
The untamed mage

A young girl who grew up with her stepmother and biological father. It turns out her biological mother is the heir to the magical throne of a certain kingdom. After the death Of her mother on her day of birth. Her birth marked the day of a new sorceress reborn and heir to the throne of the magic world

Cassandraline · Fantasy
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11 Chs

My story 2

It turns after my birthday party the next day my Grandma "Nancy" and Grandpa "Nelson" decided that I go back to meet my father

Then I just show a regretful face. I kept telling myself you can do it. try just to be yourself. Hopefully, I successfully gathered and summoned some courage.

On telling my grandparents I will be prepared to go, two weeks from now.

They sat me down and started telling the story of my Mom. That they had been a couple for ten years without a child. Then they came up with a plan to adopt a child from an orphanage home. Named SAVING HOPE Orphanage home from a town named ATLANTA. They adopted her when she was a baby.

And they named her Alisha Tim

then I said Grandpa, Grandma my mom was adopted? they both said yes.

I was astonished.

This was my first time hearing my grandparents say something so important and memorable about my mom I was so happy. And I said Alisha Is such a beautiful name they both felt like crying because of how I called the name.

Then they told me the main reason they want me to go to Mr Leonard Ros's house who is my dad's. That the main is that I can't make any friends because they always bully me. After hearing my mother's story my mood changed automatically. I agree to go to my father's house the next day. I'm so overwhelmed with joy. After that, we had dinner, and I went to my room to pack up my baggage and go set for the travel trip.

Hopefully, think after ten years, my dad might have forgotten the past and bonded with me.

I never knew, nothing will change.

I lay on my and imagined that life with my dad will give me a U-turn, then I had second thoughts about what will happen if he never change. Over the past few years. I lay on my bed trying to catch some sleep. That was when I had a terrible dream. I was in a forest running in the dark. I kept running till I was almost out of the forest. Toward the end was a lake, I met a lady who said she is my mother and another who said No she is my daughter, and she said do u remember when Grandma Nancy told you that my name is Alisha Tim then I answered and said yes I remembered, the other said no I'm your mother Alisha Tim of Atlanta.

Not too long I heard a shout, let her be, let her be, so many voices repeated the same words, I was panting so heavily, they repeat the words uniformly but it was in a different voice.

And one of the voices said yes your mother's name is Alisha Tim but they are not your mother.

Not long ladies laughed and varnished into the tin air.

I woke up it was a dream. Then I began to panic.

I never hesitate to go to my father's house the next morning. And I said to myself it's just a nightmare