
The Urban legends Hunter

Ryuji a mixed martial artist gains some weird powers because of an accident which gives him power to see and battle spirits through spirit energy . He is not alone with such powers there are many others like him. He meets an organisation consisting people with powers like him They are called The ULH( Urban legends Hunter) Now his new life begins solving urban legends and defeating powerful foes and gaining new powers let's see what his story holds.

demontiger000 · Fantasy
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8 Chs

New life

Unknown voice: "Kid... Kid... can you hear.."

"Who is it Grandpa lemme sleep...."

Unknown voice: "I am not your grandpa kid

I am Maximus the SRE agent... I guess you will be fine.... wake there is someone who want to meet you...."

I opened my eyes and saw the room...so it was not a dream afterall.... I looked at Maximus and asked what you did that I got fainted again and from how many days I am here...what you want from me... Where is the arrow wielder and what were those... Negative creatures..I landed so many questions at him.... he gave a sigh and said

"Calm down kid you are still recovering you are here for a week... I used spirit techique to heal you that's why you fainted ...you are safe ....All your answers will be given by.... Chief... he will be here by any second.... So get ready."

I got up from the bed .... And went to washroom this place was like a five star hotel .... even the toilets were 3times better than my house.... but this was creepy too...

should I be happy to be kept in such luxury place or... should I be scared of being at an unknown place with weird people... I was bemused.... After taking a bath and changing my clothes ( Weird clothes with ULH logo) which were provided by Maximus I came back to the room... Here I found a Man in his 50s with an extreme build up... he was very brawny.... I would stand no chance against him in hand to hand combat .... He was wearing an eye patch and was wearing a black court with the same logo of UHL as Maximus and a badge of cheif inside court he was wearing black T-shirt and military pants....he had a thick moustache... and chin length hair.. he was looking like a military veteran....what a person like him doing here.... what kind of organization is this.....

That man said "hello Kid my name is Richard I am the single Chief of UHL Organization and its other Branches.... Can say I am the 3rd highest authority of this Organisation..... I know you have several questions but rest I will answer everything .... First let's start with tour of this place.."

"I went with him it was like the field trip we have school I was curious about this place what is this place.... Soon I get to know a lot of things.... Chief Richard started giving info as we started our tour of the building"

"Let me explain you about this world first..... Everything in this world living or non living have spirit energy... you will find faint energy everywhere in the world from everything.... The human body suppress the spirit energy.....When a person die... his soul leaves the body... this soul has the high concentration of spirit energy which was suppressed for years... a soul leaves for spirit world when all it's wishes are complete and it is satisfied.... but when it's not ... the soul stays in this world... this soul is effected by Yin-Yang energy... it depends on the soul and environment what energy effects the soul.... Negative energy leads to Yin concentration.... which makes negative creatures like ghost spirits monster demon etc... nd Yang concentration or positive energy leads to transformation of soul into holy spirit....or Positive creatures... Positive creatures as the name suggests are helpful to humans.... and peacful creatures.... while negative creatures harm human and are very voilent....they feed on souls and holy spirit for increasing spirit concentration to evolve and get stronger... it's a very complex system.... These all creatures are ranked as

D:- Creature who can easily be defeated...

Lower grade

C:- is like Ikiryō you faced

B:- more powerful than Ikiryō ....less powerful than the monster disguised as kid

A:- is like the disguised monster you faced

S:- More powerful than the monster

These are the lower grade.... Now comes the advance or High grade these are very dangerous they have chain like C,B,A,S these grade creature's are on different chart ....they are very powerful and dangerous... it's not necessary the creature in same grade have same amount of power.. the power can vary.....what we know from flockfore and urban legends are not enough or accurate information... some spirits are misunderstood with each other.... Because of this.... there were many experiments and researches conducted from years....by many organisations... UHL is one of the oldest and most trusted organization many famous personalities and common people are part of our organization thou they are forced to live dual life..... there will be many people you will meet...here....now lemme explain you about this organization this Urban legends Hunter organization is an official organization to investigate,battle paranormal activities... authorised by the world government ....our job is to protect people... we not only use traditional methods but also modern machinery....we have different governing body in the organization... "

"FIRST IS SEED GROUP FOR TRAINING NEWBIES :-here the people whose spirit energy have lost restrain and now they are able to see negative creature comes we track them through their spirit release as they can become prey of negative creatures.. Negative creatures get attracted to such people ....you were attacked for this reason .... the spirit release can be by birth or accident or spirit influence.... so they are brought here and trained to fight negative spirits after training the newbies have to chose one out of the following organization's:"

"1) VENEX (VENATOR EXSPIRAVIT ):This is a latin term for ghost hunters this branch is responsible for eradicating negative creatures.

2) SRE (SPIRIT RECOVERY EXPERTS): This branch is responsible for recovery and healing of victims of paranormal activity.

3) GD ( GHOST DETECTIVES): This branch investigates different places where paranormal events took place and try to find residues...

4) PAR ( PARANORMAL ACTIVITY RESEARCHERS) : This group job is to conduct experiment and research on residues found by GD and even cause and source of paranormal activity and the process to prevent negative creature to born they are even responsible in making the machinery and weapons we use."

"All 5 of these bodies are headed by a head of each body they have divisions among themselves which you will learn by time...but the supreme head among bodies is HOD(Head of department)... These 5 heads are again headed by Chief who is me.... I am the supreme commander of these bodies all the HOD's are answerable to me... thou there are people above me too

They are the 5 Holy warriors these are considered the most powerful... As I told there are 5 other organizations beside ours.... these organizations have a sole leader who is the most strongest they are known as 5 Holy warriors...

even our organization have one .... But the supreme power around the world is one who is the leader of all organizations and all it's members even the 5 holy warriors and world government... He is called the SUPREME LORD he is the most powerful man... and even trains the 5 holy warriors.... his decision is final no one can question or change it...the building we are standing is the headquarters of all the branches of ULH around the world.... All the HOD and I the chief lives here...The 5 holy warriors are Always on mission thou their conference is held in the adjacent building which is like a temple ...that building is resident to the supreme lord too"

(I am bored as hell.... why am I getting this lecture ...I wanna go home man.... Grandpa would be worried..... thou this man really is a big gun.... he is the leader of so many people .... 3rd highest authority... I need to do as he wants for a while... it's said na when in rome do as romans do...geez)

Chief Richard:" Now kid I have given enough information as your Spirit energy has released its necessary for you to be here and train or you will be prey of the creatures... So from today onwards your life changes can say it's your rebirth... now you will work for ULH...and save people... you will be trained by experts..."

"What about my school and what about grandpa...?"

"Everything is taken care off and....You don't have choice you have to work for us or you will die ....so don't take stress..... For now rest because from Tommorow your training starts....

Mr Ryuji your new life at ULH begins today...."

Wait whattt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!