
The Unwanted Princess

[Horror Genre Warning] [Violence, Death, and Gore warning] [ This story is not suitable for sensitive and light-hearted people ] [ Do not read if you dislike violence, death, gore, and horror ] There is a historical book about a powerless castaway princess named Inanna, living in a world where your magic defines you. In the Lilith Empire, royals born with magical abilities live in the royal castle with the Emperor and Empress. Royals born without magic are sent to live in a run-down and low maintenanced castle called the Hollow's castle, to be forgotten by the world. According to a royal decree made by the emperor, the children in the Hollow's Castle are to be executed once they turn 18 years old. But Inanna is unfortunately sentenced to death by the emperor, her own father, at 13 years old for trespassing the royal castle after she tries to save her eldest siblings from execution. The book eventually ends with Inanna's death. Ivery, who read the book is displeased by the ending. Ivery soon fell asleep after reading the book, but is suddenly awakened by a floating woman in her room. The woman tells Ivery to change princess Inanna's fate and soon after the strange encounter, Ivery was blinded by a bright flash. Once she opened her eyes, her whole world changed...literally. She was now in the body of princess Inanna, and living in the Hollows Castle. She eventually adjusts to her new life with the help of Loki, a magical snow-white talking cat that claims to be her guide, she aims to change Inanna's dreading predestined fate, until it all changes forever... For the better or for the worst? ( Cover art does not belong to me, so I'm not sure who the original artist is....but credit goes to them. )

Calistal · History
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122 Chs

Chapter 85: Sibling Rivalry


It was a bright Monday morning and Ivery carried out her daily royal duties as usual. She was granted her own personal office in the castle several weeks ago, so she could work separately from Julian and have her own space.

She was constantly signing papers of all kinds, responding to letter's from other countries, declining proposals from several desperate nobles and princes, she arranged meetings, accepted a few tea parties from an allied countries princess, trying to settle the civilian's unending problems, and the list went on and on.

Ivery was starting to get dark circles under her eyes from all of the lack of sleep and staying up late. She had to ask Luther for his help a few times since she was being sent piles of paperwork every two hours and she hadn't slept properly or at all for three or more days.

She was woken up around 6 o'clock to begin working on documents and more paperwork.

Ivery's hand started cramping, she put her pen down on the desk and stood up and stretched. She took a deep breath and decided to take a quick walk around the castle to stretch her legs out and let her blood circulate. She badly craved a break.

She walked to her door and opened it. Ivery was shocked to see someone she hadn't seen for awhile.

"Liam?" Ivery saw Liam standing in front of her, his blonde hair was still as long as she remembered and his ocean blue eyes oddly stared at her with what seemed like contempt

"It's prince Liam to you." Liam crossed his arms

"Why are you here?" Ivery was already tired of speaking to him

"I heard you've been taking responsibilities of being heir to the throne." Liam sneered

"You just heard? I've been doing office and political work for months now, it's surprising that your sources are very slow to relay important information to you, prince Liam.." Ivery sneered back

A vein suddenly popped out on Liam's forehead.

"Anyway, you must be very exhausted from working so much, a girl like you wouldn't be able to handle the empire affairs, especially an esteemed empire like ours..." Liam said

"So it's best that you inform father that you'll be resigning as the crown princess and return the crowned title back to its rightful owner and you can go back to the Hollow's Castle where you belong." Liam held back his laughter

"Excuse me?" Ivery raised an eyebrow, she couldn't believe this pompous brat dared to speak so rudely to someone of a higher status

"You heard me correctly, you cheated your way out of the Hollow's Castle and stole what was supposed to be mine." Liam said

"Oh?" Ivery grabbed Liam by the collar of his shirt and pulled him into the room

She pushed him down on the floor and shut the door.

"Listen closely you arrogant brat." Ivery's eyes glowed and her eyes narrowed as she looked down at him with boiling irritation

"Arrog-" Liam narrowed his eyes back

"Shut your mouth when I'm talking, little prince." Almost in a blink of an eye, Ivery held a golden dagger against Liam's neck

Liam began sweating and his heart sank to his feet. He didn't even see her move...

"It never struck me that most princes and princesses are such sore losers, you all can't handle that there's someone better than you so you try to put them down in the most childish way possible, you really thought by coming here and disrespectfully confronting me would give you your status as a crown prince back?" Ivery asked with a sly smirk

"I-I.." Liam couldn't speak

"It was a rhetorical question, I didn't tell you that you could speak." Ivery's eyes glowed brighter

Liam started to slightly shiver under her glowing red eyes and suppressive aura...

"And a girl like me is handling the empires affair's better than you ever would, a girl like me is and has been working daily on paperwork for our father and the empire, a girl like me can and will flatten you like a rug if you ever dare to get out of line with me again." Ivery meant every word she said, she didn't mind beating some sense into this brother of hers

"I have been working nonstop for months, I haven't complained and I've done all of the work given to me with little to no sleep, I haven't messed up a single paper given to me, and due to my daily boatload of work I can't even see my fiance for more than two hours." Ivery was getting stressed just speaking about it

"And don't think I can't arrange for you to be sent to the Hollow's castle, father and mother would definitely approve, since you're not benefitting the empire by leisurely sitting in your room all day....the more I think about it, it seems fitting for someone like you." Ivery said as she pressed the dagger closer to his neck

"You're not even a complete Castiell, how could you even compete with me who is a complete Castiell with their demon blood awakened and controlled, and not to mention that I'm an infinite attribute holder who's engaged to the first infinite attribute holder, who happens to be crown prince Luther of Fresia....and I'm sure you know how powerful he and his empire is and how beneficial it is if our empires are allied by our marriage.." Ivery smiled

"My status isn't for nothing, I offer several things that benefit's our empire in unimaginable ways, can you even list one thing that you offer for our empire?" Ivery asked

"I have royal blood! That's all I need..." Liam blurted out

"And? We come from the same man and woman, if I used your logic then I'm fully qualified to be crown princess." Ivery lightly chuckled

"...." Liam grit his teeth together, he felt so humiliated and looked down upon....other than crown prince Luther, he never thought he'd ever feel so belittled by another person...let alone by one of his sisters!

"Why exactly do you want to become the crown prince and soon to be emperor of our empire?" Ivery asked him, wanting to know what stupid answer he'd spew out next

"What else? Money and power." Liam answered proudly

"Money and power..." Ivery wanted to burst out laughing

"Don't you already have money? You're a prince after all...what more could you want?" Ivery raised an eyebrow

"The money of the one who sits on the throne is hundreds of thousands times more than a prince could ever achieve in his lifetime..." Liam told Ivery

"And the power, why do you want it?" Ivery asked

"Every word of the emperor is absolute, although all emperors are still bound by the council of Agres, they still have power over their people and other countries that they're above, with that power I could do whatever I wanted with no consequences." Liam answered her

"You really believe you can do whatever you want if you're the emperor? It's a good thing that you were stripped of your title, it's clear that you'd definitely send this empire to ruins within a year under your control." Ivery shook her head with disappointment

"Of course the emperor can do whatever he wants, if not then what's the point of being an Emperor?" Liam sneered at her again

"Being an emperor means taking responsibility for your empire and citizens, maintaining peace with other countries, avoiding being poisoned, establishing alliances with nearby or even faraway countries, managing the empire's finances, being able to either resolve wars peacefully or deal with them effectively on the battlefield, the emperor and empress are watched by all, they all wait for you to make one wrong move so they can have reason's to forcefully abdicate you, if you think you can do whatever you want with no consequences as the emperor, you would have had a rude awakening coming your way if you remained crown prince." Ivery stood up and her golden dagger misted away

"Now get out." Ivery pointed at the door

"I didn't want to be in here anyway.." Liam got up and walked to the door

"Next time you speak to me with that attitude and tone, I won't hesitate to send you to the royal doctor...although that's if you survive even one hit from me..." Ivery smirked

"And that's a threat?" Liam narrowed his eyes at her

"Yes, yes it is, prince Liam." Ivery ran her finger across her neck

Liam rolled his eyes and opened the door, he slammed the door closed behind him as he walked out.

Ivery snapped her fingers and a loud thud was heard outside of the door.



"Prince!" Two female voices said outside the door


