
The Vampire Club

Meet Sky, an normal 19 year old young woman that was just about to leave high school to continue her dreams of building her own tattoo salon. That was until there was an announcement that there was a new club. The Vampire Club. At first, she thought it was a joke before she caught the attention of two other women, who were obviously vampires as they couldn't stop staring at her with their hypnotising glowing eyes. Sky being sky, she ignored them and went along with her last day of school...

DarkWater120 · Fantasy
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31 Chs

Chapter 23 - The Leather Book

Sky's POV

"I found it! Oh my god, I actually found it!"

That doesn't sound good. I sped over to Myra using my new vampiric powers, snatching away the object that she was having her hands on. "What is this?" I immediately asked her, acting if I was her mother. "It's something that we need to bring Sammy back for good." Myra replied with the creepiest, happiest smile on her face. What the hell was wrong with her? Didn't I tell her to accept what happened?

"I thought I told you to accept it that she's gone?" I asked before she nodded slowly. Then out of nowhere, she snatched the object back from me which made me hiss at her.

Then, I watched her unveil the object...which turned out to be a book of witchery...

"Where the hell did you get that from? And...why is it in this horrible attic?" I then asked her. "It is a long story."

"I don't care if its a long story or not. Tell me where you got that. We need to burn it as quickly as possible. Or is that immune to fire?" I decided to ask her before my crazy love-sick mate sighed.

"This belonged to my older sister. She was a witch...-"

"Whoa whoa whoa, you had a sister? When was this?!" I cut her off, feeling really super confused and shocked. She had a fucking sister?! Who was a WITCH?!

"Yes, I had a sister. She was a powerful one too, my father told me before he passed. Anyway, she used to live in this exact place before she was called out to attend some sort of meeting that turned out to be a drowning fest of witches. But, before she died, she always carried this book in her bag. She only left it behind because I think she knew that death was coming to her for being a witch. She went up the attic stairs and threw it to the back and it laid there until this very day." she explained to me.

"Were you born?" I asked her.

"Yes. I was very little though and didn't understand. I was living in a wooden cabin with my mother and father when I heard the thundering voices of men and women. A gigantic mob." she replied.

I frowned at Myra, I knew she wasn't lying. "How old?"


"And how old are you now?"

"199, which is 19 in human years for me."

I walked closer to my mate before I slowly wrapped my arms around her in an soft embrace. "Drop the book, please." I then told her. There was then a heavy small thud on the floor. "Good girl." I whispered just above her ear before I picked her up slowly and took her down to the bedroom. I think...I think...

Treasure her.