
The Unwanted Princess

[Horror Genre Warning] [Violence, Death, and Gore warning] [ This story is not suitable for sensitive and light-hearted people ] [ Do not read if you dislike violence, death, gore, and horror ] There is a historical book about a powerless castaway princess named Inanna, living in a world where your magic defines you. In the Lilith Empire, royals born with magical abilities live in the royal castle with the Emperor and Empress. Royals born without magic are sent to live in a run-down and low maintenanced castle called the Hollow's castle, to be forgotten by the world. According to a royal decree made by the emperor, the children in the Hollow's Castle are to be executed once they turn 18 years old. But Inanna is unfortunately sentenced to death by the emperor, her own father, at 13 years old for trespassing the royal castle after she tries to save her eldest siblings from execution. The book eventually ends with Inanna's death. Ivery, who read the book is displeased by the ending. Ivery soon fell asleep after reading the book, but is suddenly awakened by a floating woman in her room. The woman tells Ivery to change princess Inanna's fate and soon after the strange encounter, Ivery was blinded by a bright flash. Once she opened her eyes, her whole world changed...literally. She was now in the body of princess Inanna, and living in the Hollows Castle. She eventually adjusts to her new life with the help of Loki, a magical snow-white talking cat that claims to be her guide, she aims to change Inanna's dreading predestined fate, until it all changes forever... For the better or for the worst? ( Cover art does not belong to me, so I'm not sure who the original artist is....but credit goes to them. )

Calistal · History
Not enough ratings
122 Chs

Chapter 84: 5 Months Later (2)


"I know how important it is to have an heir from a direct royal family member for an empire, and for both of our empires, an heir to a throne must have full royal lineage in order to take control as the Emperor or Empress."

"Although there have been past Emperor's from other empires who have half royal and noble blood or half royal and commoner blood, who ultimately had their royal lineage slowly die out from continuously mixing royal blood with people of lesser statuses, and those royals were eventually forcefully abdicated and were reduced to nobles since they didn't have much royal influence due to the inadequate amount of royal blood flowing through their veins for them to even be considered royalty." Luther explained

"That is why it is mandatory for powerful empires like ours to be ruled by pure royals like us, or else our empires and royal bloodlines will die out eventually." Luther told her

"I see." Ivery thought it all made sense

"I've never told Julian this but my father found out about Xia and her mother a long time before we confronted them about it, if she was going to be my fiance then she had to have a royal background and come from a powerful family that could benefit my empire and Xia's mother was rumored to have unknown origins and no known family, my father wasn't truly going to let my marriage to Xia go through, he just went along with Julian since they're good friends." Luther revealed

"Really?" Ivery knew Luther's father found out about Xia but she didn't think Erdel knew from the start

"Yes, he was actually hoping that I'd kill Xia before they set a date for the wedding, even though he forbid me from killing her, he still wouldn't have done anything if I did, and then after finding out that Julian wasn't her biological father, my father just laughed hearing the news." Luther said

"Then what made you hold back from killing her since you knew there wouldn't be any consequences?" Ivery asked him

"The Lilith empire offers the best alliance than any other empire or sole country, the benefits of tying our two families together would be unimaginable, killing Xia might've sparked a fake angry reaction from Julian because we requested for his strongest daughter to be married to me, and if he lost her as a chess piece then our alliance wouldn't have happened." Luther answered her

"But maybe it was fate." Luther smiled widely

"Fate?" Ivery smiled back

"If I had killed her, I wouldn't have met you...and things would be different now." Luther said

"If I hadn't met you, I'm sure everything would be completely different for me..." Ivery told him with a sad expression

"What made you come to the Hollow's castle after our first encounter?" Ivery asked him

"I don't know, I just couldn't get you out of my mind....something about you intrigued me...and it wasn't just because of the power you displayed to have...it was something else completely.." Luther didn't know how to explain it

"Even when I found out you were an infinite attribute holder, it was a different type of interest...there was just something about you that attracted me to you, that's why I kept coming back to you...to figure out why I felt that way about someone I just met." Luther told her

"When did you realize that you loved me?" Ivery asked, wanting to know what his answer would be

"I realized I loved you when we went to find Eness's golden egg in the dungeon of hell, seeing you get eaten by that monster crushed me completely, I felt hopeless and like something very important to me was taken away and burnt, you became my heart before I knew it myself." Luther kissed Ivery's forehead

"You loved me that early on in our relationship?" Ivery lightly chuckled

"I did, did you not feel the same way?" Luther asked her with a raised eyebrow

"Of course I felt the same way, my heart sank when you weren't breathing that day, I don't know what I would've done if I had lost you.." Ivery started tearing up remembering it

"I don't know what I would've done or would do if I ever lost you.....hell I'd probably join you...since you're the only person in my life that keeps me balanced, without you I know I'd spiral too far down into darkness and let it take over." Luther looked sad

"You won't lose me...I promise." Ivery hugged him tightly

"I know I won't, because I won't let anything happen to you..." Luther rubbed her head



