
The Urban legends Hunter

Ryuji a mixed martial artist gains some weird powers because of an accident which gives him power to see and battle spirits through spirit energy . He is not alone with such powers there are many others like him. He meets an organisation consisting people with powers like him They are called The ULH( Urban legends Hunter) Now his new life begins solving urban legends and defeating powerful foes and gaining new powers let's see what his story holds.

demontiger000 · Fantasy
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8 Chs

The beginning: I met an accident

My name is Ryuji a 18 year old martial artists. I am famous around because of my fighting skills . My father( David) and grandfather(Kaen) were famous martial artists too and my ancestors were ancient warriors So can say fighting spirit and martial arts is in my blood. My dad Started teaching me martial arts from age of 4 to 12 but than he left to get fame around the world since than my grand father is teaching me martial arts. I have a decent record out of my 25 official matches there were 20 wins 1draw and 4loses . Thou these 5matches I fought with my grandfather except him no one can defeat me I have fought many unofficial matches with gangs and annihilated many because of which I am feared by many in my district and some neighbouring towns too. I have fought around 150 unofficial matches with my grandfather and I lost all. Just today I was able to pull a draw after so many years of training atlast thou I was lucky he had a high hangover because of his overdrinking last night with his friends . Thou he looks like a old weak man but has a strength similar to a wild bear. Pulling draw is also a big deal I have many injuries because of fights with him even today I have got many .So after the match I was having party with my friends and was returning home on way something happened which changed my life.....

Ahh!!! I am late grandpa is going to kill me ...( My thought at the moment)

Suddenly I saw a young boy standing in the middle of road just staring at me closely and laughing it gave me a deep chill thou I tried to ignore him. Suddenly!! I saw a car coming in full speed . I shouted: "Hey boy run don't stand there like a fool u will die run!!! ohh come on idiot you will die". He acted like he can't hear me like he was not bothered about anything just lost in his world. I couldn't let a young boy die before my eyes. I without a hesitation ran to save him . I Jumped and pushed him in the mushy fields. In a matter of seconds I got ran over by the car I started to lose consciousness in matter of seconds I couldn't feel anything and in matter of seconds I fainted...



Unknown voice: " Boy tell me can you hear me .... tell me can u hear me!" ....Where am I ....is this place.....umm..... am I in hospital... yes I guess...but why.....

everything fading again...

A light touched my eyes...

"Ahh! where am I .... my body aches like hell(I slowly opened my eyes) Ahh why am I in hospital .....( recollection of that day events came back to my mind) Ohh yes that boy where is that boy

( Suddenly nurse and doctor enters)

Nurse: "Ohh kid you are awake . Thank god you are consious now after 3days."

(wait three days I was unconscious for 3days .... this shocked me as hell....)

Nurse: Now lemme call your grandfather he is been here all this time being tensed for you..

I asked the doctor if the boy was alright he told there was no one else beside me at the spot. A man saw you wounded on ground and called the ambulance on time or else we would have lost you. This shocked me than where is the boy where did he went. Suddenly grandpa enters. Before I could say anything he hit me hard and started crying "what would I do if I had lost you Ur grandpa would have got lonely idiot never do such a thing again." I hugged him and said "I will never tense you like this again."

I told him about that day incident. Doctor replied "there was no boy found we only found you as the ambulance reached the accident spot... I guess you are having problems with memory as your head is hurt because of the accident." Grandpa told "ya now don't overthink and rest." I don't know what had happened.

After a week I got discharged while I was returning I was thinking about that day what had happened actually. Suddenly the taxi stopped 1km before the accident spot. Taxi driver: "taxi is having mechanical problems you have to go by walk as you will not find taxi at this time in this area." I was alone on the road... all alone as Grandpa had to go to help one of his friend as town festival was near . I was walking on that path and could see sunset clearly . It was about to get dark. Suddenly the environment started to get eerie I started to feel uneasy the atmosphere was changing something was not right. I saw that kid infront of me smiling. I asked where were you kid and what were you doing here why you returned go back home. But he didn't bothered and was looking at me and smiling. He suddenly started to walk towards me and with each step his smile was getting creepier. I was a lil scared or can say confused what's happening. Suddenly there came a voice saying" run away that go that way go back!!!!" I couldn't understand what he was saying and I turned to the kid back it felt like my soul left my body there was no longer a kid there was now something different something creepy was he a monster what thing he was am I going to dead .. will it kill me ( several thoughts occupied my head) He started running towards me but an arrow came outta nowhere which pierced through the evil thing in front of me he gave loud roar

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" the voice was like an animal using human language. When I looked at the direction of arrow I saw a young boy around my age standing on clif he shouted : "Aee if you want to save your life run that is not a Normal thing you can handle just leave..... this thing is a bad news run away ...go..run."

My body was freezed I was not able to move an inch. He shouted again: "Aee idiot you want to die run this thing is a monster it will devour you."

Devour me....what is he talking about.... it's dream right it's not reality such things doesn't exist right ( Thoughts occupied my mind)

Suddenly the thing jumped towards me I tried to run but I fell.....

"Am I going to die."

...No I don't wanna die like this. I want to become the most powerful martial artist and defeat my grandpa oneday.No no no no no I don't wanna die.... I want to prove myself and meet dad too (Thoughts came to my mind)....

That ugly creatures was just some centimetres away that it got pierced with several different arrows blood came rushing on my face it was not red the blood was green ... the hell is this creature I never heard ghosts having blood and ...arrows piercing them what on Earth is happening with me... Who is that arrow wielder and what is this creature... why this is happening with me....(My mind was filled with these thoughts as I was shocked from inside).... The guy came towards me ..

"Who are you ..... what on Earth is this creature... why it's attacking me.....is it dead....."( I starting asking with panic)

The guy told me "calm down that creature is dead .....it is a C-grade low Negative creature ...Ikiryō... normal humans can't see such spirits..... thou sometimes people with good spiritual powers can see them as transparent souls... but only people with high spirit energy can see them clearly.... actually Ikiryō's are not a very strong .... ghosts.... but they have enough power to kill humans easily.... when the spirit is vengeful it becomes Ikiryō..... but when .... they start to hunt people for more power .... they turn into monsters like this..... every soul has Yin-Yang energy ... when soul ... start to turn evil...their Yin energy increases ....and they turn into Monsters ....this is a mindless lose gun.... it's rare to find such a high evil form of Ikiryō in a place like it..... it needs Yin concentration and high spiritual intake which it gets by killing and devouring innocent people I guess many become victims of it's appetite...."

"I asked so...so...he devoured the child and took up his form.....???"

He replied : "Yes Ikiryō are able to possess people but the state this creature was it's not possible for him to control a mind or shape shift.. and it's weird how it was in such state."

"I aksed what happened to that kid than"

With a weird glance he asked which kid.

I told him about the incident that day.

He shouted: "Run away boy... Run from here that kid is not normal it is....."

Before he could utter a word the atmosphere Started to change..... it got erier than before... As the arrow wielder Turned he was shocked ..... The kid was standing their and he was smiling...

Now the kids eyes started to turn red....his aura was getting evil each second.... I could see dark energy he was releasing it was black....he was laughing like an insane ...'Run' the arrow wielder shouted...." it's not an normal negative creature.... it's an A grade low level monster.... and I guess he is the one manupalating that Ikiryō ..... this one is a real threat..... it has high Yin energy and spirit concentration.... I guess it has devoured many humans I guess there were around 35 victims and Ikiryō was one of them...."

As I was trying to go Run that creature attacked me with an evil orb .....made out of energy he was releasing.... I just saved my ass in fraction of second.... because of many years of training I can jump higher and faster than a normal human... the orb made big hole in mushy field and the plants got rotten.... the scene was getting very horrifying..... The arrow wielder Started to shoot many arrows at him... and tried to hold him back.... Those arrows were not normal they had light blue energy around it... Now that thing got angry and showed it's true form.... it started to transform .... it's muscles Started to expand face Started getting uglier....now the kid was 6feet tall with a mass build up...and rotten body ...

Whatever that creature was ....it was angry..... now it got serious and Started to attack with the intent to kill ....the arrow wielder was attacking him but now it was fighting back he took a long jump and shoved him aside.....than caught his head and Started banging it in ground.... the arrow weilder shouted run ..... away in a dead voice his pain can be understood from his voice I ran.....but...my conscience held me back and I ran to save the person who saved me cause runing away from challenges is not my cup-of-tea... I got there.... that creature was about to tear apart the arrow wielders hands and legs ...

I ran gave him a drop kick ...it didn't affected him much but he went alil back....

he was angry and stared me furiously... he threw the arrow wielder and came after me.... I threw sand in his eyes..( not my style to do dirty tricks but it was a monster I would have died no other choice).... It had got blinded I don't know how but it worked... I unleashed everything I knew..... I started beating it with every move

I knew I gave my all..... but my body started to break..... I had not healed completely....

and the big fear was.... it has got little to no hurt... It suddenly caught my head.... and banged my head repeatedly.... I started to lose consciousness... it was about to crush my head I heard sound


and the that creature flew away with a force. ... it was hit with high energy which pierced Through it..... And again I was covered with disgusting green blood... My body was stinking like hell.....ohh!! the hell is this day... I was trying to keep myself consious...Is he dead I asked . ..... I guess yes.... I used my spirit technique....

As he completes the sentence that thing was behind him.... there was true horror in my eyes .... and he was sweating as hell too... the spirit gave a creepy smile....

As arrow weilder turned he threw him away... I tried to fight but he crushed my head in matter of seconds I couldn't understand what just happened.... Am I going to die..... there was a weird sensation in body..... I stood up... weird thoughts filled my head.... and I shouted.... kill me if you can.... all the memories of my past came to my mind.... and grandpa's laughing face too... without thinking I punched that things very hard... at the place where he got hit with Spirit piercing arrow..... I realised something was weird.... I could.. feel weird power inside me... it felt all the energy of my body to be accumulated in that punch.... there was a weird red energy in my hand which was increasing like flame... I punched that creature hard very hard it would be my strongest puch till day... my hand passed through its body.. he spitted out blood nd it feel on me ....geez....ssly...again....and in matter of seconds it started evaporating.... I felt unconscious while .... watching it dissolve in air.....and I fainted....


Unknown voice:" Are you alright....I guess you are... seeing your injuries you recovered very fast....I guess you really have a talent to be VENEX."

The hell is he talking about .... where am I..... I woke up... and saw I was in a weird place this place was like a very hi-tech hospital but it was also surrounded by witchcraft equipments the hell is this place... am I being experimented by an insane scientists .....I uttered....

A man in his 30s was standing in front of me.... quite different from a typical insane scientist... he was around 5'9 feet ... quite fine build up and a tattoo around his neck .... that tattoo was weird.... he was wearing ordinary doctors uniform but it had wierd designs on it ... and logo named ULH.

He said :" hello young man my name is Maximus and I am not an insane scientists ... I am Spirit Recovery Expert ( SRE) Can say I am a doctor who heals people's souls and even body who encounter Paranormal things... and Ya

Mr Ryuji You are currently in Urban legend Hunters Organization also known as UHL organization we deal with paranormal stuff and have many Different depertment you will be explained everything later ... but now it's time to rest and sleep..."

"Wait what!!!!!!!!!!!!"( I screamed)

Something touched my head and I fainted.....