

Five hundred years ago, there lived a kingdom by the name Mevidal. A disaster occurred back then when a mini asteroid struck the kingdom killing about 90% of the people in the kingdom. During this disaster the king and his three sons received powers through the help of the medallion chains they received from the half dead successors.  Five hundred years later, after different Kings ruled the kingdom and fought wars using the ropeless medallion chain. A certain king ruled the kingdom but treated the people as slaves. The successors removed and sent him into the deep forest after his removal the people nicknamed him blackwolf because of what he did to them.  Ten years later, after a prisoner became the king through a punishment he meant to serve but escaped, a letter came from an unknown destination saying they should prepare for war for the real blackwolf is coming to take over the kingdom. The king informed the people but advised them not to panic that he'll fight the war to the end This leads to an unending war that leads to the fight between a dark entity that Harry(blackwolf) joined lead by Lord Luv( Lucifer's most loyal servant ) and Mevidal kingdom but a being rose to save the day as it was written in the prophecy that: "THE WIND LORD, THE MONSTROUS DEMON, THE TWINS WOLVES AND THE THREE TIERS OF VISION WHICH INCLUDE THE FIRE LORD, THE UNKNOWN WARRIOR AND THE ULTIMATE UNKNOWN SAVIOUR SHALL FIGHT THE BATTLE AGAINST THE  RACE OF DARK ENTITIES  WITH THEIR LEADER LORD LUV AND HIS SECOND IN COMMAND THE GREAT WITCH ZOEY ALONGSIDE THE DREADED BKACK WOLF, THE UNKNOWN WARRIOR IS THE FEARSOME DRAGON WARRIOR AND THE ULTIMATE UNKNOWN SAVIOUR WHO IS THE DIVINE LORD OF LIGHTNINGS SHALL APPEAR TO HELP MEVIDAL FIGHT THE UNCONQUERED RACE YOU OF DARK ENTITIES AND THE BLACK WOLF WILL DIE, WHILE THE LORD LUV SHALL ESCAPE DEATH AND THE UNKNOWN SAVIOUR SHALL DIE AS WELL BUT A GREAT THING SHALL HAPPEN WHEN ALL HOPE IS LOST THAT THE RACE OF DARK ENTITIES WE TAKE OVER MEVIDAL KINGDOM" WATCH OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Genius_world · Fantasy
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As the king was talking to his CSO, the queen happened to heard all what they said but because she wants to enjoy being the king's wife, she couldn't say it out but she said to the king: my king, my love what you and your CSO are planning to do is wrong after they trusted you to be their shield not knowing you are their weakness. Will you shut up your mouth or l shut it for you, what do you know, all u Know is to dress up, ask for money and to parties, how I get the money you don't know and what am doing is for the sake of our family and you are here telling me trash. The queen said but.....before she knew it the king cut her off by saying "Get out of here and look at her, were you like this before I became the king.

After a year of king Benson reign, his opposition who video all what king Benson said to his CSO was later appointed as the kingdom's secretary, was balancing some accounts but found out that most of the accounts were not balanced, so he confirmed it that the king was embezzling money.

He came out and called all the people and told them their beloved king has embezzled a lot of money from the kingdom account and the people became furious and angry which was why they decided to embarked on a protest but smart king Benson manage to fool the people with lies that some certain kingdom are not buying goods as they use to buy before and most of the kingdoms bought some goods on credit, after he said that the people said John while did you lied against the king and John said no I didn't and I have proof, then they said we're is the proof and he said let me go bring it but the king said he his trying to run away because his aim of removing was not accomplished,then the people said the guards should put in the prison because he reported the king falsely and he should face the consequences.

According to the land law, the punishment given to John Peter was a death sentence but he is meant to be in prison for seven days and after seven days, he's gonna be eliminated. The king was very happy and jubilating that he was able to convince the people. He even made a feast for him and his covetous chiefs to celebrate. They all ate and drank a lot of wine to the extent of being drunk. John Peter was put in prison and was meant to be killed in the next seven days.

On the sixth day in the morning, the king felt sick and was taken care of in the palace while some doctors examined him but in the afternoon he had a heart attack (cardiac arrest). Then the CSO summons all the guards of the palace.