
The untamed mage

A young girl who grew up with her stepmother and biological father. It turns out her biological mother is the heir to the magical throne of a certain kingdom. After the death Of her mother on her day of birth. Her birth marked the day of a new sorceress reborn and heir to the throne of the magic world

Cassandraline · Fantasy
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11 Chs

life of a child

it took me a while before a realized I have arrived in the town named JINTICIA where my father lived. I was wondering what his house would look like, I never imagined my father living in a mansion. My grandparents never told me he was a wealthy man.

Now I have arrived at the mansion. it was known as the largest mansion in the Town. I opened the gate and a maid walked toward me. She glanced at me and ask me how was my trip from XINTON to JINTICIA I said it was all fine. uncertainly, I heard a voice call out "Beatrice" how was ur trip?

I stare at him, I never knew he was my father because my Grandparents never talked about him, for once since I was born. Grandma Nancy had to tell in his presence. My dear "Beatrice" is your father. Then I showed a wow face, walked toward him, and hugged him.

On going into his chamber we heard a lady say, My Lord is this the child who cost you your first love? My father glances at her and said, is this how you welcome your stepdaughter?

Then I repeated, stepdaughter? He answered and said yes. Beatrice meet your stepmother; Matilda Ros immediately I felt tears coming out of my eyes.

My grandma holds my hand trying to comfort me. In the end, I gave up crying.

Not long we climbed the stairs to his chamber. My father and my Grandma discussed what had been going on and told the reason. That I have come to stay. And told him she will be living at noon by tomorrow, and he agreed. He said Grandma she is my daughter I must surely take care of Her. Then I said he should because he is my father.

Not long a maiden said that dinner has been served. We walked towards the down floor by the right.

I saw two children by the dining table I was just as confused as my grandma with a look on her face. Then I said Father do I also have siblings then he said yes, I said but you never mentioned it while we were at your chamber he said oh oh oh I forgot. I said in my mind how interesting; he said let me introduce them. Here are my lovely daughters," I said in my mind I was never lovely in his eyes " Catherine and Caroline Ros. With a look at the names, they are Twins.

For a while the dining room was silent until my stepmother interrupt the silence with a topic. she asked me how was life at Xinton. I said good then she said, why do I have to come to Jinticia, it took me a while, then I answer and said because I want to know what my father looks like,

Then she said why don't you ask him; why he dumped you all those years. My Grand had to scream that enough.

My Grandma said well let's make it known to you although I told Mr. Robert Ros (that is my father's name) before, I will be living tomorrow at noon please take care of my daughter Beatrice and you Matilda, please she is under your care.

The next day by noon my grandmother was ready to go back to Xinton. She told me to be a good girl, Then she left for Xinton