
The Unspoken Child

{Mature Content} “Rin, what are you not telling me?” I look at Rin as he faces away from me. Everything I heard, is it true? Was that him? Nothing makes sense anymore. “Answer me!” I yell as tears start streaming down my cheeks. I collapse and look up at Rin who still has his back facing me; I cry harder covering my face. “You all lied to me, everything and everyone…you’re all….I- I can’t!” Rin finally turns to me and holds me, but I push him away. “I’m sorry, Skye.” “Don’t talk to me! Don’t touch me!” Rin grabs onto me trying to hold and calm me down, I try to push him but instead I scratch his face. There's blood gushing out but he doesn’t seem to care, just as I manage to loosen his grip the squad comes in and helps him. “No! Get off me!” “Give her the stuff so she calms down.” Rin moves away from me while covering the scratches, just then Trinity comes over with a needle in her hand. Everyone holds me down while I thrash around violently. “Hold her arms still,” Trinity commands, two people hold down one of my arms as she injects me with the needle. What was in that needle? I’m so weak. “Damnit, I knew it was too soon to reveal-“ Rin looks at me as I lay on the floor, still covering the scratches. Then, everything goes dark, I pass out letting whatever was in the needle take effect. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Skye Banks is raised as a normal human child, wanting to join the knights ever since she was little, she attempted even though she had no magic. Magic was the only way people survived; everyone had it, except Skye. Even though she had no magic she was able to join the knights, thanks to her old friend Rin. Unfortunately, being in the knights isn’t as easy and fun as Skye thought it would. Right after joining the knights, she sets out on her first mission, but that’s when everything changes. She needs to learn about her past while hoping to find out about her parents. However, if she finds out the truth too soon she could be just like her grandfather but worse. With limited time and limited information, those who already know Skye are the only ones capable of helping her, but they have to hide who they are from her. What will happen if she finds out the truth too soon, or if she doesn’t find out at all? Will she find the truth about her parents?

Catt055 · Fantasy
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29 Chs

The Dream and The Man

People are screaming and asking for help, they're arguing about what they need to do. Wonder what's going on? There's a loud boom outside, and I hear footsteps of someone coming…I need to hide, but where? I look around for a place to hide but it's so dark I can't see anything around me. I walk around careful not to bump into anything, what's that sound? It's almost like someone's crying, I walk towards the sound until I see a small figure on their knees curled in a ball.

"Hello? What are you doing here?" I wait for a reply but the person says nothing. As I examine the figure closer I realize…a child?! What is a child doing here? What even is here? "Hey, kid are you okay? What are you doing here? It is dark, shouldn't you be with your parents?" I wait for a response and still nothing the child doesn't even look up at me, they just keep crying.

Someone opens up a door and light shines into the area. The person walks into the area and grabs the child. "You're coming with me," It sounds like a man.

"Wait, you can't just grab a child what if they're hurt?" The man keeps walking with the child and I follow, out of curiosity. I'm blinded by the lights at first but my eyes eventually adjust. I look around as I follow the man and child, the area looks huge. It's a long bright hallway with pictures of numerous people; suddenly a woman and two children run past us in a hurry, the children holding hands with the woman as they run in the opposite direction.

The man stops in front of a door and he looks at the child before opening the door. He lets go of the child and they run into the arms of a mysterious figure. "You two must leave immediately I don't know how much longer this cloak will last." The child turns to face the man and she smiles as she wipes away her tears.

The child's smile is radiant even though she's covered in dirt. The child looks so familiar, with long messy blonde hair that goes past her waist, and bright blue eyes. She's very skinny almost like she barely eats, poor thing. The child gets tugged away into a hole as the man-

"Skye, wake up." I feel someone shake me and I groan not wanting to get up. The person keeps shaking me and I finally decide to open my eyes. "Oh good you're alive, breakfast is ready." My aunt gets up from my bed and leaves my room closing the door.

I groan as I roll over and rub my eyes. Sluggishly I get out of bed and put my hair in a bun before going downstairs to the kitchen. "Good morning, family." I grab a plate and put some eggs and potatoes on it, sitting at the table I watch as the brothers' play with their food and my aunt eating hers. "I had this weird dream, it seemed so real." I look at my aunt waiting for a response.

"Well, you do have a vivid imagination. Could be your mind playing tricks or something"

"I don't know, I don't recall having a dream like that. Actually…now that I think about it, it was different."

"What do you mean?"

"Like, I don't know. There was a girl in a dark area and she was crying, but then someone took her somewhere and they met up-"

"What?!" I look at my aunt surprised by her reaction, the boys stop playing with their food and look at her as well. "Sorry, honey I'm sure it was nothing. I wouldn't worry about it too much, okay?"

I nod. "So, I'm thinking about doing some training, my arm feels a lot better." I smile as I move my arm around in a sword-like motion.

"I don't know what if something happens and the stitches come out?"

"I'll be fine, trust me. It's been a month if I don't practice soon I'll get rusty."

She sighs as she shakes her head. "Okay, fine. Just don't go overboard, promise?"

"Promise." I shove the rest of my food into my mouth before getting up to clean up my plate. I rush upstairs to my room and get ready for the day.

About an hour later my aunt is cleaning up the brothers' mess while scolding them, I grab my swords and head out the door. I sigh as I walk towards the little park in the middle of the village, I find a bench where no one is sitting and lay across it setting my swords against the bench.

What was that dream about? It seemed so real, I don't think I've had a dream like that. I can't help but wonder what it was about and why did that girl seem so familiar. I shake my head and look up at the sky. She's probably right; it's probably just my mind playing tricks.

The kids in the park run around laughing as they play with each other, their parents are sitting on the benches talking to one another. It's a good start to the day, the sun is shining and the birds are singing until a parent near one of the houses screams catching everyone off guard and scaring the children. Everyone including me runs over to the parent, some of the parents are moving the children away while others are talking among themselves. I push past the adults and see what happened, I'm taken aback and shocked. Who would do this?

The kids' mother is sobbing uncontrollably and trying to wake her son up. I approach the boy and mother; she looks at me with tears in her eyes. "Someone get him to Luna she can help." A man from the group picks up the boy and leaves with the mother. "If you can find your children get to them now and protect them." The parents scatter looking for their children frantically.

I go back to the bench and grab my swords, I look around the area and before I know it there's an arrow flying straight towards me. I barely have time to react; I move out of the way but still get nicked by the arrow. I see a man in the distance with a bow, without realizing it I'm running towards him. The man fires another arrow but this time I hit it with one of my swords still running in his direction.

I stop a few feet away from where he's standing, he smiles at me. "It's been a long time, Skye." I look at him confused, how does he know my name? He prepares another arrow. "I'm sorry to have to do this." Those words I heard them before when…before I can finish my train of thought another arrow is coming towards me, I prepare to block it but the arrow turns into three, catching me off guard.

I prepare myself to try and dodge them, even though I know I won't be able to. Just before the arrows reach me a wall made of rock forms in front of me blocking the arrows. I know who did this, Zero! I look around and I'm delighted when I see him. He runs over to me and the rock wall disappears the man still standing in the same spot.

"How do you know me?"

The man smirks before he turns his back on me, he approaches the woods. "Why would I ruin the fun when there's still time to play." The man winks at me before disappearing into the woods, his words not leaving my mind.

"Skye, are you okay?" Zero hugs me and looks at me with worried eyes.

"I'm fine, better that you're here though."

"What happened, I just got home and one of the parents said their kid got hit with an arrow."

"Are they okay?"

"Yeah, it just hit the kid in the leg. My mom said the kid passed out because they were in shock."

"That's good, I'm glad no one was seriously injured."

Zero looks down before looking back up at me. "We need to go to my house, mom wants to talk, your aunt is supposed to be there already."

I look at him with concern. "Is everything okay?" He grabs my hand ignoring my question and starts leading me to his house. I see the boy and his mother outside talking to Luna and my aunt. The boy and mother leave walking towards us.

"Thank you, Skye." I nod and smile, the boy and mother leave. Now, it's just my aunt and Luna talking among themselves. They both look over at Zero and me, my aunt looking upset and Zeros mom putting a fake smile on display.

This can't be good.