


While I was sitting, I couldn’t help but catch my breath. I looked around and watched them all. After what happened yesterday, I returned Shranaia to the pack and brought her friend Jenny here first. But since his brother didn’t want to leave her behind, I let him in.

“You’re thinking too deeply, son,” she said as I turned back, then sighed at her.

“Not much,” I responded, standing up.

“I can’t read anything in your eyes, and I know you’re only concerned about Shranaia.”

She sat next to me and then took my hand in hers. “I haven’t been able to tell her the truth yet since I know she’ll simply be scolded more,” I said, and she chuckled.

“You know her that much, huh?” she said, and I chuckled.

Because of what was happening now, I looked up and shook my head. I chose to practice first, not thinking about what was going on since I knew everything was going to go wrong. Anyway, I can see Shranaia, who appears to have just woken up from where I am. When I glanced at her, I could see she was already agitated by what was going on. But I can’t tell her the truth just yet because I don’t want her to find out.

Gena and Rara picked her up. When they left, I decided to follow her to see what she would do. Because since yesterday, she has not paid attention to me, and even until now, she has not even laid eyes on me. While walking into the academy, I was stopped when Ron and Ran suddenly blocked me.

“You’re just too far away looking at her, boss,” Ron teased.

“Don’t try me, or you will disappear from the world in no time.”

“I’m just kidding, okay.”

“What is she doing, she came home late last night?” I asked, and Ran thought.

“Gena said Shranaia likes to stay in the library,” he answered, and then I nodded to him.

I arrived at the canteen and saw her eating with Jenny, Rara, and Gena. She doesn’t socialize with them very much, but I can see her unique aura. She was just looking at the food and playing with it, and she was deep in thought. I sighed, then I looked at Ron and ordered them to invite Jenny, Gena, and Rara so I could talk to Shranaia. We can’t just be like this, because I can’t stand this situation.

When they left and Shranaia was left, she was still looking at her food, and I heard her sigh loudly. She stood up, then brought her bag, and when she started walking, she looked up. When she saw me, her mood changed, and she walked quickly, but I immediately grabbed her arm.

“What the hell, let me go!” she screamed angrily.

“Let’s talk,” I said softly, then she grinned.

“Talk? Us?” she said, pointing to herself. “What are we going to talk about? We don’t have anything to talk about because I don’t intend to talk to a liar.”

He withdrew her hand, then I held my head. “Shranaia!”

“Let me fcking go!”

I didn’t hesitate anymore; I quickly picked her up, and she screamed at what I did. She couldn't get away, and I immediately took her to a room where it was just the two of us. When I put her down, I then lay on top of her, and she was so shocked that she couldn't speak. I held both of her hands, then I lifted them so that she couldn’t get away from me even more.

“Why don’t you listen to me first?”

“Why should I listen?”

“Because I have enough reason!”

“What reason? To make me hope and give another lie that I will believe? You’re just making me stupid, Vixen!”

“Shranaia!” I shouted, causing her to be surprised, and I saw how her tears were on the side. As I looked at her, I could see her fear because of what I did. “Listen to me first before you judge me,” I added, but in a calm voice. “Can you trust me?” I asked. “I know you have many questions in your mind, and you are confused about what is happening to you, but I can’t tell you the real reason right now, especially with the death of your parents.” I said a long litany, and her tears began to fall.

I laid on top of her, then let go, holding her face and forcing her to face me. Her tears were brushed away by me. She couldn’t help but cry, and I simply held her to let her know I was there for her. To be honest, I don’t want to watch her cry or be perplexed by what occurred. I’m not sure how long she sobbed until she sat down and wiped her tears.

She snorted like a kid as he glanced at her. “I’m hungry, and I enjoy your food,” she replied, before laughing. “Even if I’m furious with you, I still prefer to eat your meal over other people’s cooking,” she continued, and I grinned.

I rose up, extended my hand, and told her to return to her cabin. When she returned, her aura had changed from that of the previous several days to one of tranquility. I walked into the kitchen and began preparing food for her. I doubt she would prefer my cooking over the cooking of others. She was just sitting and waiting for the food to be prepared while I was taking care of it.

I went to her place, then I brought my face closer to hers and looked at her lips. “You’re giving me a reason to like you even more and harder,” I whispered, and I saw how her eyes widened.

She didn’t know what to say, and the shock was obvious on her face. I just laughed, then I left in front of her and checked if what I was cooking was ready. When I was sure it was cooked, I then prepared it for her, and when it was done, she immediately tasted it and smiled. It’s like she’s been waiting for me to do this to her again. But it’s been a few weeks since I last cooked her a meal because, for the past few days, she’s been angry with me.

“What are you doing with the ones you cook, and I’m chasing it?” she asked while eating.

I sat in front of her, and then I put both of my elbows on the table. “Love potion,” I replied, before she paused and looked at me.

“No way?” she said, surprised.

“I’m kidding. I’m really good at cooking,” I said, then she breathed a sigh of relief.

“Whatever happened, I’m sorry.”

“I understand,” I answered, and then he looked into my eyes.

I held her hand and then kissed it, and she gasped in shock. I looked at her, then I put her hair behind her ear, and I smiled. My feelings for her haven’t really changed since then, until now. So even though I know she’s different from ordinary wolves, I can’t let her go.

“You’re strange, and I’m afraid of you,” she said before withdrawing her hand.

I just laughed and joined her in her eating. “What are you going to do later?” I will ask. She thought, then she shook her head at me and said, “Great.”


“We have something to do to cure your best friend,” I answered, then she stopped and looked at me.

She smiled, then finished her food while I just looked at her. After we finished eating, we left the cabin. I took her to where Akira was because she is known as a witch who also helps us. We have ties to witchcraft and other vampires, but we are not the same as Shranaia’s Hybrid pack.

When I got there, Akira looked at me and immediately greeted me, and I said the same to her. When she saw Shranaia, she smiled at her, then looked at her and frowned as if she were asking who she was, but I knew she had seen something, so I wouldn’t be surprised by her question.

“Is she the girl you’re talking about?” she asked me, and I nodded to her. “You are beautiful,” she commented, and I smiled even more.

“Ah, no. Not at all,” replied Shranaia.

Akira approached her and looked at her from head to toe. I noticed her strange look at Shranaia when she looked into her eyes. “You are as beautiful as a white rose. The red of the rose is as red as your lips. Your eyes are as bright as the stars in the sky. As bright as your aura is the sun. But you are as fierce as a lion.”

I noticed Shranaia frowning at Akira’s comments. But as I held her hand, she looked at me. I drew her, and we sat on the chair, and she followed. “What is she saying,” she asks of me.

Akira groaned, turned to face us, and grinned. She walked over to the table where she kept her potion and a pot. I only told Shranaia to stay silent while we watched what she was about to do. She put something I don’t know in the pot and then stirred it.

“What is your purpose, and why are you here?” she inquired.

“Do you have a cure for the poison?” Shranaia inquired, then examined it.

“Poison? What type of poison?” she questioned Shranaia once again.

“We don’t know what type of poison it is, but it comes from the vampire prince,” I remarked, and she nodded.

She moved away from us, got something from her cabinet, and then faced me. She smiled at Shranaia and extended her hand. Shranaia gazed at her, unsure of what to do or whether to give her hand. Despite her confusion, she held out her hand, and Akira pulled out a blunt knife that astonished both of us.

“What are you going to do?” Shranaia asked.

“Don’t be afraid; trust me if you want to remove the poison from your friend,” she said, and I heard Shranaia spit on her own saliva.

Akira injured Shranaia’s hand, and it hurt a little, but she endured it. She dripped Shranaia’s blood into a white container, and when she finished doing it, she took it and replaced the pot that was placed on a hot fire. When she changed it, she put something else inside the pot that I don’t know about. She also added some water, then took one of the potions from the table and added some to it.

“Why do you need my blood?” Shranaia asked, her curiosity peaked.

I didn’t say anything, and she looked at me. “You have an ability that you haven’t discovered yet,” she said, then Shranaia looked at her.

Suddenly, I was filled with nervousness because of what she said to Shranaia. “Undiscovered ability? What?” she asked Akira.

Akira grinned at her before returning her attention to the pot she was stirring. Shranaia didn’t understand what Akira meant, and she wanted to voice a question at that time, but her eyes couldn’t stay silent.

“It’s only just that you find out what abilities you have; if you think about who you truly are, you will know the answer to the question in your mind; you are free to know the truth, but something is halting your mind.” She stared at Shranaia again. “Fear.”

When Akira said it, I saw how Shranaia took her eyes off of it and avoided it. I know she is also afraid to find out the truth herself, but there are still many things she needs to discover. When Akira finished what she was doing, she took a bottle and put the remedy she had made in it. She gave it to Shranaia, then we left.

While walking, Shranaia remained silent, and I didn’t plan to ask her what was on her mind. When she got to the pack, she immediately looked for Jenny, but she wasn't there. We were immediately concerned about what happened, then went around looking for Jenny, but we couldn't see her anywhere.

“A while ago, Gena and I were with her, but she said she was just going to get something and she would be right back,” explained Rara.

“What will she get? Where will she get it?” Shranaia asked with worried eyes.

“I do not know. We do not know,” Rara replied.

“Damn it!”