

Alex, a teenage boy who died on a planet named earth but due to his luck, he gets his soul attached to a newly born dead baby . what?? He has a system which can upgrade any skill, physique, weapons etc. he can complete quests and get bonus rewards, ya thats understandable. No it's not because he gets a mythical grade item after every quest as bonus reward. fu*k it, i am joining Alex on his journey to become strongest. You can also Join Alex as he becomes strong ,then stronger and then strongest , strong enough to beat the shit out of the gods which came in his way. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Guys I know the synopsis is not written well, But this is my first novel so just bear with it as i get new ideas i will rewrite it. So just enjoy okieeeee!!!!?

Dragy007 · Fantasy
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76 Chs


Alex gave everyone of them a soul nurturing pill, which is used to recover from soul injuries and nurturing souls.

After 10 or so minutes everyone was conscious again. Elda said sorry to all of them again and again after everyone forgave her. She walked towards Alex and said

"I agree to join your sect" Elda said while bowing again, why? because of Alex's heart, he gave them a pill which can nurture the soul and heal the soul injuries. Even in the realm of Gods these types of medicines are priceless.

And he just gave it to them like it was candy. All of them looked at Alex and also bowed "we agree to join your sect, Sect Master"

"You didn't have a choice to begin with" Alex said with a slight chuckle.

"And you wild stupid cat, are you not going to join my sect?" Alex said to the cat girl who was still sitting down in the shadow of a tree.

"Do i even have a choice?" She spoke. Her name was Lola. She had blue fur around her hands and feet. She had blue cat ears which looked gorgeous on her small face. Except these parts she looked no different than a himan.

"No" Alex just shook his head

"Then why ask?" She spoke very casually with Alex.

Alex grinned, he has seen in one anime back on

that cat girls have sensitive ears and tail. So, he teleported to the side of the cat who was sleeping under a tree.

Alex touched her tail which was swirling here and there. As soon as the cat girl filled the touch of someone she jumped back. Alex teleported where she was about to land and he caught her from behind.

"Show me some respect, you fu*king pig. I am your sect master" Alex said and sat on a stone and slapped her ass a few times as a punishment.

"I guess this much punishment is okay, If you don't show me respect again i will whoop that ass of yours until it is as red as a monkey's ass." Alex said gently but the intent in his eyes told the cat girl that what he was saying is true.

"yes, Sect master" The cat girl said. All the demi-humans hated humans a lot because humans will catch them and make them their slaves. She was not an exception she also hated humans a lot.

"First of all, Not all humans are the same. Take Diana for example she wants to take revenge on the Duke. But she always tells the customer that they can break the token and the slaves will be free. why?? It is not because she wants to warn them, it is because she wants you all to live.

If someone breaks the slave token you all will die and Diana doesn't want an innocent to die. So she tells this lie to all the people so that they will not break the token even in their wildest dreams." Alex said while he looked at Diana.

Diana was embarrassed because her little secret was now exposed to all the people. All of the Former slaves looked at Diana. Diana's embarrassment increased because of their gaze.

But Elda noticed something and turned to Alex and said "Sect master, then how did you free us by breaking the token"

"I was waiting for someone to ask that question, Actually it is not that difficult i just used my soul force to remove the slave seal from your bodies and then broke the token." Alex said casually

No one asked Alex any questions after that.

Alex gave them 'new disciples rewards' and told them to cultivate.

He opened the exit portal and walked out of the secret realm. He then teleported to where the other slaves were imprisoned. He straight teleported and avoided unnecessary killing. There were five Nascent realm cultivators guarding the prison. Alex killed them and walked inside the prison.

He saw a little more than 1000 slaves, they were all wearing tattered clothes and were malnourished. Alex used his wind cutter skill to cut the bars of prison cells. All the slaves saw their prison's bar being broken. they walked out of their prison cell with fear.

"don't worry i am not an enemy, I am here to save you" Alex then unleashed his soul force and removed the slave seals from the slaves sea of consciousness. Alex then opened the portal to the secret realm and asked them to follow him.

They could feel that they were no longer a slave, but they also knew that they wouldn't be able to escape the stronghold of Clinton's with Their cultivation.

So, they could only follow Alex. All the Demi-humans and Diana were shocked to see all the slaves.

Diana knew them because they were in the prison and Diana visited them a lot and gave them food. If she was not there to take care of them, they would have died due to malnourishment and the Demi-humans and two humans knew them because they were also in the same prison as them.

"Are these all the slaves at the stronghold of Clinton's??" Alex questioned Diana

Diana nodded and said "these were all the slaves that are present in the Duke's prison. Some of them are still in Duke's house working as maids, labour and sex slaves."

Alex nodded and looked towards the 1000+ new people he is going to recruit.

Out of the 500, 50 were demi-humans, which consisted of 40 beastmen and 10 beast women, there were 10 Elves 8 women and 2 men, 10 dwarves 7 women and 3 men, 10 demon girls and except them everyone else was human. there were more women compared to men because they were bought by horny young masters at a high prices.

'No No, i just bought them in the auction because i don't want anyone to be someone's slave. I am not a horny young master' Alex thought

'oh i didn't actually buy them because I never paid any money to the auction house, did i kidnapped them??

whatever, until they are living happily it doesn't matter'

"um.. i forgot to mention that from now on you guys are going to become the disciples of my sect. My name is Alex Griffin, SECT MASTER OF HIGH HEAVEN SECT. you don't have any choice in this question but i will ask as a formality. Do you all wish to join my sect?"