
The universe we live in

We go to the stars, we come to the earth. We belong to the earth, but not here. This is the earth. The seven children on the spacecraft came to the earth, and there were no other human beings in their sight. Except for themselves. Is this the new world? Or the end? Where are the previous humans? We don't know. But they have a goal. Rebuild human civilization!

DaoistGrSS68 · Sci-fi
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32 Chs

Chapter 2 "I'm not a coyote"

I stared blankly at the big hole in the heart of my sportswear. In an instant, I remembered the event last night.

Girl, bell, white dress, red hair floating in the wind, moon, legs.

My empty chest.

I suddenly took off my pajamas and looked down at my chest. My chest fluctuated violently.

It's still there.

"Xiaozixin, where have you been?"

Cheng Yi's voice came from the corridor, and Xiao Zixin was standing at my door.

"Sister Cheng, I'm here!"

"Why are you here? It's not to let you leave him..."

Cheng Yi saw me.

"Stay away!"

The girl's scream penetrated the whole building because she saw my naked upper body.

And I went to breakfast with a blue eye and a half swollen face.

"Good morning, Cheng Yi, Meng Ru, and Zixin's little sister."

The one who is talking is the oldest of our seven children, the eldest sister Huang Ying. She is gentle, kind, capable and full of leadership temperament. She is not flattering because of her arrogant beauty, but because she is really capable.

And great figure!


A loud voice came from behind sister Huang Ying.

"Keep your voice down, don't scare sister Zixin."

"Sorry, sorry!"

His voice is still very loud.

The muscular man in vest who just spoke very loudly was called Hongwei Da, and he was a fool.

Well, it's really stupid. I reconfirmed it in my heart.

But he is the kind of hot-blooded fool that people can't hate.

Xiao Zixin has always been afraid of him. Maybe it's because he speaks too loudly.

"Sister Huang! Listen to me. Today Meng Ru, a lecher, wants to do something bad to Zi Xin and me."

Cheng Yi Ran to Huang Ying and complained to her eldest sister. Of course, she was completely misunderstood.

"It's just that xiaozixin got into my bed without my knowledge."

"Then why are you naked in front of me!"

Cheng Yi pointed at me angrily, as if I were indeed a sinner.

"What do you mean I'm naked? I just take off my coat! And I don't take off my clothes because of you. I just want to change my clothes!"

"Then why are you still wearing pajamas?"

I do wear pajamas, because there is a big hole in another dress in my room - sportswear, and there are only sportswear and pajamas in my room.

"Do... Do you care?"

"Hum, you don't need to sophistry. You are a pervert, a coyote, and Lori!"

Xiao Zixin pulled my clothes.

"Brother, Laurie

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What is control? "

"Lori Kong is a very dangerous guy. You should stay away from him, such as the one next to you."

Cheng Yi robbed me before I spoke, and didn't give me a chance to sophistry, bah, explain.

But fortunately, Xiao Zixin is not the kind of child who has no opinions. She still holds my clothes.

Cheng Yi wanted to take advantage of the situation to say something, but was stopped by sister Huang Ying.

"Sister Cheng Yi, eat quickly."

"Well, elder sister, I haven't finished..."

Cheng Yi's voice gradually subsided, because the eldest sister used her signature threatening expression - skin smile meat don't smile.

"Thank you for your hospitality!"

Hongda ate his breakfast and still spoke in a loud voice. Xiaozixin held my clothes tightly again.

Elder sister Huang Ying waved to me with a smile.

"Xiao Meng, come here for a moment."

"Oh, OK."

Since elder sister Huang Ying called me, I have no reason to refuse. I believe that elder sister is always right!

I gave Xiao Zixin to Cheng Yi, who was still angry with me, and went to find sister Huang Ying.

"Sister, what's the matter?"

Sister Huang Ying put her chin on my shoulder, put her touching red lips to my ears, and whispered to me.

"Cheng Yi is still in a very sensitive time now. Don't show your love so blatantly."

Cheng Yi is really a lovely and lively girl. If she is not so violent, I may really like her, of course, in a very relaxed environment.

Sister Huang Ying put her hand on my other shoulder and continued.

"As long as our goal is to continue human civilization, I, Cheng Yi, LAN gray, Lu Ying, and even Xiao Zixin will have children for you and Hongwei Da if nothing happens."

I understand that sister Huang Ying's remark is not a joke. There is no one but us here, only we must shoulder the responsibility of continuing human civilization.

"Don't be too anxious now. Immature fruits won't taste good."

I understand that sister Huang Ying is flirting with me.

But on second thought, I'm only fifteen years old now, Cheng Yi is one year younger than me, Huang Ying and LAN Gray's sister are eighteen and seventeen, Xiao Zixin is only ten years old, Hongwei Da is only sixteen years old, and the only person with the same age as me is LV Ying.

We are just children, but sister Huang Ying, who is older than us, is really thinking about how to continue human civilization.

Sister Huang Ying leaned against my chest. I knew that she wanted to hear my deer bumping.

But somehow, sister Huang Ying shook and looked at me in surprise.

"Meng ru..."

"What's the matter, sister Huang Ying?"

"Nothing, I'm just making sure you're alive."

I don't understand why sister Huang Ying, who is usually so calm, now asks this question

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Such an absurd question. Can't I see at a glance if I'm a living person.

But in order to cater to my eldest sister, I insisted.

"Yes, I am a living person."

Sister Huang Ying put her hands on my shoulders. I never felt that her sister had exerted so much strength on me, and my shoulder felt tingling.

"Meng Ru, listen carefully and don't panic."

I swallowed my saliva and nodded in affirmation.

"You have no heartbeat now."


Present, I, Cheng Yi, Hongwei Da, including Xiao Zixin, sent questions at the same time.

And the one with the worst face is not me, but Cheng Yi.

"No... it's not that I made Meng Ru a problem."

"Don't worry, no one should act rashly and think nonsense before the problem is found out! Including you, sister Cheng Yi!"

At this time, sister Huang Ying's leadership ability was revealed.

And I can only ask weak questions.

"Sister Huang Ying, do you say I have no heartbeat now?"


Sister Huang Ying said firmly, because her hand was still on my chest.

"Cheng Yi, go to find your sister LV Ying!"

"Oh, good!"

The pale Cheng Yi was pulled back to reality by sister Huang Ying. After receiving the signal, she settled down with xiaozixin and went upstairs to find LV Ying.

LV Ying is a tech nerd. She doesn't like to socialize with people, but she seems to have countless knowledge in her mind. We all call her a mobile science library.

My brain is completely empty now. I touched my chest, and there was really no heartbeat, but my chest is intact.

Sister Huang Ying arranged a chair next to the dining table for me. I sat on the chair and looked around. This is the second floor of the apartment. Our seven children chose this high-end apartment in order to get together and have a personal distance.

But these are not important things now.

I saw concern from Hongwei Da's fiery eyes, and I saw uneasiness from sister Huang Ying's biting fingers, but I saw doubt from Zixin's pure eyes.

It's really a child.

I might leave this world.

This negative attitude was immediately dispelled by a chaotic sound of footsteps.

It was Cheng Yi who took LV Ying downstairs. LV Ying was wearing a pair of gold framed glasses, and the thick head curtain seemed to be used to block others' sight.

Although she is 15 years old, her figure is much better than that of sister Huang Ying, but she doesn't pay much attention to dress up. Her dark green short hair seems to be cut just for the convenience of cleaning.

"Lv Ying, you're coming. Show this Coyote what's wrong with him. Don't rely on me!"

Although I was afraid that I didn't have a heartbeat, I still shouted that sentence out loud.

"I'm not a coyote!"

(end of this chapter)