
The Unexpected Magical Life And Rebirth Of The Zombie Hero

It was a normal day when all this happened to me. I am just a normal boy leading a normal life. Or so I thought. I know my life will never be the same. Being raised in New Orleans, I have heard tells of voodoo all my life. I never really believed it... Until today.

Go2Sleep · Horror
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5 Chs

The turn of events

I guess I should introduce myself. Hello. My name is Lyric. And this is my story of how I became the Zombie Hero.

It was like any other day. When this all happened.

I woke up in my bed, the sun shining though the curtains. I reluctantly pulled myself out of bed, pulling on my sweater.

I brushed my black hair from my brown eyes.

To my sadness, I heard yelling coming from the livingroom. Before I even entered the room, I knew it was my mother and my new stepfather. My father had died before I was born and it had just been me and my mother for nineteen years.

Untill about five months ago when she showed up with a man she hardly knew, who she alloped with.

Sighing, I pushed open my bedroom door and walked into the kitchen, trying to avoid my stepfather's keen eye.

I opened the fridge and got out the milk. Pretending I couldn't find it so I could eavesdrop on their conversation.

"He is my child, William!" My mother said in a wispered voice.

"I don't give a hell of who he is. He is nineteen! He needs to pull his own weight...!"

Oh shit.This was a common fight. For me to get a job since I was nineteen...(I had autism so it was harder for me to interact with people.)

Taking a deep breath to calm my nerves, I grabbed my hoodie from the coat rack, forgetting about my breakfast.

Making a dash for the door, I heard William call my name. "Lyric, where do you think you're going."

I opened my mouth to answer but no words came out.

My eyes couldn't meet my stepfather's awful gaze. Feeling my heart race, I shuddered. "T-to go-"

"That's right." He interrupted. "To go. One day you're going to come home and find yourself locked out of the house, you lazy basterd."

I tried to keep the tears from falling down my cheeks. *Lazy basterd*? Why was my mother letting him talk that way to me?

Feeling angry, I through open the door and ran from the apartment.

If my mother didn't want me, then there was no need to stay there.

Without knowing where I was headed, I ran down the building stairs and out into the pavement, not hearing the loud horn from a semitrailer.