
The Unknown Bloodline

A 21 year old boy standing with a sword but behind a silver star

Kolawole_Lawrence · Fantasy
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5 Chs

The Silver Star

"Coer,wind warrior,"Min,fire mage".

The whole class exploded with suprise at the sound of mage.

"Wait,did i just hear Min,i mean crush on paradise Min."I and Min had beef and it's

serious beef.

"Yo Adrian,if you bow ten times i'll go easy on you at today's fight".

"How about you learn how to respect your mates".

My mates were shocked and Min ran and wanted to exchange punches but our teacher,master Su stopped us and warned Min from fighting with me unless i'm awakened.

"Sorry master,i won't fight him unless he's awakened".

"Good now Adrian",master Su stopped and looked at the expecting faces of the students.

"Touch the fragment"(ノ`Д´)ノ彡┻━┻, the students were angry,so angry a boy shouted"that's it".

I touched the fragment and suddenly felt like i was in right in the middle of the moon and the sun.

"I am the silver star,the beholder of a true cosmos and the power of mirage,from now on you are now a staren.

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