
The Unexpected Golden Mate

Marigold Esther Hawthorne is a twenty-five years old woman who lives inisde of a company that is called Digital Animation Company and there she has her owm mini desk where she works at. She also has another job for Sexual Orientation as a College Professor...but Marigold has a secret that nobody knows about...She is a half Fairy and half Witch... Her parents are supernatural. Her mother is a fairy and her father is a Wizlock. Marigold left her family behind because she wanted to live as a normal woman. What will happen if she end up meeting another supernatural that is not what she though it who be? Alec Dominic Cullen is a hundred years old well, he looks around his mids Twenties but he is not, he is actually a... Werewolf. The King of Werewolves for a hundred years. He is immortal and he is a very busy man who does not have a mate at all but he had another she-wolf bear him a child because he lost hope in finding his mate but still believe that he will find her soon. Very soon than he expected, as you can say. He is the Alpha of Dark North Pact, the strongest pact in the world but also a very powerful King in the world...in supernatural at least. In the human world, he is a very well-known and very powerful who can convience others. He also owns his own company for Officers that includes Polices, Firefighters, CEO, and Secrecurities. What will happen when he goes to Digital Animation Company for a business and he smells his mate? Will She accept him as her mate or Wll she reject him? What will be Alec's reaction when he finds out that his mate is actually half fairy and half witch and most of all, POWERFUL?! Stay Tunes...

CRosado · Fantasy
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44 Chs

Birth and the visitor

I woke up with the worst pains ever.

"Ahhhhhhh!" I screamed as I smelt Alec running and came in the room. "Princess! What's wrong?" he asked me looking worried.

I looked at him in pain trying to breath in and out. My tears came out rapidly. "It hurts...it really hurts..." as I screamed again as I cried. Alec hold on my hands. He had this painful look on his face.

Suddenly, without knowing I grasped as I saw the future.

I saw I was giving birth to my son when suddenly I saw him...my real Father with group of rogues and witches with wizlocks working with him. I panic.

I started to cast a spell in latin

"O moon goddess, help thee pack and my family,

O moon light, help me protect everyone and my soon to be born baby boy.

O moon goddess help us and protect me and my family." I breath in and then out. I felt a great power coming within me. I came out from the vision and I saw Alec looking shock.

"What...what just happen?" he said. When suddenly I scream out loud and I look at him.

"You need to...ahhh...get your warriors down here...fast! Ahhhh they are coming!" I was panting hard.

"What you mean?" Alec asked me as he looked serious.

'My father...my real Father is coming with a group of rogues and wizlocks and witches.' I inform him.

'how baby?' he got very aware.

"I can fucking see the Damn future now hurry the Damn up! I want the---ahhhhhhhh!" I yelled.

Suddenly I felt the urge to push and then the pack doctor came in.

"Good! Hurry..." he was cut off when suddenly we were surrounded by a purple protective shield. It shocked me.

"What in the hell..." Alec said in shock.

I screamed as I open my legs as I push out the baby.

Alec ran to help me to get the baby out when suddenly we heard voices and growls.

No! Then the doctor smiled evily.

"So they finally started. Hello, sweety." he said as he turn back how he really looks. It shocked me as he looked just like me expected the color of my hair. It is black.

I grilled him hard as he started to cast a spell.

"No you wont!" I said as I started to cast a lot of protective spells as I kept pushing the baby as Alec was cautions.

My Father was still chanting as a group of rogues came in. The lights was turning on and off as I pushed out my child out. Once he was out, I felt relief and I looked at my father in his eyes as I smiled.

"I see that you are trying to use me for something....Scott." he looked shock as he stop chanting. Alec cut the umbilical cord of out son.

My son was still crying and crying as Alec came to me and give him to me with a blanket rap up in it. I looked at my child as he still cried.

Alec started to turn into his wolf form as he stood in front of us protecting is as the rest of the pack members came in and the rogues started to fight with them. I shushed my child softly as I looked at the man who made my life impossible.

"You do not understand the situation here, Marigold." he told me as I looked at him annoyed.

"NO! You do not understand the situation at all, Scott!" I shouted at him. "You come over here and to get what?" I shouted. "I came to see how you were doing since I last seen you." he said smiling.

"You wanted me dead! Since you knew I was very powerful and powerful enough to kill you! So I suggest you leave before I make you." I warned him.

He laughed. "Get out of my face!" I said as I chanted a spell and he left along with his groupies.

The protection spell was broken as Alec turn back as a human and I handed him out child and I blacked out.


Stay Tunes...