
The unspoken god quits and becomes an innkeeper

The unspoken god of the world decides to leave his post and become a mortal innkeeper. He wishes to remain as a simple innkeeper and wishes nothing more than appease the customers of Unseen Moon Inn. He will face many customers. Some ruly and some unruly. He will quide things to play as he plans and those who try to mess with the god that knows the darkest secrets of the world will get what is coming to them. Be kind to others as long as they are kind to you. And when they are not, stay polite and try to find a peaceful path. If those that disturb your peace will not stop, find a way to "suitably" get rid of them. These are the rules that the innkeeper plays. Be wary of when you bear ill will to the innkeeper and his inn. And no, he is not doing a very good job hiding his power.

SanderTomson · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Evening meal

On this particular night, Jes had found himself eating an evening meal together with Elision. And this isn't just any restaurant. This is THE restaurant in Etsi. Fancy atmosphere, fancy meals, fancy everything. A place where only the elite would enter. During this meal, Jes kept receiving vengeful stares from the onlookers. The only person smiling was Elision as she stared at Jes.

But let's take a few steps back. During the day, there are rarely any customers. Well, there are rarely any customers all the time, but days are usually the least popular time to visit Unseen Moon Inn.

As it was quiet, Jes decided to write a book while he was at it. He got plenty of memories to choose from, so why not pick one and see how it goes.

As Jes was writing, a familiar visitor came through the door. It was Elision. She gracefully said "Hello" as she entered the humble inn. Iloton says with a surprised voice "A pretty lady."

Jes smiled and said "What may I help you with dear customer?" To which Elision responded "I'm here to invite you to a meal in July Sol."

Jes paused for a moment before he said "You want me to come eat with you? Why?" Elision tries to speak, but she is interrupted by Iloton who speaks first "Why are you asking why? A pretty lady said to come with her, so you should go." Jes and Elision paused for a moment until Jes broke the silence "Just because someone is pretty doesn't mean you should trust whatever they say." To which Iloton says "Iloton know that. Iloton just feels that the pretty lady Elision means no harm."

Jes says "That still isn't the reason why I should just blindly accept it as is." Then Iloton says "But Iloton thinks…" Jes interrupts her and says "Be silent for a while. Here, some sweets for you." And Jes throws sweets across the room and Iloton blindly follows them.

Then Jes says "Sorry about that. So the reason?" Elision then says "Ah yes. As you are the one who spared me and guided me to a much rightful path, I feel that it is only appropriate for me to offer some sort of tribute. This is why I picked the most expensive restaurant in town, for it is the most appropriate place for someone like your grace would visit."

Jes thinks for a moment, then asks "When is the meal planned to take place?" To which Elision responds "At 10.00pm." Jes thinks more and eventually says "That is the time when most customers come here. So I'm afraid that I will have to decline."

Elision is saddened by this news and says "Is that so. Well, it can't be helped." Then Iloton comes back and says "Iloton can watch over the inn while you are eating." Elision perks up after hearing that, but then Jes says "You haven't been properly trained to run an inn. How could I leave it up to you?" After hearing this, Elision gets sad again.

Then Iloton says "Iloton knows that it is 50 copper per night. Then once the customer gives the money, Iloton will ask the customer's name and write it to the ledger. Then Iloton will give the room key to the customer and tell them what room Iloton has assigned for them. Iloton knows a lot. Feel free to praise Iloton." Elision claps her hands and then pats Iloton on the head and says "Good girl".

Jes then thinks for an excuse to stay, but comes up with none. So in the end Jes says "Fine. I will come to the July Sol at 10.00pm sharp. I'll see you then." Elision is happy to hear that and says "Yes. I'll be waiting." Then she leaves with her tail wagging a little.

Then once Elision leaves, Jes asks "Why are you so insistent on me going there? You aren't planning anything, are you?" Iloton then says with a bit annoyed tone "How rude. Iloton tried to give Jes a pleasant moment and he thinks that Iloton is planning on doing something? Iloton is offended so Iloton demands more sweets." Jes gave some for her and she started munching them as soon as she got them.

Then Jes mutters to himself "Wasn't the July Sol some sort of fancy restaurant? I probably should dress appropriately." So then Jes gets himself a suit fit for going somewhere luxurious. He had one in his storage from a long time ago worn by some elites. He thinks it's fancy enough and decides to wear it once the time comes.

After Iloton was done eating her sweets, she came to talk to Jes "Iloton has been wondering. Since Iloton can see everyone's true name as soon as Iloton sees them, Iloton thought that Iloton could see Jes's true name. But all Iloton can see is unrecognizable letters that keep on changing. Why is that?" Jes then casually told Iloton "That is because my true name in this world was erased." Iloton then asks "Why?" Then Jes sighs and says "That is because it was an agreement I came with the god of creation Teko. I don't want to give you more details, but know that I see it as both a blessing and a curse."

Iloton thinks for a moment and says "Iloton doesn't see why it would be a blessing." Jes then says "It is a blessing, since knowing someone's true name can give you the advantage of using it in a spell that is targeted to you. You should know that true names have power in this world. It is a curse also for this same reason. If I'm ever in a pinch, no one can make a spell for me that can save me."

Iloton then says "Iloton finds this sad yet informative. So will it hold power when you become an outer god again?" Jes says "It shouldn't, though…" He looks up and says "... Have you not yet given up O, or are you…" Jes stops what he was saying and says "In any case, it shouldn't matter when I turn to outer god."

Then the time came for Jes to go to the place. He put up his fancy outfit and went with it. When he was there, he got stares of awe pointed at him. "For once it wasn't malice, but awe" Jes thought.

And then Jes saw Elision who was in a fancy dress fit for high class. Elision said "You look astonishing, Jes Tacitus." To which Jes said out of politeness "So do you, miss Elision." They then sat at their table and looked at the menu.

And once he opened the menu, the problems began. Which should he choose? Should he go with the cheapest food available out of kindness or would it insult her? Then should he go for an expensive option or would it make him look greedy?

Then the waitress came to pick up their orders and Elision said her order without hesitating. And now it was Jes's turn. He thought to himself "Fuck it" and went with the option that looked like the middle ground between expensive and cheap. The waitress then leaves and now the two are left to chat.

Then the second problem began. People started to recognise Elision, who was highly popular with nobles. This caused people to glare at Jes as they wondered "Who is this guy and why is he with miss Elision?" The pressure was astonishing, but Jes continued to chat with Elision like nothing was happening. Elision seemed happy, so Jes thought it was going well.

Then at the inn, Diane went to get a place to stay the night and she was surprised when she saw Iloton. She asked "Are you alone here? Where is Jes?" Iloton then answers "Iloton is handling the inn for a while since Jes is eating a meal with a pretty lady." Diane paused for a moment "..." then she said "A meal with a pretty lady? That's nuts." Iloton then replies "Yes. Iloton was surprised when the pretty lady came. According to Jes, she was someone at their road's end when Jes came and showed her the path she should walk on. Iloton heard that apparently she wants to thank Jes for his generosity." Diane is still stunned for a while "..." and then she says "I see. That's cool." Then after a while of silence, Iloton asks "So Iloton has to ask, are you looking for a place to stay the night?" To which Diane responds "No… No, I think I'm good. I… I'm going to leave now." And so Diane left and Iloton was left wondering "Then why would she come to this inn if she wasn't looking for a place to stay the night, Iloton wonders."

Then back at the restaurant, the food had come to Jes's and Elision's table. The food looked all fancy and Jes felt that "It would be a shame if I broke this beauty. But I'll have to eat it or I'll be rude." Then he ate and once he had taken a bite Elision asked "How does it taste?" To which Jes answered "It's decent. I would have made it a bit differently to likely make it better." Elision says "Is that so? Then I'll need to eat one of your meals in the future." Jes says "As long as you are a paying customer, I won't turn you down." Elision giggles a bit and then continues eating.

The comment that Jes made about this restaurant's food made multiple people think along the lines "How dare he ridicule this place's food." and "If he truly is as good as he says, he would have made a restaurant himself." Eventually the news of what Jes said made it to the ears of the chef, who then asked the waitress "Who was that man again?" To which the waitress answers "Let me see… His name is Jes Tacitus and he runs an inn named Unseen Moon Inn outside the town." The chef then mutters to himself "Then let's pay him a little visit. I'm sure that he can't cook as good food as I do, so when I taste it and know how bad it is, I will lecture him and make a statement in the chef circles how bad the food truly was."

Elision asks when she pauses eating "So how is your business going?" To which Jes replies "Decently enough." Then Elision says "That's good to hear. I hope that advertising your inn has increased the customers you receive." Jes is surprised to hear this and asks "You have advertised my inn? Why?" To which Elision answers "Yes. I see it as only natural that I aid you in the way I can like you aided me back then." Jes then thinks with a bit of frustration "Then why haven't the customers increased?" Then he says "Thank you. You didn't have to do so. So thank you." Elision responds "It's no problem" and continues eating.

After they were done eating, they started drinking a couple of glasses of wine. As a result Elision was starting to feel a bit tipsy. She asked while pointing the glass of wine at Jes "Why haven't you come visit me or my store? I've been waiting to hear you come, but you won't come for some reason. Have I done something bad? Did I offend you in some way? Please don't be mad at me. I want to see you happy, that's all. Am I wrong for wanting to spend more time with you? Answer me, you nincompoop."

Jes is a bit surprised at her sudden drunkenness. He thought that an ancient dragon should be able to handle a couple of drinks, but here one was blabbering like someone who had drank all night for their sorrows.

Jes decided to answer "I'm not mad at you and I just haven't had the opportunity to visit your store. I didn't even know that you wanted me to come so badly and even to your house." Elision then says "Thank the gods. I was so worried. You know, you are really looking good today. It's… It's like I'm looking at a queen's consort or something. Is that too far. Pff… You know what I mean. You do, don't you?" Jes answers with "I understand. And I'm starting to also understand that it is about time we leave. I will guide you back home. Now come with me."

Jes rises from his chair and goes to help Elision get up. Elision is protesting "But I want to chat with you more." To which Jes responds "We can chat along the way and inside your house." Elision perks up and says "Hurray! You finally come and visit me." The rest of the customers there stare at the two and blame Jes for getting the elegant Elision drunk like this.

Jes guides Elision back home while chatting, which is a mansion fit for nobles. Once he knocks on the door, a maid with a lizard tail comes out and Elision says "Hey Liz?! Look who I brought with me. Oh shoot, you don't know him do you. Well here is my guiding star, mister Jes Tacitus." Jes hands Elision over to the maid called Liz and says his goodbyes. Elision got mad and said "You told me that you would talk with me back home."

Jes sighs and then comes into the house. It was an elegant place fit for a noble. Jes and Liz guide Elision to her room and Liz helps her to change into her pajamas and then sends her to bed. Elision demands that Jes will stay and chat with her until she falls asleep. Jes does so and they chat for an hour or so until Elision tires herself and falls asleep.

Once Jes leaves the room, Liz tells him "I apologize for my lady's actions tonight." To which Jes says "No problem. She seems to have a lot of pent up frustration on her so letting it out every once in a while is a healthy choice." Liz then says "Thanks for your kind words. You truly sound like the guiding star that my lady talks about." Jes says "You flatter me. But I think it's time for me to go. Goodbye." Liz says "Goodbye" also and so the night comes to an end.

As expected, the only visitor that came this night to the inn was Diane, which Iloton informed Jes about.

During that night, Diane went to her house in Etsi, grabbed a pillow and started hugging it. She kept wondering "What is this feeling that I'm having?" And then soon she thought "Why on earth would that stubborn innkeeper go do something that doesn't benefit his innkeeper agenda? What in the world is he thinking? And why would he trust his business to someone who looks and acts like a child? Argh… I don't get it."

The next morning Elision sent a letter apologizing for her actions last night. She is worried that she might have shown Jes something unsightly and said something she shouldn't. Jes sends a letter saying that he didn't mind what happened last night and that it was quite refreshing to see. It was a bit of a bother to him, but he didn't want to worsen Elision's already bad mood, so he kept silent about it.

During that day, a mysterious customer came to dine in the Unseen Moon Inn. Jes didn't mind since "Customer is a customer." The mysterious man ordered the food, ate the food and then left. Couple of days pass and suddenly a surprising amount of people come and dine in the Unseen Moon Inn. Jes is surprised by this but he doesn't mind since he's getting more customers.

Every now and then after that, people come to only eat in the Unseen Moon Inn and nothing else.