
The Unknown Origin Story T

Issac Garretwards, a student who often gets bad treatment meets Reynold Ellis in entering a dungeon called Unknown Origin. That said, the place is filled with mysteries that have yet to be answered. One by one, the victims fell due to the many portals connecting to the place. Issac and Reynold with Ninja who are victims of the atrocities of Demons, Kiyoyasu Ogasawara explores the deepest dungeons to stop the casualties.

Dimas_Pratama · Fantasy
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43 Chs

Chapter 40

Reynold and Issac walked through the door of the palace grounds. They entered into the entrance after crossing over the bridge. What's more, Reynold took turns shooting at every Troll that was about to approach them. Isaac looked around him. Upon going inside, there was no sign of monsters or traps. Very weird. No sign of monsters appearing around the palace grounds, Issac muttered to himself. Not satisfied to go around, he tried to take the road to the left. Find out if there is a way to get through there. Reynolds looked around him.

An arid land filled with a bunch of skeletons. It consists of human skulls, animals and some monsters whose meat has been taken. Some of them are already in a state of decay. Reynold felt something starting to move from underground. Both of them closed their eyes. Dark magic energy emerged from underground. Black particles formed, turning him into a beast. Her teeth are popping out. One eye gaze fixed on Reynolds. Her body is slender without any legs. Curving like a slime, it opened its mouth. Reynold dodged. He swung his saw blade at the creature. However, he was impenetrable. Instead, the creature was attracted to Reynolds. His legs moved backwards. Pointing the shotgun at him. Not until there, he also threw explosives at him.


However, the explosion did not necessarily kill the creature. The black liquid took the bones that were there. Nerves from human muscles begin to appear. And his bones resurrected. The inside was fused with a black liquid. Issac stabbed him relentlessly. His eyes fixed on the creature.


"Reynold, looks like we have to defeat this monster soon."

"Why do you think so?"

The index finger of the silver-haired man pointed at a swarm of similar creatures. Looks like a zombie but isn't real. Meanwhile behind, the Troll started to cross the road. Reynold and Issac were completely surrounded.

"Isn't that right?"

"Somehow, I feel annoyed when treated like this."

Issac's shoulders lifted casually. The two of them decided to rotate positions. Isaac is behind. While Reynolds was in front. Silver-haired boy fighting the Trolls. Meanwhile, men wearing round hats fight the creatures.

"I named him Dark Slime. How?"

"Weird name. Just change it," Issac sneered.

But in the end, that was all Issac's mind. Both of them ran fast. The silver-haired boy lunged at the Trolls. The right arm drew a black spear and entered the body of one of the Trolls. His abilities he can easily master. Slowly but surely, Troll managed to be possessed. They were confused by the reaction without making a sound, aka silence. A giant mace was swung from the left. Smashing his head accompanied by a full drenched in green blood. Isaac smiled faintly. Make it easy for him to strike back. A growling sound from the Troll, swung vertically. Destroy the bridge on the side. Isaac backed off. Get ready to position yourself for defense. His left arm is raised wide. His shield was fused with black energy. The sound of bubbling water is so pronounced. Isaac also decided to turn around. Run as fast as you can. White tentacles attacked Issac. He chose to avoid. Splashes of water wet the clothes worn. Does not apply to the armor worn by Issac. Even so, the silver-haired boy wondered about the appearance of tentacles from beneath the sea. The Trolls were hit by the strong grip of their tentacles. The sucker sucks the Trolls until their bodies dry up. It is also used as food. Disgusting sight because the tentacles drowned after the blood and muscles were also sucked.

Looks like I have to go, muttered Issac to himself. On the other hand, Reynold brandished his shotgun. Leaving three bullets remaining. He didn't want to use it for nothing. The ground surface shook quite violently. Reynold clicked his tongue. Swings the saw blade horizontally. Splitting the Dark Slime into two pieces. Behind him, Reynold was startled by a one-eyed creature. Opening the jaws of its mouth wider than a normal creature. Reynold's saw blade stuck in the ground. Left arm rotated, pulling the trigger. As well as sprinkling fire and darkness magic. Destroy the Dark Slimes in one go. The creature even opened its mouth wide. Issac launched a pretty strong attack. Destroyed three Dark Slimes. Splashes of black liquid hit Reynold and Issac.

"Why did you come back?"

"A tentacled creature has killed a horde of Trolls. So I don't have to work hard against him."


Reynold watched the monster continue to suck him up. The groans of the Trolls calling for help. Unfortunately, no one helped him. Reynold and Issac nodded at each other. They both took their own way. Issac launches the initial attack. A stab that crushed the Dark Slimes that surrounded him. Meanwhile Reynold swung the saw blade. From diagonal to horizontal attacks. Cleanse the Dark Slimes until nothing remains. In the depths of his heart, Issac smiled broadly. For the first time, he was enjoying this kind of fight. So far, the silver-haired man has been unable to enjoy life because he is stuck in a situation between the past and people making fun of him. Every time Issac spoke, it ended as a mockery and insult to him. Reynold was not too affected by it. Even so, they both wanted to let loose and clear a Dungeon. Right when they were there. I was so proud, Issac planned to vent all the anger he was holding back. Destroying enemies, being aware of movements to quickly respond in battle. Everything that is obtained by Professor Tristan and Professor Elijah Read will be accommodated until there is satisfaction.

Reynold caught a glimpse of a smile on Issac's lips. It's not wrong for her to be friends with the silver-haired man. Just as the Dark Slime was about to approach him, the boy lost his round hat. His body rotated. Aim the shotgun and pull the trigger. The last bullet hit the Dark Slime's body and shattered instantly. Squeaks from shoes worn. Rotated and swung with all his might. Destroying Dark Slimes in one hit. A spider appeared out of nowhere. Reynolds smiled. His left arm was fused with a spider and darkness energy. Choking the Dark Slime until its particles disintegrate in an instant. The smile on his lips sucked up the particles. As well as giving Issac a spark from the Dark Slime. His armor got splashed by him. The silver haired man frowned.

"How are you?"

"Forgive me. But I gave the strength of the Dark Slime. Just accept it," Reynold replied.

Isaac sighed. The silver-haired man stamped both his soles. The iron metal sounded. Destroyed the floor around him. Even if it was just an illusion, it was enough to frighten the Dark Slimes. Meanwhile, Reynold swung with all his might. Fight the Dark Slimes until they are split into several pieces. Issac lowered his black spear. His eyes glanced back. The rushing of the loud waves sounded from the same direction. Issac and Reynold were surprised that the bodies of the Trolls had disappeared. Ten tentacles appeared from the surface of the sea. Attack Issac and Reynolds.


"I can't believe I have to face the Kraken."

"Krakens? Are you kidding?" Reynold asked Isac.

The silver-haired boy wasn't kidding about monsters from under the sea. Instead, his black spear and shield were preparing to attack.

The sea monster called the Kraken, is indeed a legendary creature with gigantic size and appearance like the cephalopods in the legends that exist. According to legend, the Kraken mostly stays below sea level unless there is something interesting above sea level. The creature terrorizes people who cross the ocean or amidst the swift waves. A giant squid that can grow up to 13–15 meters (40–50 ft) long. Thin in size and frightening in appearance, has blood-red eyeballs, and has thicker tentacles that are tougher than usual. Often, the creature does not move to another place and is almost eternal in age. Many people doubt its existence because it only raises 10 tentacles from under the sea.

The ten tentacles attacked from various directions. Issac and Reynold dodged it quickly. His eyes focused on the tentacles. Destroys Dark Slimes in one hit.

"We have to get out of here."

"Climbing the stairs?"

"Agreed!" Reynolds shouted at Issac.

The two young men ran up the stairs. The swift waves grew. Barely sweeping away the outer surface of the palace. Issac and Reynold rushed inside, the door was opened. Climbing the stairs moves quickly. The silver-haired boy reached the top floor. A middle-aged man appeared, wearing a brown cloak. Her eyes were white and scary. Her hair is disheveled. Moves his cane along with his footsteps slowly.

"Isac Garretwards. Reynold Ellis. I've been waiting for your arrival."

The two boys pointed their guns at the suspicious old man. Until The Blind Angel Snake appeared from the roof of the sky. Makes a growling sound. His tail was wagging, glaring at Issac and Reynolds.

"It's rude to point a gun at a decrepit old man and—"

"Who are you?"

However, The Blind Angel Snake wagged its tail from the left side. Reynold and Issac ducked their heads. Her eyes fixed on the old man.

"My name is Yoriaki Nagasaki. And I'm here to get my revenge on the world and Kiyoyasu."