
Chapter 14 Not again.

As Jennifer took her seat, Mike cleared his throat and continued where he stopped. For some moments, he wish she never comes to class. Her arrival was already causing catastrophe.

He started calling name, trying as much as possible to concentrate. How the hell would he manage to teach?

As he was calling names, his eyes flashed at her direction and he noticed she was wearing makeup. The makeup was not that big, good enough to make her sultry beautiful and nearly impossible to keep his gaze away from her.

Her eyes was striking and flashy. He wondered how he would ever concentrate with the beautiful girl in the class.

He continue calling the names on till the last name. He closed the attendance list and it was time to teach. This time, he needs to man up and face the challenge which was sitting and watching him. He needs to concentrate. If not, he's sure going to fuck up. Would he cancel a class because of her? I don't think so.