
The Unspoken Child

{Mature Content} “Rin, what are you not telling me?” I look at Rin as he faces away from me. Everything I heard, is it true? Was that him? Nothing makes sense anymore. “Answer me!” I yell as tears start streaming down my cheeks. I collapse and look up at Rin who still has his back facing me; I cry harder covering my face. “You all lied to me, everything and everyone…you’re all….I- I can’t!” Rin finally turns to me and holds me, but I push him away. “I’m sorry, Skye.” “Don’t talk to me! Don’t touch me!” Rin grabs onto me trying to hold and calm me down, I try to push him but instead I scratch his face. There's blood gushing out but he doesn’t seem to care, just as I manage to loosen his grip the squad comes in and helps him. “No! Get off me!” “Give her the stuff so she calms down.” Rin moves away from me while covering the scratches, just then Trinity comes over with a needle in her hand. Everyone holds me down while I thrash around violently. “Hold her arms still,” Trinity commands, two people hold down one of my arms as she injects me with the needle. What was in that needle? I’m so weak. “Damnit, I knew it was too soon to reveal-“ Rin looks at me as I lay on the floor, still covering the scratches. Then, everything goes dark, I pass out letting whatever was in the needle take effect. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Skye Banks is raised as a normal human child, wanting to join the knights ever since she was little, she attempted even though she had no magic. Magic was the only way people survived; everyone had it, except Skye. Even though she had no magic she was able to join the knights, thanks to her old friend Rin. Unfortunately, being in the knights isn’t as easy and fun as Skye thought it would. Right after joining the knights, she sets out on her first mission, but that’s when everything changes. She needs to learn about her past while hoping to find out about her parents. However, if she finds out the truth too soon she could be just like her grandfather but worse. With limited time and limited information, those who already know Skye are the only ones capable of helping her, but they have to hide who they are from her. What will happen if she finds out the truth too soon, or if she doesn’t find out at all? Will she find the truth about her parents?

Catt055 · Fantasy
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29 Chs


Zero walks with me to his house and I see my aunt and his mom talking, my aunt looks stressed as she waves her arms while talking to them. They look over at us as Zero leaves my side and goes to his mom, my aunt approaches me with a sad expression on her face.

"Is everything okay?" I ask worriedly as she shrugs.

"I'm not sure; they just said it was important and that they needed to talk to both of us."

"Well, since we're all here let's go inside shall we?" Zeros mother, Luna, is probably the best healer in the kingdom. She has very strong magic that can heal most injuries, which means she's not very good at combat. She spent most of her life traveling and helping others, that's how she came to our village. Luna is the daughter of a very high ranked knight and is supposed to live in the capital with the other people that can use magic, but she didn't want to be praised for her magic so she decided to stay here even though her family and fiancé at the time didn't approve.

We all enter the house and Luna goes to the kitchen to get everyone drinks while the rest of us find seats in the living room. I sit next to my aunt on the couch while Zero sits on a stool and his father already sitting in a recliner.

"Skye, how's that arm of yours healing?" Zeros' father, Mikael is one of the best fighters in the kingdom. He trains recruits and is a captain of the fifth division, the best knight squad in the kingdom. He was raised by captains and was taught from a young age how to fight. He eventually got recognized when he joined the knights and flew through the ranks becoming captain in less than five years. He is the son of the best captain the kingdom has ever seen, he enjoyed living in the capital and being praised for his magic.

"Oh, it's almost healed haven't had any issues lately."

'Good good." A few minutes of silence pass by until Luna comes with drinks and food for us. She sets everything down and sits on a chair next to her husband. "Now that Luna is here-"

"Skye, you know we love you like you're our own, but unfortunately the marriage proposal is over, it won't work."

"What? Why not?" My aunt and I say at the same time surprised.

"Well, it's just this is your last year to try for the knights and you haven't made any effort to join. You've been putting this off for the past three years. Besides….Zero is engaged to another captain."

I look at Zero waiting for him to say something, but nothing. "You guys set up the proposal years ago and even he and I agreed that we would do this, you can't just decide to end it." I get up and point at Zero. "And you can't just engage someone while you're in a proposal…unless…"

"We went to the church and canceled it a few months ago."

I sit back down tears forming in my eyes, I try to hold them back. "But we were supposed to be together. Zero, we…I can't believe this after everything we've been through together and this is what you do?!" Zero and I grew up together; he was the first one to welcome me to the village after the attack. We were always together, always getting in trouble, always going on adventures, where one of us went the other followed. We started to train together; even though he's three years older he was the slowest to learn how to fight. Eventually, his parents wanted us to get married so they and my aunt filled out the forms, so when we both were over eighteen we would get married. He joined the knights and was barely here so we didn't talk as much, and just like his father he climbed the ranks and is the captain of the third-best ranked division.

It's very rare for nobles and royals to marry commoners, most of the time it's if they want something just for themselves or for their families like certain clothes or food, while they have another family in the capital. In other rare cases if a commoner has good combat or healing skills a royal or noble will marry and have a child hoping they'll have good skills as well. The child is taught that skill, but if the child isn't good enough for the nobles or royals they take the mother and child back to the village they came from with nothing.

"I'm sorry Skye, but my mom is right. Half of the reason they wanted the proposal was because they thought you would at least try out for the knights, but you haven't. We used to always say we would join together and be in the same division. I don't want to be with someone who will say they're going to do something and then they don't."

I stare at Zero shocked at what he said. "This is because I haven't tried for the knights?" I get up again tears streaming down my face. "That's ridiculous, you know why I haven't tried but you still keep bringing it up. Ever since the accident, I can barely control myself. How would the captain's act if they found out I have a blood lust?"

"Skye, sweetie I know you're upset but it's for-"

"What? It's for the best? Don't patronize me; you know what, this discussion is over. I have nothing more to say to any of you." I storm out of the house and slam the door.

I head for the woods, but I hear my aunt call my name and I stop. I stare down at the ground tears falling off my face, my aunt hugs me and the tears come faster. I hug her and we stand outside the woods, me sobbing and her telling me everything will be fine.

"Skye let's go back to the house. We can make a cake with the boys while you tell them stories." My aunt looks me in the eyes and wipes away a stray tear. I nod and we head back to the house.

The babysitter talks with my aunt as I get the stuff ready for the cake. The boys are sitting on the floor playing with each other. My aunt comes into the kitchen and sits on one of the chairs, the boys going to where she is. I start making the cake as my aunt tells the boys a story I interject now and then saying something that'll make the boys laugh.

After about an hour of baking I finish up and my aunt makes a quick dinner. We all sit around the table, the boys playing with their food as usual, and my aunt and I talking. I finish early and decide to go to bed. I spend a few hours tossing and turning before I get up and go outside for some fresh air. It's cool and windy. I sit on the ground looking up at the clear sky, the events of today running through my mind.

I get up, look at the house, and inhale deeply. I'm going to train for the knight's exam and be accepted so I can protect my family, and to prove to Zero and his parents that they made a mistake. I go inside and up to my room to start packing, once I have everything packed and ready to go I find a piece of paper and a pen so I can leave a note for my aunt.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you in person, but I'm leaving for a few months. I'm going to train and become stronger so I can join the knights and protect you and the boys. I have to do this for myself, besides I still have a promise to keep to grandma. I'll come back home once I'm a knight, that way you'll be proud of me.

Love and miss you,


I quietly leave the house with my stuff and start to head towards the woods, I take one last look at the village and the house saying bye.

This is for the best anyway…