
The Unlucky kidd

Reality is often stranger than fiction. To every truth there is a bit of lies and to every lie there is a bit of truth. And even myths have some truth to them. This a world of madness and mystery. Witchcraft and witches. From Island to Island, Join them as they make new friends explore the world and create a legend to be passed down through the ages. Explore a world with deep and rich history. Spanning back hundreds of years. A world filled with terrifying beings that only exist in nightmares. The Cover art is by @hailiechu on tiktok This story has serious undertones that may be uncomfortable for some viewers. The start is slow but i do recommend you continue the book. I will also try to upload 2-4 chapters per week. Any corrections on spelling and grammar are welcome. I will answer comments regarding plot but i will not change anything or spoil future storylines. I hope you enjoy this weird world that I have crafted Thank you - Zak }

Zak_Smith_ · Fantasy
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98 Chs

Baby Shark

Davie Unfurled the sails causing the ship to jet forward.

The mast of the ship creaked and showed signs of snapping in certain areas. Showing the immense stress and pressure it was being put under.

The ship rushed forward and it began to rain. The pitter patter of the rain on the glass sounded like tribal drums heralding the death of any who heard it.

Davie at the helm smiled. His blue eyes glowed deeply. The ship fell into the first whirlpool and started being sucked into the eye. Davie instead of resisting the current allowed it to carry them until they were just about to enter the eye.

" Davie what are you doing?" Will screamed out

Right as the ship was about to reach the point of no return. He turned the wheel and the ship cut through the water and rose out of the pool.

" Ahhhhhhhhh!" The screams of the rest if them echoed throughout the bridge.

The ship shot out of the pool. Then something unexpected happened. A water spout shot out from below them sending them flying into the air.

" WOAHHHHHGGGGGGG" everyone started floating. It was as if they were weightless. Davie had yet to let go of the wheel. He had a crazy smile in his eyes. He fully unfurled the sails by pulling a lever.

The raging winds caught the ship's sails. This wind pushed the ship past the last whirlpool.

Standing crouched on a tree shielding his eyes from the rain was Rafael. He looked at the ship amazed.

" Out of the 3 ships to ever leave this island. This exit has to be the most batshit insane. Isn't that right my pervert the sea witch?"

He looked down in the water below him. The tides had reached all the way up to the treeline and even submerged the majority of underbrush.In the water with a cyclone shielding her bottom half a woman stared at the ship with a curious gaze. Her brown hair was covered in gemstones and coral. Her bronze face extremely beautiful and her eyes shielded by shells.

She looked up to the top of the tree line and gave Rafael a smile and a responded. Her voice sounded like a cool ocean breeze brushing on your ears.

" You need to watch your tone Mr " Rafael ". You are held on this island for a reason. They are too ripe to be able to impress me. A baby shark can kill even the strongest of clownfish."

Before Rafael could respond she disappeared into the water. Rafael sighed and shook his head.

" Baby shark? Each one of those little fuckers is a unborn Megaladon. They haven't even left the womb yet. I'd give them 2 years before the world starts to recognize just how special those four are. In the meantime I'll serve my sentence in peace. I wonder when I'll get some new visitors. I hope its not one of the Gods. They can suck a dick."

Seeing that they had made it. A long gone light seemingly returned to Davie's eyes. His vision flashed.

He was sitting on the edge of an dock with someone. His wavy blue hair blew in the wind exposing his Jolly roger tattoo and earrings. His tall figure even when sitting down still towered over the figure that sat beside him. They were both wearing the same outfit but this person wore blue trousers instead of black ones.

" Hey Mel, Do you think being a Captain is fun?"

Mel turned to him. Her brown hair blew gently into the wind. She let out a cute smile and her beaming brown eyes fluttered.

" Hmmm idk Davie , with how lazy and pessimistic you were I couldn't say it'd be a fun time for you. But thats then and this is now. You had a rough life Davie but your young and have so much more to live. You have a crew you need to protect. Don't hate yourself forever. Me and dad have long forgiven you."

Davie looked out to the sea. Coming up to shore was his dads old fishing boat. As time flew by it came closer and closer.

" Your really gone..aren't you Mel." Davie didn't want to look at her so he kept his eyes forward.

" Yes Davie. Im gone. But your still here so live on for us.Fun is always one sail away"

Silence fell over the docks and the sounds of the waves crashing against the shoes was the only thing he could hear right now.

" Im gonna miss you..." Davie looked towards her. His eyes were teary. It looked as if he had so much more to say.

" I know Davie but i cant join you on this adventure. Its time for you to create you own" She slowly stood up.

His dads fishing ship had come ashore. His dad was younger and stronger. He still had some brown streaks in his hair. He was almost as tall a Davie and his back stood straight and tall. His manly voice called out.

" Mel! Come on its time for us to go!" He looked around and saw Davie on the shore. He raised his eyebrows and shouted again.

" Look who finally decided to grow a bone. Life's a lot brighter at sea aint it lad."

Davie turned to him and smiled. The man who had tried to keep a straight face looked at his son in awe and his eyes welled up with tears.

" Davie... my sweet boy look how you've grown. Im sorry for what I did. And i do dont hate ya for it. Davie my son. This old man is so proud of you"

Davie looked at his father with tears flowing down his cheeks. He couldn't believe the words that he heard. Before he could say anything back Mel hopped on the boat.It slowly drifted off into the horizon.

They each stared at each other until the ship was but a mere speck in the big blue canvass of the sky. Davie wiped his tears and turned away from the edge of the dock. He walked forward and the vision faded.