
The Unexpected Magical Life And Rebirth Of The Zombie Hero

It was a normal day when all this happened to me. I am just a normal boy leading a normal life. Or so I thought. I know my life will never be the same. Being raised in New Orleans, I have heard tells of voodoo all my life. I never really believed it... Until today.

Go2Sleep · Horror
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5 Chs


The bright light that shone in my face was almost blinding.

Where was I?

As my eyes agested to the light, I saw a figure of a man, only the his hands where see able and they where gloved.

"I'm glad to see you awake." He said in a gruff voice. "We don't have much time, boy."

I tried to speak but no words would come out. Who was this? What had he done to me?

My legs where bonded with some kind of rope, tied to the chair legs.

I heard some kind of liquid bubbling, then a jab of pain in my thigh.

I felt the needle be slowly taken out of my flesh. An odd smell finds the air. A familiar smell.

I dont know what it was, but as the light slowly faded as my eyes closed, I remembered how I got here.