
The Unfinished Stories

The Unfinished stories of novels that the author(me) has wrote but never published. [Keep in mind that none of these stories have been completely finished, but there are probably some chapters I wrote and didn't upload. The genre as well, it confused me on whether this should be a novel or a fanfic.] Neither the cover nor anything like characters from fanfic stories belong to me (unless it's an original character). It is alright if the original owner of one of the fanfics wants one of the stories to be taken down.

heheheHEHEHEH · Others
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68 Chs

Mirror Gate

'Two years past since I was put in this place. It's truly boring, but also a little strange. The occasional dead body dragged across the floor, or a cry from a younger child from another cell. Maybe even the occasional cheering outside. I wish I could create my own little world. Maybe it wouldn't be so boring then.'

He was sitting on a bed of straw, while leaning on the cold stone wall in the back. He had gotten pretty smart while being locked up. The older and stronger children got taken out sometimes and might come back dead or seriously injured.

It was already a given that they were fighting. Teeth punctures in their arms or legs, maybe even a missing limb. Somehow, he didn't really care about when he saw those bloody dead bodies.

He actually didn't mind being there that much. The only downside was the boring things that happened. The same thing every day and week. The same cold floors, food, people, and sounds.

He sat on the old straw on the ground, and closed his eyes. His mind started drifting off.

He soon found himself to be drifting around in a space surrounded by pitch black darkness. 'What is this place?' He was actually more interested than confused. Well, something interesting actually happened for once!

He floated around for a little, but it became boring again. It was completely black and even though he could float, nothing super major happened. He just laid back and felt the sensation of floating since there was nothing. But something happened that awoke him from his boredom.


A bright light in the pitch black space shined right above his face! It was so bright that his eyes hurt, and it almost blinded him altogether! Fortunately, it didn't take long for the light to die down.

In it's place was a floating black crystal think that looked like it had petals of a flower.

'What is this thing?' He moved away from under the crystal thing and took a closer look at it.

He floated around it and even poked it a couple times before anything happened. A voice echoed around him from all sides. A woman's voice. Even though he didn't know what was going on, he listened intently to what it was going to say.

"Young child. I will grant you a Mirror Gate to relieve that boredom of yours. You can create anything you so desire. Life, worlds, even illogical and magical things. Call for your Mirror Gate, and create a world in this empty universe. It belongs to you and you alone."

The woman's voice echoed in his ears. Then, it stopped and the crystal disappeared as well.

'Mirror Gate huh. Create anything... like what I wished for a little while while ago? Hmmm, I guess I can create some land for now.' Unconsciously, he thought of using the Mirror Gate to create a small peice of land, and then the black crystal appeared in front of him.

He didn't mind it though, and a large peice of grassland formed in the floaty space. It really made him flinch back in surprise when something just came from nowhere in front of him.

'It said I could create anything... right?' There was something he wanted to try. If it didn't work he wouldn't be disappointed.

The Mirror Gate popped up again, and he imagined a lizard he saw once. It actually happened! A small green lizard was floating around in the space. It was a little hard to see, so he called for his Mirror Gate again, and modified the tiny lizard.

It got huge! Just like he wanted, he could see if very clearly now. Though, it was still a normal lizard that was floating around. 'If I can change it even after its created, what else can I do?'

The possibilities were getting him super excited! He next commanded the lizard to try and float to the peice of land he created. she told, the giant lizard swam down to the grassy patch of land! It was amazing!

Unfortunately, his imagination was very limited. Probably from being in a plain area his entire life.

Clink! Clink-!

"Hey kid! Wake up! The boss is coming!" There was one of those people again. They never interacted before though.

He heard the clinking of the bars and it was probably a person actually talking to him for once.

"To leave your universe, create a door connecting back to were you want to be."

The voice stopped again, and he made a door appear as the person instructed, and opened it to go through. His little body floated through the open door, and he felt like he was waking up from a dream. However, he already knew he wasn't the type to remember his dreams, or have any at all.

"You finally wake up! The boss is coming to choose a kid! So if you want to get lucky, act cute!" The man left after that.

'Boss? Choosing a kid? Act cute and I can get out of here? That's quite easy..!' Some of the people that walked by had commented about him. If he didn't have a cold sharp look in his eyes, up would need super cute!

He stretched out his hand, and the Mirror Gate showed above above his small palm! 'So it wasn't a dream..! hehe~!'

He got rid of the Mirror Gate in his palm, and practiced hiding the natural sharp look in his eyes. Only after a few tries, did he get the hang of it. It was as if the look from before never existed! At this moment, his entire aura had changed!

Tap- Tap- Tap-

"This is one of the last children, boss~!" At first a gangster looking person stood in front of his cell, and then someone else stood.

A domineering figure. Although the guy was young, he looked more scary than the feeling of seeing corpses everyday! Despite that, he kept his natural eyes hidden and stared innocently into the man's eyes.