
The Unexpected Love Story

Note: This is not a Girl's Love story but a Reverse Harem story (Please research about the term if you don't know the meaning of it) "You fall in love with the most UNEXPECTED PERSON at the most UNEXPECTED TIME." Sophia, Elaine, and Janna are best friends since they were young. For them, having supportive family and loyal friends are enough to obtain happiness. They don't need romantic love that can possibly take their attention away from what's important to them. But what will happen if there are some boys that will make their peaceful and happy life become turbulent all of a sudden and even attempt to change their hearts for the better? This story is about the friendship of three girls and the Unexpected Love Story that they didn't saw coming in their high school life. *This story includes the different POVs of characters

Rhaine076 · Teen
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34 Chs

Meet Stephanie and Kimberly

Elaine's POV:

It's another day again. It's been a week since the rumors about Eric and Janna went around the school. It's a good thing that it eventually died down after Janna's denial about it. Even Sophia's injury has also completely healed.

If I remember correctly, today is the day that the two new students will be coming to our class. You may be wondering why you aren't aware about it. Let me explain what really happened last Friday.


(Last Friday)

"Class, please prepare yourselves. There are two transfer students that will be coming to our school on Monday. I want you to be nice to them. Do you understand?" Sir Bautista announced.

"Yes, Sir!"

"Miss Bailey, I'll leave this matter to you. Please take care of them properly. I am expecting you to teach them all of things they need to know about our school."

"You can count on me, Sir!"

~End of Flashback~

So, there it is. There are new classmates AGAIN. Wait a minute, I've been thinking this for a while but, why is it that we always have new classmates almost every week? It's not like this during Grade 9, right? First, it's Bill. Second, it's John. And now, the 2 new students. The things that are happening these past days are really weird. But it's not that bad since it makes my days very interesting.

I am now walking towards the meeting place of me and my friends. When I arrived, I saw Kristoffer sitting under the tree already. He's really punctual. He has never been late before and always comes earlier than us. I saw Kristoffer wearing his headphones with a gloomy face. I already have a feeling that there's something going on in that head of his even if he hadn't said anything. I am not dense like Sophia and Janna are, so these kind of things are only natural for me to notice easily.

I already have a hunch about what he's currently thinking about. He's been like that since last week and I really think it has something to do with Janna. I've been noticing ever since we were young that he's always glancing at Janna everytime and he's also smiling gently whenever Janna is laughing. I know that I don't have any experience regarding 'Love' or something like that, but I like watching K-Dramas that's why I have an idea about it somehow.

"Hey, Kristoffer! What's with the long face?"

"W-what?! Elaine, you're here already? I didn't notice your arrival." He was startled when he realized that my face is close to his.

Look at him. He didn't even realize that I am here beside him all this time? He must be worrying too much that's why he can't even notice what's happening on his surroundings.

"What's wrong? You've been like ever since last week. Do you have a problem about something?"

"No, nothing... What makes you think that I have a problem about Janna?"

"But I didn't say anything about Janna, though?"

"Wha-... Sigh..."

"So, what is it? You can tell me anything. For your information, I'm even more reliable than Sophia. I mean, just look at her... She's too oblivious for God's sake! I'm confident that I can give you a better advice than she can provide."


"Please, just tell me what your problem is. I am also your friend, remember that. I know that we're not that close than you and Sophia are, but you can assure that I also treat you as a precious and special friend just as I treat Sophia and Janna. Don't worry, I won't tell a thing about your secret to Sophia especially to Janna. The things that we're going to talk about here today are just our own little secret."

"Hahahaha!" Kristoffer suddenly laughed hysterically.

"What's funny? Did I say something worth to laugh about?"

"N-no! Hahaha! I-its just that I didn't expect that the girl who is known as the 'Cold Beauty' of Glistening High will say something like that." He continued to laugh mockingly.

"Just be thankful that I am your friend, Nerdy." I also teased him.

"Okay, I'll stop now. Anyway, thank you very much, Elaine. I really appreciate your concern. So let's get serious now."

Kristoffer's silly face changed into a serious face.

"Ever since we were kids, I already feel something towards Janna. You know that she's quiet, kind and even a coward sometimes. But she's willing to be brave just to help her friends in need. Do you still remember that one time when my bullies came to start a fight with me? Sophia, you and Janna came to my rescue. After the bullies went away, I can still remember how Janna's small hands were shaking. I know that she's not brave enough like you and Sophia are, but she still tried her very best in order to help me. I'm just thinking that, what if Janna and Eric became boyfriend and girlfriend? What if she starts to distant herself from us? I'm getting lonely just by thinking about it. Come on, please tell me. Is what I'm feeling towards her really 'Love'? I'm getting confused!"

"I see. So you're worrying now because of Eric's recent confession to her?"

"Yes, that's right."

"But have you ever thought that you want her to be your girlfriend?"

"No! Of course not! I just... I don't know... She's always been amazing ever since. I'd like to be someone who can confidently face strong opponents despite the fear they're feeling just like her. That's all..."

"Don't you think you're mistaking your feelings to her? Maybe it's just a simple 'Crush' rather than 'Love'? I mean, it's also you who said that you wanted to be like her, right? You wanted to be as strong, and admirable just like her. And in my opinion, that's what having a 'Crush' is all about. 'Crush' means adoring and admiring someone and it's not wrong to feel that way. Actually, I think that's the best part in our life because it will motivate us to change and even inspire us to become a better person that we never expected us to be."

"Do you really think so?"

"I know so! So I think it's better to get those worries off of your head and begin to cheer for her whatever decision she may come up with in the end. It's good that you have come to know about your true feelings early because you can use this chance to look for your 'True Love', for real."

"I understand. Thank you for your advice, Elaine! My mind was enlightened, at last."

"No worries! Anyway, I don't think Janna and Eric are possible since the one that Janna likes is Bill." I mumbled softly.

"What? Did you say something?"

"No, it's nothing! I said Sophia and Janna are already there, see?" He looked at where I am currently pointing my finger.

"Elaine! Kris! Good morning! Shall we go now?!" Sophia is waving her hands energetically while running towards us.

"Yes!" I answered.

"By the way, what are you two talking about earlier when we came?"

"Just some random things on school. You know, homeworks, co-curricular activities and stuffs."

"I see... I thought you're talking about a very serious topic since I saw you two wearing such grim faces."

"You're just imagining it! Let's just hurry up or else we're gonna be late! You and Janna really took your time today since you're later than usual."

"Hehehe... Sorry..."

(Inside the classroom)

"Good Morning everyone!" Sophia greeted our classmates enthusiastically.

"Good Morning Sophia!"

"Good Morning!"

"Good Morning to the three of you!"

"Hello Elaine!"

"Hi Janna!"

We're still greeting each other when Ma'am Padua already entered our classroom.

Janna's POV:

"Good Morning Class! We are going to start the day by introducing your new classmates. You may enter now Miss Hughes and Miss Aguirre."

Two beautiful girls entered the classroom simultaneously. The long-haired girl is holding the arm of the short-haired girl tightly. I noticed that the short-haired girl is looking at the direction where Bill is sitting on.

I glanced at Bill and I saw his reaction that looks like he just sighted a ghost.

"Hello everyone. I am Stephanie Hughes and the girl beside me is Kimberly Joy Aguirre. I hope we will get along well." The short-haired girl introduced while still looking continuously to Bill.

"Ok Miss Hughes, you can sit beside Mr. Carreon in front and Miss Aguirre, you can sit beside Miss Lancashire on the middle row."

"Wait Miss Padua, I don't like to sit there. I'd like to sit beside Bill Burton on the back row."

My eyes widen when she suddenly mentioned Bill's name. I looked at Bill once again who has now an abhorrent look on his face.

"But, Miss Hughes-"

"Don't complain Miss Padua if you don't like to lose your job." Stephanie threatened our teacher.

"Then, Mr. Duncan, could you kindly move in front? Let's have Miss Hughes have your seat."

"Ok, Ma'am!" Mark obediently changed seat.

Stephanie sat on the right side of Bill while Kimberly sat beside Elaine.

Why do they know each other? Who is she in Bill's life?