
The universe we live in

We go to the stars, we come to the earth. We belong to the earth, but not here. This is the earth. The seven children on the spacecraft came to the earth, and there were no other human beings in their sight. Except for themselves. Is this the new world? Or the end? Where are the previous humans? We don't know. But they have a goal. Rebuild human civilization!

DaoistGrSS68 · Sci-fi
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32 Chs

Chapter 29: "My Name is Signs?

The young girl woke up from the bed.

There were three women and one man in front of her.

All had the faces of children.

"Lu Ying, she's awake."

"Shhh, Cheng Yi, keep your voice down."

"Here, where is it?"

"This is Jiangcheng Oh, little sister."

The oldest looking girl in front of her spoke up.

"How is it, Signs; where is it uncomfortable?"

The boy also spoke.

"Signs? Is Signs me? I don't remember."


"Mengru, what's wrong with you, it's embarrassing that we got the wrong person."

"Awwwwww, Cheng Yi small voice, she just woke up eh, and she does not know what her name is said, should be amnesia."

"Little sister, still remember what is your name?"

The four guys in front of you took turns talking, and the girl couldn't quite figure it out.

"Strange, the ceiling."

The young girl looked at the ceiling and said such words.


The first thing you need to do is to get a good idea of what to do.

The company's main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to the public.

The first thing you need to do is to ask a question.

Huang Ying: "How about asking Langray?"

Mengru: "No way no way, do you think that guy will have any idea?"

Luying: "I think we can try it."

Huang Ying: "@Langray, come out, come up to Mengru's bedroom on the second floor, the girl called Trace who Mengru said took his heart is here, but has lost her memory, come and take a look!"

Langray: "Voice message (to text)"

conversion success: ah, I do not want, strange hot, I have air conditioning here, Mengru room has air conditioning, if there is, I will go oh, no, then say it again, people can not run, and so cool cool I go down again, ah, my phone!


Meng Ru sent a crying and laughing emoji and left the phone screen.

Where was the next target? Of course it was Langray's room.

It seemed like she was the only one who could know about Trace.

Previously, Signs had told Mengru that she was not human, but some other race, and Langray had also said something about a non-human race.

From this, it can be inferred that

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The first thing you can do is to take a look at the website.

Meng Ru slowed down his steps and walked towards the third floor, not for other reasons, but to get closer to Sister Langrée without noticing him.

"Mengru, what is it?"


Mengru's purpose in doing this was actually that every time he went to Sister Rangray's room afterwards, Rangray would know it was him.

Not once did it go wrong.

"It's to help me with my work .... ... That can't be right."


"Well, let me start by saying, I don't know about the trace thing you're talking about, but there's a we have a pretty amazing thing."

"What is it?"

Mengru gathered the courage to walk into Sister Rangray's room, that room was much better than before, part of the main reason was that Mengru helped Sister Rangray to carry those blue parts to the warehouse.

But Sister Rangray was still very unkempt and dressed casually.

"Can you elaborate on that?"

"That's still one of our experimental projects... ..."

Jiangcheng's level 4 biological laboratory researched not only these 6 + 1 viruses, but also a white catalyst.

This catalyst can catalyze the speed of virus transmission, can catalyze the progress of species mutation, but it does not infect the organism itself, and this "catalyst" behaves as if it were a biological egg.

The white shell, the internal details even using x-ray can not be seen, as if what mysterious power to cause the same total reflection.

The hardness of the shell is also comparable to that of a diamond.

So the group gave up on the cutting of this egg, but after the energy calculation reaction, this white egg contains energy up to 9681tw, equivalent to 0.005 sun energy.

In the experiment, pathogens of various colored viruses appear regularly around this white egg, but they are absent in a completely sterile environment.

By placing this egg around an already infected creature, the creature begins to evolve, or mutate, rapidly, so to speak.

The wolf teeth will become sharper, the muscle content will increase, and other ontological mutations visible to the naked eye.

Because the experiment of letting those infected creatures reproduce their offspring is too dangerous, any speculation is only a reasonable analysis based on mathematical models.

"And that egg, most likely, was on our Final Dream ship, and by some coincidence it hatched and turned into this young girl 'Trace' now."

"Then you presume that the trace is that white catalyst?"

"Just a big possibility, I feel that we can go to the Final Dream ship to take a look, this truth must be seen by our own eyes."

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"Then Sister Rangray... ..."

"Don't panic, I know what you're going to say, the virus on us is an exception to the research of the director of the Institute, at the very least, there will be no so-called 'evolution' in our generation."

"Then the next generation?"

"It's not easy to say without manual intervention."

Sister Rangray paused for a moment.

"Maybe the Earth will be full of new humans based on our samples in the future."

"I think that's scary."

Sister Rangray stroked my head, as if she agreed with me.

"Yes, it's scary, what we want to continue is human civilization, not to let the new human civilization to study human civilization later."

I also nodded subconsciously.

"So what's our next step?"

Sister Rangray walked towards her closet and took out the school uniform that belonged to her.

It was a senior's school uniform, slightly different from mine and Cheng Yi's.

"We should go over it together."

"Me and you?"

"It's better to bring along Cheng Yi, she's good with her abilities."

"That's true, after all, it's the kind of power that can control matter."

"That, Mengru, I need to change my clothes, so if you don't mind wait for me there."


Meng Ru said "No, no, no" while leaving the room in a panic and taking the door with him.

"Hahahaha, little Mengru is still so cute, it's really funny hahahahahaha."

Through the door, I could hear Sister Rangray's goose-like laughter.

"Why are you still so shy when you're already an adult who has done that kind of thing?"

Mengru could hear the sound of the fabric rubbing against her skin, and the sound of Sister Rangray's sister speaking.

"I was expecting you to come to me, but I didn't expect to let Cheng Yi, the little girl, steal the show."

"Only, only not anymore, even if you come to me I will not do it!"

At this time, Meng Ru's face has become red.

"Eh, does Mengru not like sister me?"

Somehow, Sister Rangray had already put on her senior school uniform, and now she was leaning down to whisper into Mengru's ear.



Sister Rangray was still laughing with her belly, as if she had seen a skit performed by Mr. Benshan.

"Stop it, will you."

Meng Ru was also very speechless.

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