

Alex, a teenage boy who died on a planet named earth but due to his luck, he gets his soul attached to a newly born dead baby . what?? He has a system which can upgrade any skill, physique, weapons etc. he can complete quests and get bonus rewards, ya thats understandable. No it's not because he gets a mythical grade item after every quest as bonus reward. fu*k it, i am joining Alex on his journey to become strongest. You can also Join Alex as he becomes strong ,then stronger and then strongest , strong enough to beat the shit out of the gods which came in his way. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Guys I know the synopsis is not written well, But this is my first novel so just bear with it as i get new ideas i will rewrite it. So just enjoy okieeeee!!!!?

Dragy007 · Fantasy
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76 Chs


"yes we agree to join your sect" All of them said

None of them was unhappy because if they joined his sect even if they have to do slave work they will do it. They just needed food, clothes and home to live

"congratulations then, take this" Alex gave each one of them a disciple token and uniform. it cost him more than 1 million. He then gave them pills like cultivation booster pills and high tier talent pills.

"um... Elda and Lola, come here" Alex called both of them.

when he saw both of them standing in front of him he said "you have the highest cultivation here. So Elda, you will command each of them and make a house for every single one of you, you can make a bigger house for people with cultivation of the Nascent realm and make a mansion for me here. Lola you will be working as a supervisor" Elda nodded but Lola was looking dissatisfied with Alex's decision.

"Lola, you can kick the asses of the people who are slacking off. women will do less work than men. From now on you will be living here until I reach God realm and leave this world. because if any of the outside people saw you all, they will think I killed Duke Clinton." hearing Alex say she can kick the ass of the people who don't work, Lola was happy and nodded. Alex chuckled and looked at the people who were clearly fearful.

"people with injuries can come out" Alex said while looking at everyone.

Soon a lot of people stood up and walked towards Alex. It was 80% of the total people. Alex could imagine seeing their bruised skin, what they have gone through.

Alex gave healing potion to everyone, and soon everyone's body healed completely and their pained expression became joyful.

Alex nodded and said "You all can rest for today after eating dinner, and start work tomorrow." Alex then bought a lot of tables and chairs for everyone to eat. Alex also bought some dinner from the system. the Magical grade food was good and cheap, so Alex bought it for everyone.

Most of them were above the Qi gathering realm but if someone does not eat and drink while not cultivating a single day. he can still die.

Like these slaves were not allowed to cultivate and they didn't give food and water to the slaves for months. this was the reason for their malnourishment.

Alex then had dinner with all of them. All of them were happy to eat something this good. Some of them had only eaten common grade food their entire life. But eating Magical grade food for them was like eating heavenly food.

while some were happy, some were crying due to the losses of their children, family etc.

Alex couldn't do anything about it, he could only take revenge for them.

Some of them have already completed the food, most of them were from demi-human or demon races. they were used to eating like a hippo.

Alex filled their empty plate again and said "Guys, eat until you are full" Alex was happy today because he got a lot of loyal soldiers.

they were loyal to Alex because he saved them, then let them join his sect and lastly for this meal.

they were showering him with UP and UC through the feeling like respect, Loyalty etc. Alex was also feeling like he was going to break through to the Immortal realm.

His physique 'All emotion body' was collecting all the emotion of the people towards Alex inside the secret realm.

After the dinner Alex called Elda over and said "Don't let Lola kill someone, or injure too much." Alex then gave her a spatial ring filled with lots of potion and pills like healing potion, soul nurturing pill etc

"Give them to someone who is injured by Lola, tomorrow" Alex was feeling guilty for the people who are going to be injured tomorrow.

'i shouldn't have given her that permission, but seeing that cute and innocent face my cold heart melted and i gave her the permission to kick the...'

'let's not think about that, i hope they will not slack off tomorrow'

Alex then walked out of the secret realm. He wanted to look at the rewards he got from the quests but didn't, because he wanted to check all of the rewards after he kill the duke.

He took his merit token out and checked all the beast cores the disciples exchanged to earn the merits.

there were more than 1 million beast cores he started Devouring them his cultivation increased from Nihilty realm stage 9 to Immortal realm stage 1. Due to the high amount of beast cores his cultivation was slightly lower than stage two of the immortal realm.

He knew from the memories of Luke that Duke Clinton was going to meet the emperor and give him some gifts. Even Luke didn't know what those gifts were.

Alex was curious about the gifts and thought of a way to snatch them before Duke Clinton reaches the capital of Northern continent, Hamberg city.

Alex could inquire about the location of the capital and teleport there and wait for Duke to come. But it will be too dangerous if he gets caught by the Demigod real cultivators in the capital. He needs to think of some other method.

Soon Alex was about to punch his head after thinking about something. 'How can i forget about that artifact??' Alex took out an old looking compass and caressed it gently.

"my baby, sorry i forgot about you. i will find an artifact that increases my memory power. so that i don't forget about my important artifacts" Alex said while caressing the compass.

He then thought about Duke Clinton and his face while pouring his Qi in the compass, he has not seen the duke personally but he saw him in the memories of his son many times.

soon the needle of the compass started moving and pointed in the direction of the south. The compass also showed the distance which was about 1 million km away.

If anyone else would have attempted to teleport 1 million km away by using the Qi of their own body, even the demigods realm cultivators would be dead due to overusing their Qi and that type of death is very painful.