
Family Reunions Reunions Part One

13 Years Later

"Sizhui can you move a little bit faster?" Lan Jingyi asked as he looked back to his best friend.

"Jingyi, we are not supposed to be here. We should be heading to the Lotus Pier for the gathering." Lan Sizhui whisper back.

"This is on the way to the Lotus Pier and it will take just a moment. I want to see if the rumors are true about this abandon town... it was said it had a ghost rampaging inside." The young lad said as he keep walking further in the abandon town.

"If such rumors were to be truth, both of my fathers would had taken care of it by now." Sizhui said.

"Ah, your legendary fathers have better things to do than chase old folks tales. It's just a little bit of adventure now that we got permission to leave the Lan islands to head for the Lotus Pier. Since the roads are now open everywhere, we can make a little detour here and there. It's been a bit boring lately now that there are no more corpses to hunt." Jingyi added.

"We were suppose to meet with Jin Ling halfway to the Lotus Pier too... my fathers can be there in a few seconds no matter how far they are from the Lotus Pier right now." Sizhui keep up.

"Wei Wuxian will not reprimand you for having a little adventure along the way." Jingyi told him as he open a door to a house that make a creepy sound.

"Not my mischievous father, but my serious one will definitely scold me." Sizhui said in a whisper as he looked over Jingyi's shoulder.

"We all know Wei Wuxian will always have his way around Hanguang-Jun. Ah... there is nothing here... I wonder, was this place really haunted?" Jingyi asked as he turned and seen a figure dressed in a black cloak, with a hood that covered his head, he back off and make a low sound close to screaming. Immediately, Sizhui turned and unsheathed his sword, but after hearing the hooded guy laugh his heart out, he simple sighed.

"Jin Ling... you sneaky little brat." Jin Ling laughed more.

"So much for the self-proclaimed courageous brat of the Lan Clan. You are such a disgrace, Jingyi. Sizhui, just stop hanging with this idiot." Jin Ling said, coming closer.

"You little..." Jingyi also moved to grab Jin Ling by his collar, but Sizhui stop him before the two could start another fight.

"Please no fighting, you are both my friends..." Sizhui said in resignation.

"Don't know why you call this noisy brat a friend..." Jingyi insisted.

"Who are you calling noisy or brat?!" Jin Ling asked back angrily.

"Who else but you? I just don't see what's so great about you." Jingyi said.

"I... I'm the Clan Leader's son! The next in line of the Jin Clan." Jin Ling responded with obvious pride, but Jingyi smirked.

"Then again, what's so great about the Jin Clan anyways? The Lan Clan is far better... we even have a Sage." Jingyi said, also with pride, even when such feeling was forbidden in the Lan Clan.

"My mother is sister to a Sage too!" Jin Ling shouted, as he was a well-known hot head and Sizhui sighed, knowing the verbal dispute will keep up for hours if he didn't distract them. Thus, in times like those, he was twice as glad to have one mischievous father, who had secretly teach him a few tricks for such hard times, when both his best friends meet.

As they keep fighting with words, Sizhui took a red talisman with human shape and infuse it with his energy, then release it to the floor and the little thing, soon was breaking havoc in the old abandon house, throwing things as it pleased. The sudden noise distract the two fighting juniors and he smiled just before he yelled...

"It's the ghost! Look!" And as they looked at the door that he pointed, he make a fast seal and release a bit of spiritual energy with a hint of his father dark energy, going out of the open door. Soon after, the argument was forgotten and both teens went out in pursue of the dark energy.

Over a nearby roof of one house, Wei Ying laughed as he watched his son's trick. Lan Wangji was of course by his side and even he smiled at the scene.

"He sure is your son, Wei Ying..." Xuanyu laughed too at their side.

"No kidding..." Chenqing said with a wide smile in his face.

"He is such a fast learned kid... he even mastered Inquiry at his age, although my Lan Zhan was his teacher, no less can be expected." Wei Ying said.

"True... what about giving the kids a bit of excitement, now that Sizhui had make way to the fun.." Xuanyu proposed.

"Hanguang-Jun?" Wei Ying asked for his approval.

"I don't mind." Lan Zhan said.

"Alright, go give them a bit of a scare, but don't go too overboard Xuanyu." Wei Ying said and Xuanyu dismissed his warning.

"I know with whom I'm playing with... don't worry, your son is in good hands, as well as your ever fighting future sons in law." Xuanyu teased.

"Hey, take that back! My Sizhui will marry no man. He needs to give me a heir for the Wei Clan in my place..." Wei Ying said and Xuanyu smirked.

"I'm afraid you will had to adopt a girl for that, because Sizhui will not do you that favor, mark my words." Xuanyu said as he disappeared in a cloud of dark smoke along with Chenqing.

"My Lan Zhan... you don't really think he will end up with either Jin Ling or Lan Jingyi, right?" Wei Ying asked in panic and Lan Zhan smiled slightly.

"It's possible." Lan Zhan said honestly, completely crushing Wei Ying's hopes for a heir.

"Father will kill me..." Wei Ying whined.

"He is not serious about it." Lan Zhan dismissed, as he jumped down the road and walked ahead.

"Lan Zhan, let's find a sweet girl to adopt." Wei Ying said as he follow his husband.

"We have a son for now." Lan Zhan ignore him.

"You are not jealous of a girl, right?" Wei Ying teased.

"No. I know you better than you know yourself." Lan Zhan simply said and Wei Yin assented in agreement.

"That you do, my Lan Zhan, but I still need a heir, because our son will probably follow our example..." Wei whined again.

"Don't worry, when the time comes, the gods will give your Clan and us of what we need." Lan Zhan said, as he remember his last conversation with Xiao Man before she left for the sealed dimension in which her husband was eagerly waiting for her return, That day she had told him that the Wei Clan and them, will be blessed with a great Leader when Wei Lao grows too old.

Her name was casually A-Qing, a blind girl they will eventually pick up from the streets somewhere, the same way Baochan picked Sanren, a descendant of the goddess Nuwa. Despite her blindness, the girl will grow to become strong and skilled. She will be loved by the Wei Clan and give the Wei Clan more of Nuwa's blood to pass on. Xiao Man had said he will recognize his future daughter in the moment he was bound to meet her.

"Please don't tell me you will get me pregnant by the will of the gods." Wei said jokingly and Lan Zhan arched an eyebrow, as he stopped suddenly, making Wei Ying laugh when seen Wangji's red ears. He had no imagine such outcome before, but as he suggest it... it kind of make him daze.

"Hanguang-Jun... is that is also a fantasy of yours?" Wei asked, unable to stop laughing.

"Don't said nonsense. Let's go." Lan Zhan told him resuming his walk, although his ears went even redder just imagining such sight.

"Ah, my Lan Zhan... you are always the cutest when blushing... come here, let me kiss you senseless. I may not fulfil that fantasy, but we can always keep trying..." Wei Ying said smiling and Lan Zhan turned just in time to be on Wei Ying's embrace. Even though several years had passed and they had matured in both body and mind, their passion for each other remained the same.

So when Wei Ying kiss him, his heart raced as fast as ever when he was too close to his husband. They were now at a point they will not age for centuries, so their youth will remain mostly the same for a long time that too meant their love will also burn the same way, giving reality to all those wild fantasies he had with the younger Wei Ying when he fell for him that first time.

They kiss for a while, right in the middle of the abandoned streets, as always lost in their love and devotion for one another, until they hear Suibian clear his throat. He usually interrupt them when there were others around, meaning the kids were coming their way.

"They are coming already? That was fast." Wei whisper as he separate from his Lan Zhan.

"What do you mean fast? It's been at least a..." Subian said, but was interrupted by Bichen, which elbow him innocently.

"Master, pardon the interruption, but Lord Jiang Cheng is also heading this way." She said.

"I guess we are all a bit late, huh?" Wei Ying whisper and looked up, where Jiang Cheng soon jump down from a roof.

"Wuxian, you are late. It's not wise to make my wife wait longer than necessary. She can still take you down, or that was she told me before I left home." Wei Ying laughed.

"She is still that scary? It's been a while since I last seen her." Wei Ying said.

"Three years to be exact. So, don't be surprise to face her anger. Also, my daughter miss the two of you a lot. I know your strongest ties is both with the Wei and Lan Clan, but you are also my brother as well as Qing's, so visit us more often." Jiang Cheng said.

"Ah, sorry about that, we spent more time with Yin and Yang than we first thought. Time runs differently in their mountain." Wei said.

"Oh... I see. Is everything fine with them? We don't need another dark age." Jiang Cheng asked.

"Don't worry, the story will not repeat itself, they are both happy and the world is healing just right. We make the trip to their secret mountain to train with them every few years. Ah, by the way, is Yinse with you? Yin said he is hanging around your Clan for most of the time this last few years." Wei said.

"So true. Yinse has a thing for Zidian ever since they meet on our journey to the Burial Mounds and mother went as far as to gift me her ring, so when the dragon is around they can meet more freely. She said that having Yang's dragon around our Clan is good luck, so I became Zidian's Master now." Jiang said smiling, as he showed his brother the ring that coiled from his finger like a purple serpent all the way to his wrist.

"Dear gods, you look like Clan Leader material now... you had grown... finally." Wei said teasingly, but Jiang Cheng only snorted.

"Idiot, you two had grown too. By the way, is the brat looking for troubles around here? My sister is a bit worry." Jiang Cheng asked.

"They are having a bit of fun with Xuanyu and Chenqing right now." Wei Ying explained and almost in cue, they hear a set of screaming coming their way and a few juniors showed up running. Of course, Xuanyu and Chenqing showed up too by Jiang Cheng's side.

"Hanguang-Jun! Hanguang-Jun!" Lan Jingyi shouted as soon as he see him and Xuanyu laughed.

"I like that kid, he is too fun to scare..." Xuanyu said.

"I will not even ask what you did to scare them like that. You, brat, stop running around and go back to the Clan. Yanli is worry for you." Jiang Cheng yelled to Jin Ling.

"Hey, I'm not a brat!" Jin Ling protested.

"Yes, you are." Jiang Cheng said at the same time Wei Ying did.

"Uncle Xian!" Jin Ling exclaimed as he came closer. He was too proud to give his uncle a hug, even when he admired Wei Wuxian the most.

"Come give your uncle a hug... it's been a few years since the last time I train you." Wei said, pulling Lin Ling in a hug, then he let go of him to give his own son Sizhui an even warmer hug.

"I saw your little trick, back in that abandoned house... you had learn well." Wei Ying whisper to his son and Sizhui was a bit embarrassed for been caught by his father.

"I..." Wei smiled.

"Don't worry, your secret is safe with me." Sizhui sighed in relief.

"Father Xian... did Hanguang-Jun saw it too?" He asked in a whisper to Wei Ying.

"He did, but he didn't mind... by the way, you don't plan in marrying another man, right?" Wei whisper back and Sizhui smiled.

"Worry not, I will give my father Xian a heir for the Wei Clan, as he wished." Sizhui said, slightly bowing to his father.

"Mn, good..." Wei smiled back, slightly patting his son shoulder, yet when he turned, he could read the silent message of Xuanyu to him. Keep dreaming... Xuanyu mouthed, before he laughed.

"Damn pervert..." Wei Ying murmur, walking toward his husband.

"Alright, let's not make Madam Qing and sweet Huanhuan wait any longer." Wei Ying said, passing an arm over Jiang Cheng's shoulder.

"She must be a real beauty by now." Wei added to the proud father.

"She is, although as fearsome as her mother." Jiang Cheng said.

"That's given, Madam Qing is the most fearsome woman, right after your mother..." Jiang Cheng sighed.

"There is also Zidian..." Wei smiled.

"You have it hard..." Wei Ying tapped his back, after letting go of his shoulder.

"Lan Zhan, let's transfer them all." Wei said and they joined hands, soon after a light gray mist was released from the couple and a second later, they were all gone.

AN: Thank you for reading this little story this far. Reading it back I saw so many errors that make my head spin and wanting to soft slapping myself in embarrassment. LOL Yet you guys still give it a chance, for which I love my readers so much. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ’–โค๐Ÿ’•๐ŸŒน