
The Unexpected Golden Mate

Marigold Esther Hawthorne is a twenty-five years old woman who lives inisde of a company that is called Digital Animation Company and there she has her owm mini desk where she works at. She also has another job for Sexual Orientation as a College Professor...but Marigold has a secret that nobody knows about...She is a half Fairy and half Witch... Her parents are supernatural. Her mother is a fairy and her father is a Wizlock. Marigold left her family behind because she wanted to live as a normal woman. What will happen if she end up meeting another supernatural that is not what she though it who be? Alec Dominic Cullen is a hundred years old well, he looks around his mids Twenties but he is not, he is actually a... Werewolf. The King of Werewolves for a hundred years. He is immortal and he is a very busy man who does not have a mate at all but he had another she-wolf bear him a child because he lost hope in finding his mate but still believe that he will find her soon. Very soon than he expected, as you can say. He is the Alpha of Dark North Pact, the strongest pact in the world but also a very powerful King in the world...in supernatural at least. In the human world, he is a very well-known and very powerful who can convience others. He also owns his own company for Officers that includes Polices, Firefighters, CEO, and Secrecurities. What will happen when he goes to Digital Animation Company for a business and he smells his mate? Will She accept him as her mate or Wll she reject him? What will be Alec's reaction when he finds out that his mate is actually half fairy and half witch and most of all, POWERFUL?! Stay Tunes...

CRosado · Fantasy
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44 Chs

Unexpected Discovery

I woke up with the kicks of my unborn child. I got up quickly as he stops kicking. I looked around my surroundings, and I spotted my teddies.

They are safe. Thanks to the Moon goddess.

"Teddies!" I called them out loud. They saw me and ran to me. "Mommy!" They yelled as they hug me tight. I hold on to them closely to my body. I can sense danger still.

'Alec? Where are you?' I mind linked him.

'I'm outside. stay put with the twins. I am checking on the area. How are you feeling?' Alec asked me calmly.

'I am feeling a little better now. I can sense everything is safe...for now.' I told him as I analyze everything around me and be on.

'That is good news that, I will talk to once I finish doing some business okay, Marigold.' Alec told me as I agreed and we ended our mind linked. Then I look at the twins and smiled at them.

"Let's go and get you something to eat okay?" I told them and they jump up and down happily.

We went downstairs as we walked, I heard Natalie with Naomi talking. Natalie and Naomi are nine months and will soon be giving birth to their baby child. I'm excited.

I walked in the kitchen as they saw me. They smiled at me.

"Good afternoon, Marigold and twins." both said it at the same time as I smiled. "good afternoon Girls. how's your babies?" I asked them as they smiled.

"They are doing great! We have to go in the hospital today so we will be in labor soon." Naomi informed me. I got excited. "I am happy for you girls! I want my son to come out alright." I told them as they all agreed.

Then later we all cooked for everyone and Alec came in but he said his hi's and went to back to his office to do some work.

Everything going great...for now. But there is a secret that I haven't told anyone including my mate, Alec.

I am able to see the future of other people and when the attack will happen...


What! The future?! What will happen if they find out she can see the future? What this mean? Who is really Marigold Esther Hawthorne?

Stay Tunes...