
The value of a hero

This is a story about Doryoku Suzuki, a kid whose powerful and uncontrollable quirk gave him many problems throughout his life, and who unlike everyone else, his only dream and goal is to help his mother instead of being a hero. —The story mostly takes place at the same time as when Aizawa was studying at the U.A. —Bnha and the image on the cover don't belong to me obviously. —Any advice to improve the writing is welcome.

Grim_Jester · Anime & Comics
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62 Chs

Sports Festival 5: Individual Battles Part 1

After the hour of rest, everyone returned to see the outcome of the final of the sports festival.

Ectoplasm was divided into several parts of it and each one took a smooth stone tile of 1 square meter and placed them so that there was a battle arena of 40 meters wide x 70 meters long.

Then a maintenance person from the UA touched the battle arena and it gave off a slight blue glow, then joined together to form a arena without any fissures.

Ectoplasm took one of the tiles and it was fully incorporated with the rest, so he nodded to the maintenance man in approval and he withdrew into the stadium.

"Everything is ready gentlemen, the last part of the festival will begin!!" High command said quite excited next to Last laser, who was calm as always.

The crowd and heroes were very excited for the individual matches, after all these were the best to see the individual talents of each student.

"Today's first match will be between...!" High command said and then pointed to the right entrance of the battlefield.

"Aizawa Shota, the boy with great sleeping talent!!" High command said pointing at Aizawa as he entered the arena sighing tiredly from being among so many people clapping.

"Against the boy with a great talent for making sand castles, Rikku Kyoda!!" High command said pointing at the sandy haired boy now known as Rikku from class 1-B, who was feeling quite offended.

Both students walked into the arena and stood one at each end while Ectoplasm acted as a judge for the matches.

Director Nezu had already seen everything he needed, so he went to the UA to get everything he had pending after the festival.

Aizawa brushed his hair back a bit while Rikku did some stretching and was serious about fighting.

"Good luck" Rikku said in a friendly tone as Aizawa nodded in approval.

The crowd was very excited by the combat as well as High command, reason why this one decided to give the order.

"There is no countdown let's go!!" High command said suddenly causing Rikku to get quite upset.

Aizawa reacted instantly and ran towards him while his hair covered his eyes a little.

'A frontal attack huh? Good decision' Last laser thought approvingly knowing Aizawa's capabilities.

Rikku reacted quickly as well and touched the ground with his hands causing the dirt out of the arena to begin to swirl around him and then throw it towards Aizawa.

'I see' Aizawa thought understanding his quirk instantly after seeing him against Doryoku and against him now.

Suddenly, Rikku's ground fell for less than a second giving Aizawa a chance to jump on it, missing Rikku and making him think that he had lost control of him for a moment.

Rikku used the ground behind Aizawa to attack him again, but it fell back to the ground leaving him totally shocked and exposed to Aizawa's blow.

Aizawa hit him with an elbow on the back of his neck and then threw him out of the arena without letting him touch the ground at any time.

"The winner is Aizawa Shota of the class 1-A hero course!" Ectoplasm said in a loud voice causing everyone to cheer a little dumbfounded still by the speed of the combat.

"Pretty simple but exciting fight, well done boy!" High command said quite happy with the result.

'Well done Aizawa, you found a very good way to use your quirk' thought Last laser who was able to see Aizawa's red eyes for the few seconds he used them.

"I have no idea what happened, but it is the work of that boy and that makes it more than interesting" said one of the generic hero- I mean, with a phosphorescent suit.

"Good job Aizawa you did great!" Oboro and Hizashi said at the same time while giving their support.

Aizawa sighed wearily again and helped Rikku (who looked a bit down), to stand up.

"Don't use your hands only, you can probably use your feet too" Aizawa said with his typical impassive expression and giving his support in the only way he knew how.

Rikku thought a bit about his words and nodded gratefully so that then both of them left the arena to go to the stands.

After this, the second battle was between the dog-like girl, whose name was Inumi Kōtatsu from class 1-A, who faced another boy from class 1-A with a scarf capable of giving life to hid clothes and exchange it for animals.

The combat was simple and fast, the boy tried to use his scarf like a snake but the girl already knew his quirk and launched an attack quickly, knocking him out of the arena with a single blow.

"Huhuhu, I can already see your tramp beaten face" Mirai said mockingly after seeing the skills of the girl that Aizawa would face in his next match.

Aizawa on his part began to formulate some plan to defeat her in said combat after what was seen.

The third match was between the pretty pink-haired girl who threw spheres, now known as Yoshino Sakurai from class 1-A as well, who faced another girl from class 1-B with white hair, who had a quirk that made her cause a grenade-like sound to stun every time she snapped her fingers.

The combat was quite even, since although it did not look like a grenade to stun by clicking it was very annoying in combat.

Even so, Yoshino could not only make explosions with her spheres, but they also became hard like rocks, bounced, stuck, in addition to all kinds of things surprising the girl and knocking her out without much difficulty.

Something that Aizawa noticed is that the girl never said anything, which would not be strange, but after winning she gave many supportive phrases to the girl that lost with enough kindness, so his doubts were already planted.

And after this it was time for the fourth showdown.

"How do we wake him up?" Azami said with a thoughtful tone seeing that it was time to wake up Doryoku along with the rest.

Doryoku didn't seem to be anywhere near waking up, in fact, he seemed much more asleep than before.

"Don't worry this sure works" Mirai said with a malicious smile as she readied her fist and Azami tried to stop her.

"Stop there! The idiot owes me one!" said Oboro quite excited who had come back from buying cold water for this moment.

Oboro uncapped the water bottle and threw it in Doryoku's face causing him to wake up instantly.

"Damn you, Oboro!" Doryoku said quite annoyed and instantly understanding who would do something so vengeful.

"Guilty" said Oboro with a mocking and proud smile.

"It's your turn Suzuki" Aizawa said pointing to the stands so Doryoku quickly understood.

"Good luck friend!!" Hizashi said giving encouragement quite excited after having to speak silently for a long time not to wake him up.

Doryoku walked through the corridors to the right exit, activated his bracelet and waited for the High command's order.

"This match will be very exciting!! On the right side we have Class 1-C general studies talent Doryoku Suzuki!!" High command said quite excited as well as the crowd who shouted with great excitement.

'Ugh, a lot of noise' Doryoku thought a little dazed as he covered his ears a bit.

"And on the left side we have the boy with the talent for being hard to find and looking like a rhinoceros beetle!! Kabuto Kinchō from class 1-A!!" High command said equally excited pointing to a boy with the look of a beetle who was quite nervous.

Both participants stood one at each end of the arena and prepared for combat.

"No countdown let's go!!" High command said suddenly making Kabuto jump in fright.

Doryoku just stood doing nothing, so Kabuto looked around him nervously to charge towards him in a lunge form with his horn in front.

"Nice, a fearless frontal attack, I like it!!" High command said quite excited at the beetle boy's first move.

Kabuto ran even faster and more confidently to scare Doryoku, but he realized that Doryoku hadn't moved an inch.

And being close enough Kabuto felt very nervous again, but he never stopped running towards Doryoku in hopes of looking intimidating.

Doryoku raised his hand just when Kabuto was in front of him, took his horn with his hand and...

He stopped him in his tracks.

For Kabuto it was a very strange feeling, as if his entire body suddenly freezes and something disappeared.

Doryoku used the energy of the impact and threw the boy out of the arena with force, winning the match quickly.

"Kinchō is out of the arena, Suzuki is the winner!" Ectoplasm said out loud and although he may not sound like it he was quite proud of his student

"I didn't expect any less brat, with just one move you defeated him!!" High command said quite excited although the crowd was a bit dissatisfied.

Doryoku approached the boy and helped him up and then said...

"I know what it feels like to have so many nerves, and although it sounds very melodramatic, find a bigger and more important feeling to overshadow it, breathe deeply and you'll be fine" said Doryoku giving a calm advice and making the boy nod with understanding and then walk away.

"Puff, smug" Mirai said with a bit of annoyance from the stands seeing Doryoku's relaxed attitude.

Doryoku re-entered the hallways of the stadium and deactivated his armband which was already starting to release some steam and heat up a bit, to then return to the stands and sit next to his group.

"Well done friend!" Oboro said with a big smile and giving a thumb up.

"We were incompatible, with just physical strength I would have always won" Doryoku said calmly as he touched the back of his neck.

"By the way, don't you feel that every time you do something impressive a two or one year old kid with green hair pierces you with his eyes?" Doryoku asked having a chill as he related the strange feeling.

"What kind of specific insanity is that?" Mirai asked quite confused by Doryoku's strange comment.

"Now that you mention it, I also felt it in my fight" said Aizawa also having a little chill.

"Same" said Oboro and Hizashi totally agreeing and making Mirai and Azami have blank eyes.

After this, the fight of that boy with white hair and red eyes followed, who apparently could harden his blood, coming out victorious, although he was a bit shady.

After it was Oboro's turn, and we have to be honest it was a one-sided beating, after all Oboro has been in the Dojo his whole life, so there wasn't much an ordinary teenager could do against him.

The seventh fight was between a class 1-A black-haired boy capable of apparently controlling electricity, against a girl capable of transforming the ends of his hair into drills.

Electricity against drills, the result of the combat is counted alone.

But something that Doryoku noticed like Aizawa is that the boy did not control the electricity, he only had a quirk that transformed the friction that he made with his hands into it.

It was not very difficult to guess, after all the boy always snapped his fingers or clapped his hands and rubbed them to attack.

And finally there was the battle of Hizashi, in which half a stadium was almost deaf, but he ended up winning after all.

And with all these fights, everything is ready for the quarterfinals, which would be quite close with the most outstanding students.

I was late sorryyyyyyyyyy!!!

Grim_Jestercreators' thoughts