
The Vampire Illusion

"I could never find an explanation for what or who I really am ...." " I asked myself about thousand times but I found nothing but one .."A VAMPIRE " .." " I know my obsession has turned my life to a circle of illusions that I can't even pass it or separate between it and reality " " Moving on with my life wasn't easy , but also , I felt relieved somehow .....but they never stop haunting me , those illusions of mine or are they really just nightmares " . " so I had to wait and see , until I found it . ...I'm not a human but also ...not a vampire!? " "Then what am I ?? " Something more and bigger then just a normal vampire or a human being. Our girl name is "jane" . she loved being strong and untouchable , and her life was a series of nightmares and "fake illusions" or at least that's what she call them . she thought that being a human means weakness . and because of growing up on watching and reading only about vampires , she wanted to be as strong and beautiful as THEM , but what will happen if she is already a vampire by roots but more ?? She only needed some time to discover her truly self .

Ranias_Heaven · Fantasy
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5 Chs


Two Years Later

"Jane" grew up and became a mature girl , loving life and seeking her ambitions , but she could never forget the words she heard two years ago , and she is still wearing that collar on her hand .

Jane's birthday is only two days away and she had to study for tomorrow cause she had a math exam , the most subject she hates at school , and on the other side she had to help her mother with household affairs , so she began to cook for her mother and on the other side carrying a book in her hand tryna study .

Tomorrow ,


"Jane" completed her test and returned home .Then she went to rest cause tomorrow she has another test in sports , and at the same time she will finally be 18 years old and that's what she's been so excited for .

The Midnight came , which is where "Jane" reached 18 years . she woke up exactly at twelve o'clock and began to feel a strange and a very powerful energy in her body and a great desire to drink blood , and her fangs became more prominent than it was before .

The Morning came , and "Jane" went to complete the racing test .

Her turn came and she was ready to start running , and once she launched everyone's jaws almost fell down .

she surprised everyone with her super speed and won the race .

She was so happy that she passed the test . Sandra and Kamy and Loren ran to her with surprised and proud expressions , they hugged her tightly and then Loren said :

_[ Now between us , what you did out there was super , you really looked like a vampire ] .

Jane looked hesitated a bit and then said :

_[ I was always like that , you just didn't notice ] , and she smiled arrogantly and left .

and then she returned home and reread all the articles she have done about the vampires and their specifications , and there she knew that she is really a vampire . she found an explanation for everything that happened with her before and all she is now , and all what that girl meant two years ago , that she will discover her human nature when she turn 18 years , but she didn't understand one thing , according to her informations about vampires , it is a genetic disease but no one in her family is a vampire !! and how can she walk under the sun !??! so how is she one of them ?! It doesn't really make sense , that's what Jane told her self , but then ....what is she if not a vampire or a human being ??

Here another story starts...


guys that's all in season 1

hope you are excited to the 2 nd season

i know that this story and this season is so short but i will do my best in the 2 nd season but i need your support plz

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