
Chapter 13 Un comfortable

The disappointment on her father's face brought out the curiosity to know what exactly was going on.

"What is going on dad?" She asked.

"It's nothing. Don't worry, I will settle with him." Orton replied.

"I shouldn't worry. what business did you have with him and what you cherish most he wants to take?" She asked.

"I've told you. It's man to man business, I don't have to tell you. Just relax, everything is fine." He said and they returned back to the couch. Jennifer could see that her dad was no longer concentrating on the television.

She kept wondering what transpired between his dad and the rich man. They were not poor, just that Sylvester was too rich to have something to do someone like her dad, a common retired lecturer.

She tried to keep her mind off since he said he can handle it and focused on the television.


