
The Begin Of The Healing Era

Wei Ying

After their heated honeymoon, they dressed back and went to Xichen's room, in where he was waiting for them with two servings of warm tea. He smiled kindly and ask them to seat and drink, then offer them the scrolls.

"Oh, you did Ah Yuan's adoption too? Lord Xichen you worked hard." Wei Ying told him and Xichen smiled, as the two of them signed the documents, with their respective seals that Wangji had already keept on his money pouch.

"You can call me brother, we are family now, after all." Xichen said, glad to see his brother quite content. He was obviously happy and that was what matter the most to him.

"You are too kind, brother Xichen." Wei said happily.

"Here, you should take this copy to Lord Wei and Lady Sanren. It will establish our alliance officially and give them the right to add their own terms, if they so desire it. Because it was Wangji who ask you to marry him, we will comply, if they are not against mayor rules." Xichen said, as he offer a second sets of scrolls.

"I don't think father or mother will have any issues with an alliance to the Lan Clan. My father respect you the best of all Clan Leaders, along with Lord Jiang Fengmian, who is a good friend of his. My only worry it's for Lord Qiren. He does not approve our union and my father is not exactly a favorite in his eyes." Wei Ying stated the obvious.

"They will come along, eventually. You both are the ones who bring down the edge of darkness, help restore the lost balance and are the saviors of humanity. All Clans owe you the deepest gratitude for your heroic deeds, including saving the Nie Clan along the way and certainly the Lan Clan will honor you and your Wei Clan with the deserved respect. My Uncle will do so too, you don't need to worry for that." Xichen assure him.

"He will certainly have a heart attack." Wei insisted while sighing and Xichen smiled.

"He will survive." Xichen dismissed.

"Thank you, brother..." Wangji said, bowing to him.

"There is no need for thanks, Wangji. You are my beloved brother and your happiness is also mine. I'm honestly glad you had found your path in such an extraordinary way. When you were younger and close your emotions because of our parent's tragedy, I worry you will never open yourself to no one else but me. Now, I can't ask for a better future for you, because you had found what you were missing and open your heart to your husband, along with the friends you have made along this journey. For that, I thank the heavens for choosing you as a seed bearer and granting you an eternal bliss with the one you love and desire." Xichen said to his brother and Wei Ying was deeply touched, the same way Wangji probably was too.

"Lord Xichen, just why are you still single?" Wei Ying asked and Xichen laughed softly.

"No particular reason... I am too immature in the matters of the heart. Unlike my brother, I make the wrong choices..." Xichen confessed and Wei Ying was a bit surprised, as it sounded like he just acknowledged that he had deeper feelings for Meng Yao, who he was the closer to him and the one who betrayed his loving heart.

"About that, I'm deeply sorry for the hurt Meng Yao cause you." Wei Ying said sincerely and Xichen smiled sadly.

"As much as it shake me, it's also a learning experience that will help be more aware of the other side of the human heart. Not everything is as white or as black, there are also colors in between that I will be able to see them now." Xichen said wisely.

"Brother Xhichen, you had my deepest admiration. No wonder my Lan Zhan came up to be so wonderful." Wei said and Wangji blushed.

"Just take good care of my brother. I had entrust him to you in full. Make him happy for as long as he lives." Xichen added and Wangji once again bowed to him in gratitude. He could had not asked for a better brother, so understanding of his own heart.

"I also wish for bother's happiness." Wangji said softly and Xichen smiled fondly.

"You both should go back now, before Lady Sanren finds out you are gone. I will welcome you back in a few days, as planned, along with little Yuan." Xichen said, standing.

"May the gods grant you with a blessed life, from here on, brother Xichen. You deserve it, as no one has a purer heart. The Lan Clan is privileged with your leadership and my Wei Clan with our fateful alliance we will cherish with the same open heart." Wei Ying said as he deeply bow to Xichen. Then, taking the spare scrolls, they headed out and before he could reach the open sliding doors, Xichen saw then disappear into a cloud of white energy.

"I'm glad for you brother..." Xichen whisper to himself, as he closed the door, to meditate.

Back in the east, they headed to the main Clan and Wei Ying offer his mother the scrolls given to them. Seen it was about their marriage, Lady Sanren hug her son and son-in–law tenderly and have a look at their red robes, embroidered with golden clouds that they still wear.

"Ah, my son, you really did it. You look so handsome... you both are! Your father will be very pleased and now I have two more children." Sanren said happily and keep it up for a while before Wei Ying manage to escape and drag Wangji along with him, to rest.

The next morning, Wei Ying wake up in the arms of his Lan Zhan, who greet him with a hot morning kiss that melt him in early hours of the day, then go out to tell the others about their night adventure. The news were spread like fireworks, fast and flashy all over the east.

Yanli was quite excited and wanted all the details... well, not all of them, but she wanted to know about their vows to one another. Thus four day passes in the blink of an eye in the east and Yin and Yang finally come out of their meditation to head back to the north, to start Yang's healing and then the restoration of the balance.

The happiest one about their coming back to the north was little Yuan, that was now an official member of the Clan and that will spend the years to come in the floating islands of Gusu. Xichen guide the newly wed parents to the training grounds of the juniors, so Yuan could become acquaintance with the other children's of the Clan and start his cultivation.

Immediately Ah Yuan was welcomed by the other children's and having such adoptive parents like the two famous seeded heroes, he was the new sensation, but he was specially welcomed by a curious kid named Lan Jingyi, that excitedly keep asking him questions, about himself and his father Xian when he was not supposed to.

Lan Yuan, soon to be called Lan Shizui, was happy to befriend another kid that was neither afraid of his two parents nor cohabited by their names or presence, to a point, he also questioned Wuxian about the eagles they came into the Lan islands the first time.

Wangji smiled as he hear Wei Ying answer some questions and avoid others, then trying his best to escape the interrogation. It was because his uncle was not there that Lan Jingyi could ask so much, but it was better that way, so little Yuan could really feel himself a part of their Clan.

After a while, Wangji and Wuxian returned to the main Clan and greeted Lan Qiren, which was visibly irritated, yet didn't said a word out of place. He welcome Wei Ying to their Clan in a cold tone, but didn't show disrespect toward the young man.

"Sage Wuxian, you will be an honor guest in the Lan Clan for as long as you decide to stay." Lan Qiren said in a serious tone that could freeze a corps, while making a courtesy bow to Wuxian.

"I'm grateful for the invitation and humble for the wonderful warm hospitality offered." Wei bowed back as Lan Qiren's brows twitched. He was criticized right back in a way he could not protest, but only swallow his irritation. Xichen showed a hint of a smile and patted his uncle's shoulder. Wuxian was a cunning young man, he will always throw at you what you sow.

After that, they meet back with Lord Zheng in their usual training ground and Wangji parted with Wei Ying, as he was to heal Yang for the coming few days in a special island in the center of the lands. As that happen, Yin, like she promise also took Wei Ying somewhere else, to extract Mo from his core and back to the sword he was originally attached.

The process took some time, as they were very integrated in one another, but after three days, the transfer of the cores was successfully completed without any harm to Wei Ying's golden core, nor in Mo's black one. Chenqing was waiting impatiently to see him back in the real world and when he finally did, joy overtook him and he hugged his lover quite tightly and planted a passionate kiss on his lips right away, that make Yin blush and Wei Ying laugh, despite his tiredness.

A day after the removal of Mo Xuanyu, Wangji finally fully heal Yang, coming back to his Wei Ying after four days of concentrated focus and exhaustion. Wei Ying was on him as soon as he spot his handsome figure, holding him close for support and welcoming back.

Reunited again after the few days away, Yin and Yang joined hands and disappeared along with Cian and Jinzhu (Yinse was to stay and help get rid of the corpses with the others). However a few minutes after their disappearance, a massive symbol of them was created in the clouds above and a huge wave of white energy surged from it, descending all over Gusu and spreading in all directions, as the pair cleansed the lands in a first wave that reached all corners, restoring the white energy in placed that had been dominated by dark one before.

Back in the east, they saw the symbol, just like anywhere else and felt as the energy of the lands begin to shift. Dry trees sprouted new branches, flowers bloomed out of season, the winter leafs became greener, the crops grow healthier and rain finally fall for long hours, to make new grass grow despite the snow in some places., dry land to be soaked, rivers to overflow and long dry lakes to be filled with clear water again.

People dances in the street or out of homes, under the healing rain they have miss for centuries. They celebrate the reborn of the balance, the reborn of new hope and the reborn of a healing era east, west, south and north, were now balanced and prosperity will bloom in the coming years.

Back into the Lan islands and soaked to their cores, the team rejoiced in the healing rain. Yanli danced with Zixuan as she smiled cheerfully, captivating her fiancé as never before. Mianmian ran around, chased by Wen Ning as they laughed in joy. Wen Qing turned on the same place, extending her hands, welcoming the healing rain that will make her Clan flourish once again, as Jiang Cheng laughed as he watch her dance too, then taking her hand to bring her close into a kiss, she did not avoid. Song Lan and Xingcheng smiled at each other, while discretely holding hands under the heavy rain that was making pools in the training ground. Huaisang was trying to use his fan as a shield to the rain falling on his face, ruining it instead.

Wei Ying and Lan Zhan were in each other's arms, watching at the others cheer in bliss, with a smile on their faces.

"This is only the beginning." Lan Zhan whisper to Wei Ying's ear as he was holding him from his back.

"Yeah... this first rain will not fully heal the lands, much more needed to be done and we will ready to do our part." Wei Ying said.

"We travel the land, clean it and get rid of the remaining corpses..." Wangji added.

"Mn, we give hope back to the people as well as freedom. One day there will no need of barriers. All Clans will progress and expand, towns will become cities, roads will be open and everything will be connected." Wei Ying continue.

"Yes." Lan Zhan agree.

"But before all that, my Lan Zhan, we raise our son in between travels and become proud of his achievements, see him grow older and perhaps join us hunting." Wei whisper.

"We will teach him well and in our times of absence he will have his friends." Wangji said and Wei Ying turned.

"That he will, a mischievous one at that too." He said smiling.

"Like you." Wangji continue.

"Like me, my Lan Zhan." Wei Ying whisper as he close the distance between them in a kiss that sealed their happiness and blooming future.

AN: 😭 This sounds so much like the true end, but I may add another chapter a few years later to see what happen with our heroes and their sons/daughters. Let me know what you think. 💖 My vacations are over so it's back to once a week update. Thanks for the care to this story, it lacked a bit on plot, but it was full of fantasy and most of all, love. Until next time, please take care. 😘❤️💖💙💕💔💞❣️🌷🌹