
The Unique Tale of Katsume; The Bounty Hunter Ninja

Katsume is the daughter of Jiraiya and Tsunade after a grief-led, drunken fling. She grows up without ever knowing her parents. Tsunade leaves Katsume with a woman she saved during the Second Shinobi War, the Old Bat, after her birth. She grows up learning jutsu and chakra control from the Old Bat who used to be a legendary shinobi in her younger years. She wanted to pass on her legacy, having no children of her own. Years down the road, Katsume has built herself a career as a renowned bounty hunter. Coming home after over a year chasing a bounty, she finds a scroll spilling the secret that her mother is alive. Her need for answers gets the better of her and she sets her sights on the Leaf Village, where her sources say her mother is the Hokage. What will happen when she confronts her mother about her abandonment? How will her life change with this new discovery? (Kakashi Hatake x Original Character) ("Naruto" storyline and characters belong to Masashi Kishimoto I only own my Original Character, Katsume, and her storyline.)

menzieart · Anime & Comics
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28 Chs

The New Co-Sensei!


Katsume stands half-awake in her doorway, opened to a surprisingly eager and familiar Anbu character. "Huh," she breathes out, not fully comprehending the situation.

The Anbu is standing square on the other side of the open door holding out a neatly folded hunter-green flak jacket. She found the color name fitting for her.

"Your promotion to jounin," he clarifies, lifting the jacket to emphasize.

"Ah, thank you!" She takes the flak jack throwing it over the skin-tight black tank she normally wears. She did manage to accomplish her goal to get some shopping done after lunch with Kakashi yesterday, so she was able to sleep in modest comfort last night. Should an emergency arise, she'd at least be clothed. Luckily, she was already dressed and ready to meet Kakashi and her new team for training this morning, as it is currently…five forty-five. She walks passed him shutting her apartment door in the process and he falls in step beside her.

"Are these morning drop-ins a regular thing now," she asks him fumbling with the jacket buttons, eventually, she decides to just keep it open.

"I can stop," he replies testingly, a smirk beginning to creep its way on his lips. Not that she could see, but he knew. "However, it is my assignment to watch over you."

"I don't mind the company. I was just wondering," she smiles.

She stretches her muscular bare arms over her head, "So you watched the exam, then? I thought I felt your chakra."

He hums affirmatively, "I'm always watching." He side-eyes her through his mask.

"Creep." She laughs as she feigns a grimace.

"That's my assignment, get over yourself," he shoots back rolling his eyes.

"Why would I when the view is this good-looking." Katsume runs her pale fingers through her hair, looking smug as they walk in tandem through the village streets.

He cringes as he chuckles, "That was dumb,"

"Oh get under yourself." She rolls her amber eyes.

"Did you just politely tell me to go fuck myself?"

"Yes. Yes, I did."

"I regret accepting this assignment." The Anbu deadpans, his voice void of its previous snarkiness.

"No, you don't. I'm far more entertaining than whatever schmuck you'd have to trail and whatnot." She lets out a loud laugh as she bumps his shoulder with hers.

He can't help but catch her infectious laughter, barely getting out an incredulous, "You mean like what I'm doing now?"

Katsume's eyes narrow as she glares at his laughing form and she gives him a swift smack on the arm.

Their bickering goes back and forth for the rest of the short walk to the training field where Katsume's jounin exam was previously held. She realizes in the midst of their 'conversation' if that's what you can even call it, that she truly felt at home in this village. Waking up, getting ready for the day ahead, and opening the door to be escorted by this recurrent Anbu– it all felt natural. As if she hadn't only randomly appeared in the village less than a week ago. Like her mind and body were settling into a routine that she was meant to be in. It put a sparkle in her eye and a beautiful, glowing, cheesy smile on her face, that she undoubtedly would not be wiping off anytime soon.

She was wrong.

Well, not exactly, when she got to the training field there was no masked jounin in sight. It was exactly six a.m. She did however spot a few kids in the distance making their way over. Katsume decided to do what she does best because why make things harder for herself? She focuses her senses looking for any trace of the elusive Kakashi when she very quickly gets an inkling and spots him high in a tree–of course, reading his little orange book. And like the sly devil she is, she suppresses her chakra…

Kakashi is peacefully reading his little orange book– Icha Icha Paradise. He listens to the birds sing their morning songs and the ruffling of leaves in the calm morning breeze. In this state of utter peace and serenity, he can even smell the dangos being made in the bakery down the trail before you enter the heart of the village. He chuckles to himself as he reads, remembering the day he met Katsume–which was only a few days ago but I digress. It was exceedingly awkward for him when he accidentally mistook her for her father, but seeing their similarities, he couldn't really blame his prior self. However, what would've been the icing on the cake of his utter humiliation was that he almost asked 'Jiraiya' when the next release of the Make-Out Paradise series would be. Kakashi lets out an exasperated sigh at the mental image of his dignity's downfall–with the way Katsume teases him.

"What are we doing?"

Kakashi jumps out of his skin at the sight of white and an upside-down Katsume between him and his book. Uncomfortably close. He nearly loses his balance from the large branch while fumbling to catch his book from falling to the ground below, somehow managing to redirect his chakra to keep him steady on the tree in a fit of momentary adrenaline. In a split second, faster than the human eye can see, he expertly composes himself as if nothing happened.

"Waiting." He slips his little orange book into the pocket of his flak jacket.

Katsume tilts her head in amusement,(she likes to think nothing slips past her), still upside down before Kakashi, ivory tresses pooling in his lap.

"For me? Or the genin?"

"Both," he says as if it's fact, crossing his arms.

"Oh really?" She leans up to grab the branch she hangs upside on, little white hairs tickling Kakashi's nose in the action, and flips herself to join him on his branch. "Because I've been sitting in this branch above you for the past five minutes, and a pink-haired girl is beating on some kid over there. I can only presume those are your students."

"Nope…" he smirks at her confused face, " Our students now."

She hums in amusement, "Not even a third date and we already have kids together. I don't think any of my relationships have progressed this fast."

"Oh well. Guess I'm a special case." He shrugs nonchalantly.

"Apparently," she smiles eyebrows raised as she chuckles inwardly, " Are you aware we were supposed to begin training five minutes ago?"

"Want to go get breakfast," Kakashi asks randomly.

Without missing a beat Katsume replies with feigned disappointment, "Honey, the kids are waiting."

"I'm aware."

"You're paying then."

"I figured."


Upon returning to the training field from their very relaxed 'third date' at the bakery where they conversed and munched on dangos, the duo is flooded by questions from two rambunctious students demanding to know where Kakashi has been.

"We've been waiting forever Kakashi-sensei!" A little blonde boy in an orange and blue jumpsuit exclaims.

"Yeah, where have you been?" The previously said pink-haired girl, with a bad attitude, asks him.

Kakashi smiles awkwardly, his eye forming a crescent shape as he scratches the back of his head. "Ah well, you see, there was a–"

"Black cat."

"Black cat."

Katsume raises an eyebrow as she glances between the kids and their chuckling sensei. Is there an influx of black cats in this village? She quickly comes to the conclusion that that was not the case, Kakashi was obviously lying, and apparently had used that excuse many times.

"Yeah, we had to go the long way," he concludes.

Katsume, for pure amusement, decides to back him up, "It's true. I saw it."

The loud blonde boy, as if only now noticing her presence, skeptically scans the person accompanying his sensei.

"Huh? Who is this?"

"This is our temporary fourth member," Kakashi explains. The boy goes wide-eyed and Kakashi cuts him off to finish before he can dispute, " At least until Naruto brings Sasuke back to the village, Katsume will be filling in to help me train you two."

The kids both nod in understanding and Naruto scans over Katsume once again. "You look awfully familiar."

"Oh, your Naruto Uzumaki! Jiraiya has told me a lot about you!" Katsume exclaims, recognizing the name from her and Jiraiya's talk.

"You know Pervy Sage!? He talked to you about me?"

Pervy Sage? Katsume looks to Kakashi in question, but he offers nothing and shrugs. However, she could have sworn she saw a bit of pink peeking out beneath his mask. Weird.

"All good things though, so don't worry." Katsume smiles brightly and, almost like a reflex, ruffles the blonde boy's hair.

Naruto was a little taken back by the action being done by a stranger but shrugs it off. "Now that I look a little harder you kinda look like him. Are you related or something?


His eyes widen to the size of saucers. "WHAT?!"

"That's enough. You'll have plenty of time to get to know Katsume later. Right now it's time to train. Naruto, Sakura, I want you to spar for a bit so Katsume can get a sense of your fight styles but," he holds up a gloved finger, "No ninjutsu."

After a momentary groan from both students, the kids walk a short distance away before waiting for Kakashi to begin the match. "And begin," he shouts to them.

Kakashi and Katsume stand side by side observing the match with their arms crossed, unaware their postures mirror one another.

"What do you see?" Kakashi tilts his head as he looks down at the white-haired woman.

Katsume hums as she observes. "Well, right off the bat, Sakura is too timid. It's clear she doesn't have the physical capabilities of fighting on par with Naruto. Nor the drive. At least not yet. Naruto however is the complete opposite. Honestly, he reminds me of myself at that age–hotheaded with something to prove," she explains.

Kakashi chuckles at the accuracy, "Yeah, that's just about right."

"So, Sasuke, he's the one you told me about vaguely at breakfast–who left the village in search of power to seek revenge for his clan," she asks.

"Yes. He believes a man named Orochimaru will provide that power."

She knows that name. "Orochimaru… the Sannin that took control of the Land of Rice Paddies, making it the Land of Sound? Jiraiya's old teammate?"

"Yes. He's vowed to master every jutsu in existence. He placed a curse mark on Sasuke during the Chunin Exams. He wants him for something we're not sure of yet, maybe his Sharingan. Whatever it is, it won't be good," Kakashi explains, his eyes trained on the kids as if lost in his thoughts.

She hums in understanding. "Well, that sounds like an impossible goal."

"Not for him," he says almost in warning before he calls out loudly to the students still sparing, "You can stop now."

The students regroup with their senseis out of breath from their match and Kakashi continues, "Sakura, you're going to train with Katsume. Naruto, you're with me."

Kakashi waves lazily and splits off with Naruto to the opposite end of the massive training field, leaving Katsume–a sadistic ex-bounty hunter with absolutely no idea how to teach anything, let alone kids–alone with a pink-haired twelve-year-old with a heavy fist and a bad attitude.

This should go well.


Half an hour later, Kakashi realizes he probably should have given Katsume something to work on with Sakura and decides to go check how they are fairing. On his walk to the other side of the training field, he notices what a pleasant day it is. Although, if it was ever not a nice day in Kohona he would be concerned. A cloudless sky expands above him, leaving a perfect view of the neverending blue shades. The luscious green grass glimmers with the early morning dew as it sways gently with the crisp breeze.

He approaches a large willow tree he knows all too well. It is a tree he visits frequently–due to its long flowing branches that offer the perfect amount of light with sufficient enough shade to keep him cool on the particularly hot days in Kohona while he reads. And there she is. Katsume sits propped up against the tree with her eyes closed, just like he finds himself doing oftentimes when he visits this tree. Just basking in nature. A truly peaceful sight that he isn't sure he wants to disturb.

He smiles softly as he nudges Katsume lightly with his foot.

"What are we doing?"

"Chakra Hide-and-Seek," she answers without opening her eyes.

He raises an eyebrow in question, "What is that?"

Katsume peeks out at him with one eye, "I feel like it's pretty self-explanatory… Sakura goes off to hide and attempts to conceal her chakra from me while I search for her." She closes it again.

He hums, "And how long have you been 'seeking'?"

"Not sure. I finished counting a while ago."

Kakashi laughs and takes a seat next to her in his usual spot when he frequents this tree.

"I gave Naruto a Leaf and told him to rip it halfway with only his chakra."

Katsume snorts, "Kinda advanced don't you think?"

"Oh, and concealing your chakra is supposed to be easy?" He retorts.

"Got me there."

There is a peaceful silence between the two, just admiring the landscape and relishing in the tranquil sounds paired with it. Kakashi had pulled out his book as well and Katsume wondered what was so good about it. Maybe she could pick up a copy at the bookstore on her way home.

"I think they may be planning to do something reckless… Sasuke's leaving is still fresh. Tsunade put a hold on classifying him as a missing-nin to satisfy Naruto, but it won't be long until she can no longer put it off. And they know that."

Katsume sits up at his tense tone, "Hey, you have an extra set of eyes now, so stop worrying so much," she pokes his forehead protector, "You'll wrinkle," she finishes with a giggle.

"Really now? Then, where is Sakura?" Kakashi raises a knowing brow.

Katsume laughs, "She's right over– …shit ."

"Ah yes, I can feel my worries melting away," he shakes his head in disappointment, returning to read his book.

"Shut up, give me a second…Damn, she's good…oh wait–There she is. Behind a large boulder, about…eighty-five meters give or take to the east. See? I got this," she ruffles his hair playfully, "Nothing to worry your pretty little head about!"

Annoyed but amused by the action, Kakashi snaps his book shut and smiles, "Great! I'll leave it to you then. Have fun~" he sing-songs as he uses a teleportation jutsu and flashes away.

"What? Hey! Wait! Damn it, you jerk!"


"I can feel you…"

Katsume glares out at the empty field and feels a jittering in the chakra of the atmosphere around her.

"You good-for-nothing ANBU! Stop laughing!"

She flips her middle finger up in the direction she feels a familiar lingering presence.

Katsume flashes to where Sakura is and the pink-haired girl lets out a dramatic exasperated groan.

"No! That time was better! I couldn't feel your chakra automatically like before, I had to manually sense it. Kind of like looking around with a magnifying glass. Next time we'll switch and you'll see what I mean." Katsume reassures with a bright smile, her pristinely white teeth on full display.

"I was wondering what was taking so long, but I actually did it!" Sakura cheers fist-pumping the air.

"Yeah! Well…almost. But a step in the right direction is better than no steps at all. A journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step!" Katsume gives her a thumbs-up.

"Got it!" Sakura exclaims while hopping out from behind the large boulder.

"Alright, I'm concluding training for the day, so let's grab Naruto and get some lunch! Sound good?"

"Sounds great! But what about Kakashi-sensei?"

Katsume waved her hand dismissively in the air, "Oh, he'll be fine. He ate this morning."

Sakura gives her new co-sensei a very inquisitive glance but decides to drop it for the time being. She'd interrogate her masked sensei at a later date.

They walk out of the thick surrounding trees of the training field and make their way over to Naruto on the other side. After a few minutes, they find Naruto concentrating strongly on a leaf in his hand, and Katsume wonders just how long he's been staring at it, knowing Kakashi gave him the near-impossible task at his present level so he could slack off and read.

"Naruto!" Sakura calls out to him, " Katsume-sensei is taking us to get lunch! Stop messing around and let's go!" she yells.

The boy reluctantly looks up from his leaf to see Katsume and Sakura waving him over.

"But Kakashi-sensei–...I'm supposed to–...forget it. Wait for me!"

Katsume throws her head back laughing at their interaction. As Naruto runs to catch up, she smiles widely, her eyes closing. "How about some Ichiraku Ramen?"

They both cheer and the three walk off toward their destination. As the two kids bicker Katsume can't help but appreciate seeing these kids as they live the life she, unfortunately, didn't get to live. But as she watched Sakura land a hammer fist on the top of Naruto's head, she thinks that she may be ready to forgive and forget about her past. No. Maybe not that. Not yet, at least. However, she's definitely ready to move forward with her life. She decides that her future… is here, in Kohona.


"Katsume-sensei! You said you were related to that pervy sage, so what are you to him?"

Naruto Uzumaki, Katsume's father's pupil, is currently shoving the last chopstick full of ramen from his third bowl of savory goodness into his mouth. Katsume, Sakura, and Naruto had been on and off eating and conversing about any topic one could think of–team bonding at its finest. And now, to Katsume's dismay, he was back on the topic of her relation to Jiraiya. She had thought he would've dropped the subject by now after all the times she had swerved it, but now here we are, back on the topic once again. Classic Naruto persistence. She was only dodging the question because she wasn't sure how public Jiraiya wanted their relation to be. Sure, he told Kakashi…and she guesses he wasn't exactly discreet about it at the ramen shop. The point is, he didn't say straight to her face that he wants all of Kohona to know about it. And if she were to tell these kids…that would surely happen.

"Uh…how about you figure it out and I'll let you know when you've got it?" She offers in hopes of at least delaying her execution via Jiraiya. Come on Katsume, don't be dramatic.

"Alright!" Naruto narrows his eyes at her as he rubs his palms together, "Are you his sister?"

She cringes heavily, "Do I look that old?"

"Little sister? Well, Grandma Tsunade is old but she looks young so…"

Grandma Tsunade? I kinda like that one though, she mentally snickers.

Katsume deadpans, "No, I'm not his sister, but thank you for your half-assed compliment,"

"His cousin?"


"His niece?"



"Really? No. What is this order?"

Naruto looks at her sheepishly, "…Mmmoooo–"

"Don't you dare." Katsume shoots him a deadly glare.

"Ugh, I give up!" He throws up his arms and flops his body on the table with a thud .

Katsume leans over to Sakura on her other side as she talks in her ear, "His skull is pretty thick huh?"

Sakura's hand covers her mouth as she giggles," So, How come we haven't seen you in the village before Katsume-sensei," she asks, her pretty pink cherry blossom hair swaying as she tilts her head in question.

"Oh…Uh, well…You see, I was uh… traveling!" Katsume chuckles nervously as her hand comes up to scratch her temple.

Naruto perks up from his slumped failed state, "That's so cool! Where did you go?"

"Oh all over! Any land you could think of, I've probably been to," she answers, smiling proudly.

Their eyes widen, "Seriously?! So many?!"

"Yup! If you ever get the chance to travel, take it. The experiences you will acquire are priceless ."

"I would love to travel and see all over the world," Sakura swoons, " Hopefully someday with Sasuke…" Her expression falls as she mumbles the end.

Katsume notices and places a gentle hand on Sakura's shoulder, "Cheer up! We'll find him! After all, you have me on your team now," she says confidently with a cheesy smile, "I'm an elite tracker, they don't call me The Huntress for nothing, you know." Katsume shoots them a wink, as Naruto cheers.

"Hell ya! We're gonna bring that bastard Sasuke back here, so I can give him a proper beatdown!"


Katsume throws her head back as she laughs. And as her warm gaze fall on the children before her. She watches–as Naruto punches his own hand, and Sakura, as she juts her finger into his side scolding him for his language. Katsume smiles. Since her future is here in Kohona, she's decided, that she'll do whatever it takes to protect it and the people who make up the heart of this village. Whatever it takes. She decided then she'd gladly give her life to and for this village, this place she can now call her home.

Some fluffiness to make up for the angst :)

I hope you are enjoying my book so far! I appreciate you taking the time to read it!

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