


I took a look at my hand and then held it. I’m not sure how she knew I had poison in my palm or how she noticed it. But why should I be concerned about a wolf’s abilities? Is it possible for a dog to perceive unusual things? However, according to the elders, they see unusual creatures that ordinary people do not see.

“Did I do the right thing, or did I really make things worse?” I said to myself, then I sighed.

Aunt looked at me, then approached me. “What happened to you? You’ve been quiet for a while, did something happen?” she asked, then I smiled.

I shook my head and answered. “Nothing.”

“I haven’t seen Shranaia for a while. Do you know where he is?” she asked me, then I looked around.

“I don’t know. I thought she was there with Vixen,” I said while pointing to where I last saw him.

We stood up and then looked for them, and I also entered the mansion, but he was not there. It's surprising if he comes out. I looked at the gate and then frowned.

“Couldn’t he go out with Vixen? But why?” I wondered to myself.

When I stepped outside and opened the gate, my eyes widened as I realized what was going on outside, and I stared at Shranaia, who was holding Deacon by the neck. Because of my anxiousness and worry, I instantly closed the door and grabbed my chest. Her look belies her attractiveness.

“Why do you seem pale? Have you seen a ghost?” I was taken aback when Ron appeared in front of me, and I couldn’t stop myself from panicking.

Suddenly I just hugged him, and he was surprised at what I did, but it didn’t take me away from hugging him. “Shranaia…” I said softly.

“What happened to Shranaia?” I immediately turned toward someone’s sudden arrival.

I saw the worry on Rara’s face, and the same was on her aunt’s face. “Deacon is there with someone else that I don’t know, I’ve never seen them before,” I said, and then she immediately open the gate.

I don’t know if I should follow or just stay here because I’m not a wolf like them. Ron held both of my shoulders, then looked me in the eyes. I’m scared because of what might happen, but I want to know what's going on outside.

“Just stay here; don’t leave. It’s okay if you follow,” he said, and before I could even nod, he left.

“You don’t have to be afraid,” Aunt said, but it didn’t calm me down.

I took a long breath and honestly had no idea how to calm myself. I stayed silent and stood, recalling what Deacon had told me. Concerning the poison he placed in me, I will die the instant it reaches my heart. When I looked down at what was in my hand, I felt it travel up to my wrist, causing me to shake.

“Are you okay?” aunt said, and I nodded before turning to face the gate.

“Can we have a look?” I’ll inquire.

“It’s dangerous.”

“We will not go out; we only took a peek, promise,” I murmured, raising my hand.

Aunt simply sighed, and we slowly opened the gate to see what was going on outside. I could see tears in Shranaia’s eyes at this point, and I had no idea what they were talking about. But then I noticed Ron holding his injured arm, which had a large cut that made me worried. I didn't hesitate any longer and went out, then to Ron.

“What happened to you? Why is your wound so big?” I asked while crying.

He looked at me, and his eyes couldn't believe that I was here in front of him. “Why did you come out?” he was an annoyed cry that surprised me.

“Jenny?” I turned to the person who called me, then I saw Shranaia’s angry face.

It’s like I’m stuck in my place because of what happened, and I honestly don't know what to do. I’m just worried about Ron, and now I’m afraid of Shranaia. I looked at Deacon, then he put his hand on me, and I was grabbed by my arm. Then I closed my eyes tightly when I felt the pain going up to my left shoulder.

As it went up, I was having more and more trouble, and suddenly Ron rushed Deacon, even though he was having trouble. The pain disappeared, and all I could do was cry. But I could hear Deacon’s laughter, and Gena and Rara immediately approached me. I regret going out and getting into trouble. They help me stand, then I look at Shranaia.

“I don’t know what you’re after with this girl, prince of vampires. But if you want to get her, you can’t do it because that girl is not ordinary. She has to die or it will be the end of all of us. What you're doing is just making the situation worse and making her stronger,” said a man I don’t know.

Everyone stared at him except Vixen, who was solemnly monitoring the scenario. He takes no action in response to what is happening in front of him, instead focusing on what Shranaia can accomplish.

“What exactly do you mean?” Ran inquired.

“There’s only something you need to understand first before you judge, right Vixen?” remarked another, turning to face Vixen.

Shranaia also looked, and the aura I see in her now has gotten worse. I was startled again when I felt the poison crawling on my shoulder, and this time it touched my left chest.


When Fergus stated that, Shranaia’s previously wicked aura grew even more sinister. She rushed at Vixen and choked him by the neck, filling her eyes with anger at the moment.

“What do you know about what I have? My true personality, which I don’t yet know?” she asked, and Vixen looked her in the eyes.

When Vixen caressed her face, the color of her eyes returned to normal, her rapid breathing slowed slightly, and she calmed down as if she were becoming weak simply by his touch.

“Calm down; I’ll take care of it,” he said in a whisper, and when he touched Shranaia’s head, she suddenly lost consciousness.

Vixen immediately signaled to Ran, then he picked up Shranaia and immediately brought her inside the mansion. When they landed, her mother looked at her. Even so, many questions were evident on Shranaia’s face, and Vixen stood up, then faced Fergus and Faustino. The two just grinned and looked at him evilly. Deacon just looked at them and wondered what was going on.

Everything is too complicated and messy. “What’s going on?” Jenny asked

“Go back inside,” said Ron, then he stood up, and even though it was difficult, he did it.

“It’s not good that you’re here, Ron,” said Rara.

She supported her friend, but Jenny stayed in her position, and at that point, her brother suddenly picked her up and brought her inside the gate. He put it down, then he stood up, angry because of what his brother did, and Eliot looked at her badly.

“Don’t you know what can happen to you outside?” he said angrily to his brother.

Jenny couldn’t say anything and just left without looking back at her brother. After leaving, Eliot then looked at Shranaia, who was unconscious, and he asked what happened and if she was okay. From outside, Vixen fix himself, then looked at Faustino and Fergus. He grinned and then changed his form so he could attack Fergus.

Deacon just watched what was happening, and he took a position on top of the tree where he could watch all that was happening. When Fergus jumped, he then looked at Faustino, who was already ready, and when Vixen attacked him, he was able to avoid the attack.

Even though Vixen is aware of the truth about Shranaia’s personality, he decided to remain silent since he knows there is another way for her to manage herself, especially with the coming of the red moon, which will become her power when she transforms into a hybrid. She was unaware of this, and even if she was, it would be too late.

Deacon had no idea what the three were talking about at the moment, and Rara, Gena, and Ran also assisted in knocking down Fergus and Faustino. When Gena struck, Faustino hit her right away, and Ran quickly attacked, causing him to splash.

The father and son could hardly bear their attack, so they almost gave up because of the scars and bruises they were getting. “We will not waste time with you; you are the winner right now, but that doesn’t mean we will overlook what happened today and our goal,” Faustino said, signaling to his son, and they turned and left.

Gena sighed, then they entered the gate and went straight to the mansion. She came in late and saw Eliot in the garden; he seemed to be thinking. While she was looking at him, she thought of approaching him, and when she went to him, Eliot was surprised and quickly stood up and crossed his arms.

He frowned at what he did. “What are you doing? You look like an idiot,” she said, then Eliot looked at him.

“Because... what?” he couldn’t finish what he was about to say, and he averted his gaze.

“If you are afraid of what you saw earlier,” Gena sighed and then sat down. “I wouldn’t be surprised why you’re reacting like that now.” She grimaced, then looked at Eliot. “It’s no small thing that your sister is stronger than you,” she said, then sighed again.

Eliot stood up, put on his clothes, looked at Gena, and sat down next to her. He was still scratching his head because of what happened and was embarrassed. “You’re right,” he agreed with Gena.

“Do you know what can happen when mortals like you join us?” she asked, and Eliot frowned.

“What?” he’s a curious question.

“You can be harmed or die,” he answered, which scared Eliot.

Gena laughed loudly, then pointed at Eliot, and he didn’t know if he was just joking or threatening him. Gena stopped laughing, then looked at Eliot and just sighed. “What I said wasn’t a joke, but I’m actually afraid to make friends with normal people like you. It’s just like what’s happening now.” Gena bowed and then winced. “Do you know what happened to your sister?” she asked.

“I know,” he answered. “But I can’t blame Shranaia just because they became friends. But I’m more worried about my sister and also her because of what might happen, especially from what I heard earlier.”

Gena looked at him. “You heard?”

“Do you think?”

“I didn’t know you listened to the conversation earlier. But to be honest, we are also confused by what happened. I don’t know what they are saying, and even the others have no idea what it is.”

Eliot looked into the distance as he played with the rock with his right hand. While he was looking into the distance, he was thinking about what could be a cure for her sister, and he didn’t have the ability or power to counter it. Only Shranaia knows, and she can stop Deacon from spreading the poison inside his sister's body.

They both went inside and saw Jenny and Ron arguing. The two looked at each other as Ron held his injured left arm. “Why do you care?” Jenny shouted at Ron.

“Because I wanted to,” Ron replied.

Apart from the four people in the living room, they didn’t notice Eliot and Gena. “I don’t need your care!”

“I wouldn’t be surprised if the two of them ended up together,” Gena commented.

“I don’t like to have a half-dog nephew,” Eliot replied.

Gena glared at him. “You’re so exaggerated. We are still humans. It’s not normal, especially if the moon is round,” she answered.

“Next time, don’t be curious about what’s happening outside. You don’t belong!”

“I do not care!”

“Jenny, can you listen?”

“Why should I listen to a man who is half dog?”

Both of them stopped, and there was silence. Jenny didn't intend to tell him that anyway, so he bowed and then apologized and left suddenly. Eliot and Gena looked at each other again, and then Eliot shrugged her shoulders. Gena shook her head because of what she witnessed and winced.

“Like brother, like sister.”