
the unliving sage

In an effort to save him from an untimely doom in the hands of a resurgent evil, Dante was reincarnated... but into another world full of wonders and rich in magic. nevertheless the hunting cries of corruption reeks in this world, as dante is forced out of his new peaceful life to fight against those that threats his second chance of peace in this new world, but is he ready to win the battle against mortal beings of pure evil, a ministry with dark intentions, monsters of endless bloodlust and even deities with power to bend the very cosmos to their will, to save the ones he holds dear... but is he ready to fight the battle against the most dangerous threat to all around him... himself

chro_nicle · Fantasy
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63 Chs

chapter 43: getting tired of this... finally a way to release

"wait what…" I was confused by his statement, but then just before he could reach me… I saw that 'mark' from before, how can I ever forget it…


"You're finished- what?" The person that I had pinned on the ground had started to glow red, as the skin started to expand and started to glow more violently.

"Damn it!" my clone cursed, as he was about to retreat from the blast; but was too close to the blast radius.


End of flashback

'oh no'

The man's body started to expand, and started to glow violently….. like as if he was about to-. "YOU TWO, RUN!"

"HAHAHAHAHAA! DIE!!!!!" The man shouted with an insane look on his face, i turned to see that the woman and her child were just too close to the blast range… crap and there is no time for me to escape it either... 'unless'



Tamaki p.o.v

'can the situation at the guild get any worse than it is already in?' I thought with a grim expression on my face, trying to cool my nerves as I kept sat on the bar chair; trying not to blow a fuse. I glared at the place where the guild coat of arm was… the one star, but now is replaced by the fortia clan coat of arm, yes they are one of the most powerful clan in all of the kingdom… but that doesn't give them the right to take over our guild, just because there ignorant clan emperor saw something in the guild that had sparked his interest.

I turned my gaze towards a group of those 'knights', who were terrorizing some of the other guild members; whose have not caused any problem to either the knights or the so called 'honor of the fortia' as they started to not just frighten the other guild members due to their high rank… but were also seriously getting on my nerves and if they don't stop, then I might as well teach them a lesson that they would not forget.

"you scum, how dare you splash your filthy drink on my amour!" the knight shouted in anger, annoyed about his suit of amour getting stained by accident. The knight grabbed the guild mate by the neck, with a furious expression on his face.

"i-I s-s-aid that, i-I d-idn't k-kno-w <grunt>" the guild mate struggled to release his word, as the knight had a very strong gripped on his neck. The other knights started to run their mouths like tap, spilling out nonsense words and opinions like as if it matters.

"how were weak people like you, allowed into this guild… seems like they are just bunch of weaklings…"

"I don't even understand why Lord Isaac see this guild as a pillar of pressure."

"what does he see In them, they are far weaker than any of us, so why them."

"then why don't you tell your lord to leave us alone huh, we don't want some tin cans telling us what to do." One of the guild mates had enough of what the knights were saying, as he shouted in retaliation at the knights; as this infuriates them even more.

"how dare you, you livestock; watch your tongue if you do not want to taste the edge of my saber!" a knight responded with aggression in his tone, while pointing his sword at the one and only CW… also know as clock wise for so many reasons.

"don't worry I already had launch… and trust me when I say that nobody wants to taste that shit you pointing at me." He stood up, still maintaining his stoic and bored expression on his face; as he was now facing the knight. "besides I don't think you would be able to cut anything with that butter knife of yours."

'okay… that was kind of funny hehhehehe, same old CW.'

"h-how dare you insult the blade of sir reinguard! I will descend upon you!" the knight having enough of CW's insults, he flung his blade at him at incredible speeds, almost vanishing out of eyes sight… but would be far too slow for CW… there is a reason why them called him the living clock wise.

To everyone surprise… the sword was caught between CW's palm, like as if he gripped it with no difficulty. "b-but how is that even possible…?"

"as I said… butter knife, if you can't tear through my flesh then it's useless to fight against me, and if you were wise… then you would live my friend alone, capeesh." CW said with a demanding tone lingering his voice, but instead of the knights to let go of the guild mate; who they hoisted up in the air, they instead threw him across the room, like a rag doll; as he smashes into tables. CW just let go of the knight's sword, with some dents on the knight's sword, as he went on to check up on the guild mate.

I rose up from my seat, threatening to drag out my sword, but was then stopped my ruk; who was busy taking care of the guild bar as the bartender.

"that won't be the wisest thing to do Tamaki… patient Is a virtue best maintained you know, you going out there will just cause even more problems." Ruk said why placing a cup of drink on the counter, as he just went on taking care of the bar.

"but how can i… just last week our guild was okay and fine… until the fortia clan showed up and technically owned this place… me, indra, sahal, hercul, zura, cw, jack and even you can't stand it ruk." I replied with a furious expression on my face.

"<sigh> fine yes, I don't like how the guild is now upside down, basically this guild has just turned into a clan military defense… but what can we do then… it only master who can really do anything about it, and It seems that even him is really angry about this." Ruk answered with a stoic look on his face, as I just turned my attention towards the guild master's office… hmmmm could it be that?

Flash back

"no I won't let you… I have already given you enough, and now you want to re locate the guild back to your own clan… just what are you trying to achieve lord Isaac." I heard my guild master retaliate at this lord Isaac, as I could feel the intensity of both their mana presence rising up further and further.

"I aim for a dream that not even you can image… tangi, and if you don't heed… then I will be forced to do so… old friend." The other voice thundered with so much force packed in it… but then before I could rush in side and assist master tangi, I suddenly felt that the door knob was vibrating slightly but then stopped.

"you had force me to do so… tangi, so blame your ignorance." I heard that voice again thundering in the room, but then before I knew it, the door had opened up. I saw that it was just the guild master who had walked out of the room. He came out with a smile on his face as usual… but this time, it didn't feel the same… in fact it was like as if he was forcing himself to do so. He shifted his glance to mine, as we both stared at each other for some time before I started to turn away, but then stopped by him.

End of flashback

"… hmmm hey ruk… do you know anyone in this guild that is name, tangi." As I mentioned that name, ruk had shifted his glance at me and had a very serious face on him.

He dropped the cup that he was cleaning on the table, as he just came out of the bar while closing it up for today. "well then, I guess it's time to close up the bar for today… why don't we take a walk through the capital for a while shall we."

"w-wait ruk but what about-." I stopped talking, as I raced towards ruk; who was walking out of the guild, trying to catch up to him; as we both had walked out of the guild.

"isn't it a wonderful day, huh tamaki." Ruk called out with a cheerful; raising his arms out in the air and facing the up to the heavens, while still trying to avoid the talk.

"you haven't answered my question ruk… who is tangi?" I reminded ruk, with a serious look on my face; glaring at ruk. He brought his hands down, and wore a stoic expression on his face, while still facing forward… what he is hiding.

"...<sigh> you see tamaki, that is the name of our guild master… he is not really a guild master per say, you see the reason why he can't do anything against this… is because he is in the favor of the leader of the fortia clan, lord Isaac."

"b-but I don't get it… why would he not be a guild master? Why is he in the favor of lord Isaac?" I asked ruk; who looked serious… too serious in fact.

"…. Well isn't it obvious…. Our guild master has a-."

"god bounty… or better known as the monarch's decree." Hercul interrupted, making his way towards us, in his goliath form; which scared some of the civilians that were here… but how come I couldn't sense his mana presence before.

"hercul, nice dropping in… back from a mission I see, considering the amount of blood on your body I would say it went quite well, though I was confused at first on why you were following me and tamaki." Ruk mentioned to hercul; who just reverted back to his normal size, though the blood was still on him.

"always picking your nose in others business ruk… <sigh> well i just decided to drop in." hercul mentioned with his usual gentle smile. i stared at them with confusion, as to why the guild master would have something that dreadful on him. "are you okay tamaki... you seem confused at something?"

"yeah... is something wrong?" ruk said with concern, i started to walk towards them; like as if i was stunned. "awwwn if it is about the master having a god bounty then don't worry... it will all be a oka-."

he was slammed to the ground by my fist, as i also did for hercul; who managed to dodge it in a nick of time.

"are you crazy or something! how will everything be a okay! how come i wasn't aware of this! so who else know about this apart from me?" i roared at them, with fire in my eyes. ruk was trying to regain himself after the blow to the head by me, as he and hercul had started to move back slowly with bead of sweat raining down their fore head. "so! come on! who else know about this apart from me?"

"okay... okay tamaki just calm down and let me and hercul explain it to you... right hercul?... hercul?" ruk called out to hercul, as he turned to see that hercul was already running for his dear life. "hercul you traitor!!!! okay tamaki just calm down... please"

".... okay, fine... but please can you jus-." i tried to calm myself down taking my gaze off ruk for a while, until i suddenly saw that ruk was no where to be seen... why that snake. "RUKKKK! HERCULLLLL! YOU BETTER COME BACK AND FINISH ANSWERING MY QUESTION!"

i raced after ruk and hercul, trying to catch up towards them; as we all raced through the whole capital."


dante p.o.v


".....steal......" i whispered, and with an immediate effect. the seal had started to consume, not just the explosion... but the dust and debris too. i stood their, panting out of fatigue; with the woman and her daughter right behind them as i shielded them away from the blast. 'god... this blast sure was something else, even more destructive than the other one with the assassin... my arm, talk about heat wave... so it seems that the seal can also absorb impact... though from the way it seems.'

i went down on my knee, feeling the toll of the seal on my right arm as the steam from it had gotten strong than before. the woman and her child both ran towards me, to aid me to get up.

"sir... please let us help you." the woman insisted, but i just pointed to them, that they should both leave without me. "no mister, you're hurt please let us help you."

"please... just... listen... to me... run away as far from this place as you can..... the fight... is not yet... over." i informed them, as just before the woman could argue with me, some bone cracking sounds could be heard from far away... and some kind of heat, was starting to radiate from that direction... it's not yet over.

the woman picked up her child, and had started to run towards the direction of the great gate, running far away as possible... good.

"whoa... so the process still managed to catch up... even after the explosion... you hamjis are totally another thing entirely." i tried to stand, but still felt weak; returning back to my knees as i started to hear a ferocious roar from that direction, with flames bursting out like a rushing volcano. 'such power... aaaarrrggghhh i need to find out how to release these energy inside me... or if not, them this new born hamji will not just be my only problem.

"aaaaaarrrrgghhhh such power!!! i am free!!! from my sacred bondage!! now i shall bring fire on this world hahahahhahaha!" the demon roared out, as it form was compared to that of a yoma beast... and maybe even stronger. it then noticed me, as it red flaming eyes had now focused on me... damn it, i forced myself up, with the dust cloud now blocking my face and limbs. "oohhhhh fresh meat hahhaahaha so let see just how strong you are NOW!"

'come on... i can do this.'

in an instant, the hamji had now vanished and disappeared right in front of me; with a malicious look on it face, and an insane grin on his face... he raised his hand ready to beat me to a pulp. "DIE!!!!"

'COME ON!!!!!'

it launched its fist at me at great speed, as i could feel the massive pressure of the blow heading towards me... but never the less, i will not fall. i too lanuched my fist towards the incoming fist... disregarding the fact that i might as well die in the result of this situation... COME ON COME ON COME ON!!!! 'UNLESS... OF COURSE! '
