
the unliving sage

In an effort to save him from an untimely doom in the hands of a resurgent evil, Dante was reincarnated... but into another world full of wonders and rich in magic. nevertheless the hunting cries of corruption reeks in this world, as dante is forced out of his new peaceful life to fight against those that threats his second chance of peace in this new world, but is he ready to win the battle against mortal beings of pure evil, a ministry with dark intentions, monsters of endless bloodlust and even deities with power to bend the very cosmos to their will, to save the ones he holds dear... but is he ready to fight the battle against the most dangerous threat to all around him... himself

chro_nicle · Fantasy
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63 Chs

Chapter 42: rekindled spirit… fights once more.

"father victor… the task is done, I have weakened the seal that protects the town, so if she performs any spell, while in the town… then we will be able to track and get her, it has all been set." One of the monks that stay in the church had informed the deranged priest, and was then excused by him.

"you have done well my child… soon, eventually… their both will come to us…. All hail project salvation….ha ha ha ha ah ha." He laughed like a maniac, as all of the once unlighted candles were now lit with white flames that brighten the room to reveal their real mission…. The secret… of the beast… but how does this even relate to salvation, so it seems that there is a bigger picture here than beneath the eyes… who are the soul and the body… what is the beast… or who is

Just what is this salvation he hopes for.


At the orphanage (in the morning)

mia p.o.v

I woke up very early to start to prepare what we're all going to eat, I was always the one who would make sure the there is food on the plate; no matter how long it took me…. Though there is always a problem that I would usually face when preparing the food, but that wasn't the issue, I was always so good at preparing food; cooking in general, as I would usually prepare food when I was back at the monastery long time ago.

But what was the problem for me, was going to actual market to get the food supply. I would sometimes be insulted or get thing thrown at me: sometimes stone… though even if I got hit or injure, I don't mind it at all as it would all just heal in an instant… and I have gotten used to all of it, being called a witch to being called a demon, all I do not mind. In fact I just smile, because at least nobody would go through this kind of pain as me; I rather suffer it all then let someone else suffer it. Though zero… he and the rest of the children in the orphanage are the only family I know, each and everyone one of them were all affect and mal treated just like me, just like outcast… some of them being the outcome of fornication and were left in the forest to be taken away by those hamjis in there. I haven't had d any problem with those demons… like as if they try to avoid, which is why I always take it upon myself to carry out the getting of food supplies and stock, and I don't mind.

I made my way towards the hall way, to fetch the children for them to eat their food, as I knocked on each of their door to tell them that their food was ready.

"wake up you all, breakfast is ready!" I announced to them, as they all rush out from their room; while each of them greeted me with a gentle smile on their face, while some had hugged me in the process.

I then noticed that one of them was moving sluggishly, and had looked rather… weak; as before the child had fell over, I had raced toward her, and caught her before she could meet the cold ground.

"may… are you okay… oh lord you are burning up." I carried her gently towards my room, as I tried to heal her with my healing spell… but it didn't work. 'Maybe it must be a fever… that means I will need some herds to prepare a proper medicine for her.' "Please May… just hold on for me okay, I will go get some medicine for you."

I cover her with my blanket, as she started to shiver and shake. I had quickly made my way towards zero's room, as to ask him to watch the orphanage home for me while I'm gone, but to my surprise, when I opened his door… I didn't see him there, until I heard a loud crash from outside the orphanage, but within the seal. I rushed and grabbed the remaining money I had, for the drug; without knowing how much I took.

"Zero, zero, where are you?" I called out for him, in a very hesitant tone. I had finally reached the entrance door of the orphanage home, as I opened it to see zero on all four on the ground, panting and sweating on the floor. I ran towards him as I was worried for him, as I saw his hand was bleed and was clutched tight and there was a fallen tree just in front of him. "Zero…. Is everything okay?"

"oh… everything is more than okay." Zero muttered with a frown, as he stood up from his position, and his hair had now covered his eyes, with his one horn was a little bit long by some centimeters. He then brought up his clutched hand… to reveal…. A little rock? His frown then turned into a full time grin, as he then jumped up, into the air with much excitement, as I was confused by this. "I did it! Beat that kami, haahahahahaha how you like me now, haahahahahaha…. Huh, hey big sis mia, you need anything."

"as much I would like to ask why you are murdering our beautiful trees… I need you to watch the orphanage while I'm gone, okay… I need to get something from the market, May is not feeling well, so please watch them… and get some sleep while at it. You look like an actual hamji with those dark circles beneath your eyes." I mentioned to him, as he just nodded, while admiring his… little rock in his hand. But as I was about to get going, I then turned to zero again; who was to still admiring his rock. "Ahem zero, have you seen kami, by any chance lately… I didn't see him throughout yesterday, after I had healed him. Even today he wasn't up in his room… I'm getting worried, could he have left?"

"Nah I highly doubt that, he did said that his mana is still low; so he won't have left… beside he need you to constantly refill his drained mana, since he can't do it himself any ways…. It's not like he has acquired a new way of doing that, that isn't possible… why are you worried anyways huh? Don't tell me you're falling for him"

Zero mentioned with a smirk on his face, and his eyebrows pushed upward. I immediately grew a enormous blush on my face, as I just ignored his statement and had started to make my way towards the village; I passed the gate and closed it back, as on queue; all of the hamjis that were staying there had started to flee away from there… but I didn't mind that, as I just had one thing in my head. 'why do I feel so worried about… why does he feel so familiar.'


Meanwhile deep inside the forest.

Dante p.o.v

"aaaaaahhhhhhhh" I evaded the hamjis swift attack, by moving to the left… but before I knew it; I was being attacked by another hamjis; which was even faster and stronger than the other one. I kept on dodging its attack, while trying to plan my next line of action, as I then found an opening at the right chest of the hamji. I lunged my cursed hand in a stabbing movement, plunging it through the hamjis heart, as in an instant; the hamji was then immediately absorbed into my seal. "70 down… just one more to go… and from the looks of it, I'm almost close to my limit. My arm feels like as if it's burning, with smoke radiating from my flesh."

I tried to look for that last hamji that escaped… but then my eyes had stumbled upon a weird looking hamji, with a very thin and skeletal body. It looked weak and it mana presence was very low… almost undetectable. It saw me, as it had a hollow facial feature; with dark eyes, along with other features absent. I was about to attack it but then before I could reach it… it then vanished with great speed… like as if time had stopped.

"damn it, just was that…. I haven't seen anything like it. It didn't look like a hamji so what is it-." I was cut off by some screaming coming from north of the forest. I ran towards the direction of the scream, as I made my way towards the place… I started to see a great gate just very far away from the scream, as I continued to make my way towards the scream, as closer and closer… the scream start to get nearer as it was a little girl's voice. "hold on!"

I finally reached the place where I was hearing the scream from, and then I saw a little girl; who had some juries on her: from her head to her arms and legs. She was me and was first afraid of me but then relax, I came close to her with a concerned look on my face. "what happened little one… where are your parents?"

I asked trying to help her, but then she just dragged me towards the forest. "w-wait where are you taking me to-… what the?" I started to hear someone shouting for help… a feminine voice to be exact, as to my shock, it was actually a woman; who was currently about to be raped… no way.

"help m-me."

"shut up you hag and just stay quiet hahahaha while I enjoy myself-ackkk." I didn't let the man finish his sentence, as I immediately land a power packed kick to the man abdomen; with so much force that he was launched towards a nearby tree.

"people like you deserves to suffer." I said with a menacing tone, as the man then slowly rose from the ground. He had blood spilling out of his mouth and nose, but then he just glared at me, as the girl ran to her mother… staying very close to me.

"y-you brat… I will make you pay for that!" he shouted in rage, summoning his chronicle in the process as he charged at me. He launched a flame based attack at me, hoping to scorch me; but instead I just raised my right hand with the seal, absorbing it in the process. "b-but how?"

"a weak element user… pathetic… if you are done fooling yourself, I rather just escort these people safely… than waste my time killing you, even you don't deserve the grace of death." I started to lead the woman and her child to safety, as we all turned our back away from the man; who was now on his knee and was now having an inner conflict with himself. "come on, let's get you both to somewhere safe."


"wait what…" I was confused by his statement, but then just before he could reach me… I saw that 'mark' from before, how can I ever forget it…


"You're finished- what?" The person that I had pinned on the ground had started to glow red, as the skin started to expand and started to glow more violently.

"Damn it!" my clone cursed, as he was about to retreat from the blast; but was too close to the blast radius.


End of flashback

'oh no'

The man's body started to expand, and started to glow violently….. like as if he was about to-. "YOU TWO, RUN!"

"HAHAHAHAHAA! DIE!!!!!" The man shouted with an insane look on his face, i turned to see that the woman and her child were just too close to the blast range… crap and there is no time for me to escape it either... 'unless'