
The Unfinished Stories

The Unfinished stories of novels that the author(me) has wrote but never published. [Keep in mind that none of these stories have been completely finished, but there are probably some chapters I wrote and didn't upload. The genre as well, it confused me on whether this should be a novel or a fanfic.] Neither the cover nor anything like characters from fanfic stories belong to me (unless it's an original character). It is alright if the original owner of one of the fanfics wants one of the stories to be taken down.

heheheHEHEHEH · Others
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68 Chs

Gobber/Cold Weather

'That's the same dragon from before...' The Monstrous Nightmare had a saddle on, so it must've been one of the rider's dragons.

But he had no idea what was causing him to start attacking. All the Vikings were running away, until there were very few still left. Stoick, Hiccup and the other riders with their dragons, as well as Gobber.

'I guess I'll sit this one out. Unless it gets really bad.' With Toothless and the others dragons, they could easily take care of a Monstrous Nightmare. So, Glade watched from on top of one of the houses.


"What's wrong with Hookfang?" Hiccup asked after Toothless arrived next to him.

"I don't know, he just started acting up since yesterday night." Snotlout was trying to remember exactly the events that happened, but there was nothing out of the ordinary.

"Well, if he keeps doing this... I'm afraid well have to put him down...." Stoick spoke a little quieter at the end, but everyone still heard him under the roars of Hookfang.

"He's right." Gobber went into his place and grabbed an axe.

"What... but that..!!!!" Snotlout looked even more petrified than before. Even the other dragon riders looked at him with sadness.

Snotlout began running at Hookfang. Even after seeing this, Hookfang continued to go on a rampage. Toothless quickly jumped in and pushed Snotlout out of the way, just before Hookfang tried to bite down.

"What's gotten into Hookfang?" Astrid and the rest all questioned this. They knew that Hookfang, despite how they act, got along with eachother quite well. He would've never done this usually.

"Look, if that Monstrous Nightmare doesn't stop soon, we'll have no choice but to put him down. Alright?" Stoick stepped up with a mace in hand. Gobber also nodded and stepped forward with the axe he got.

"Wait! We'll figure out what's wrong." Hiccup stopped Gobber and Stoick before anything extreme happened. Snotlout looked like he had given up too after that attack.

"Alright gang! Let's figure out what's wrong, first let's calm him down!"

"Right!" 5x

Astrid, Hiccup, Tuffnut, Ruffnut, and Fishlegs got onto their dragons and circled Hookfang.

"I don't understand, there's nothing wrong with him." Fishlegs didn't have any knowledge of this happening to a dragon out of the blue.

"Hehe~ Maybe it just wants to make some destruction?"

"Or maybe, it's just mad at Snotlout for being dumb."

"Ruffnut, Tuffnut, your not helping..!"


Hookfang turned in circles while shooting fire that almost hit all the dragon riders. Finding the problem without hurting or stopping the dragon was going to be quite difficult. All of them realized that.

"That's it, everyone, move away. We're going to take this thing."

"Stoic's right. We'll take care of this before it gets out of hand." Gobber and Stoick knew they needed to stop the dragon before it did anymore damage.

Hiccup and the dragon riders looked reluctan but eventually backed away. Gobber and Stoick charged forward and evaded Hookfang's fire. The dragon's wing was hit by the mace, but the flames took most of it and only left a scratch.

Gobber, on the other hand, was near the Monstrous Nightmare's face. He muttered something to himself when he looked inside the dragon's mouth.

"You- You're not really going to kill him, are you!?" Snotlout was really taking a hit of suffering, since Hookfang and him went through so much together.

"Don't worry about that. I've got an idea of what's going on! Stoick! The mace!" Gobber used his hook hand to hold Hookfang's mouth open, and caught the mace with the other.


"Hold on big guy! Just one moment..!" The mace was hit directly onto one of Hookfang's teeth, making it go flying off.


It was only for a few seconds that the dragon shook it's head side to side, but then he suddenly stopped. He was happy again! The flames that covered Hookfang almost immediately disipated.

"Gobber, what was wrong with Hookfang?" Hiccup wanted to know, but Snotlout didnt, and ran up to Hookfang, who half ate him when he got close for as hug.

"He seems fine, I can assure that."

"Well, it seems that Hookfang, had had a bug cavity in one of of his teeth." Gobber picked up the tooth and turned it around, to show the large black cavity on the tooth.

"You know what...! I think I found the right job for you...!" Hiccup pointed his pointer finger in the air with a smile on his face.


Glade jumped and flew away after everything was said and done, so no one really saw him, even though it was day.

The next day, all the dragons were lined up at Gobber's blacksmith for their teeth to be brushed, so they didn't get cavities. The weather was also getting colder and colder by the days. He had to keep a little fire inside of him to get a perfect temperature.

'This isn't going to work staying here....!' Compared to the Bewilderbeast's nest that was always sunny, and only cold near the ice. However, it got cloudier and colder half of the year on Berk.

'Maybe I should leave for the time being.' He didn't want to stay for the super cold weather. That would really be the death of him!

So, he slept for the rest of the day and went out at night to get fish. He only then, woke up that noon, with the decision to leave Berk for a while.

'Well, I guess this is goodbye. Maybe i'll see Hiccup and Toothless again in the future.' Glade silently left the island of Berk, and flew on to find warm weather.

Fortunately, he realized he got closer to cold weather, and turned around to go in the opposite direction. He flew for around two hours, before he spotted another island, and took a break.

Unlike eel island, this one was teeming with dragons. Mostly the common ones, such as Deadly Nadders, Terrible Terrors, and Monstrous Nightmares. It seemed that more dragons came after the Red Death's territory became free land.

He walked stealthfully through the forest trees and bushes. The other dragons seemed to have ignored him, as he wasn't doing much to anything around him.