumped off the roof!" I lied. Virgil doesn't know I'm a werewolf and Quinn asked me to keep it a secret.

"What?!" Do you know who it was?" Virgil asked.

"Yes. It was the man who mind controlled me into putting a stake into my best friend's heart. I need to buy a gun." I said.