
The Underdog:Rise

Shin Derschmidt was a prospective footballer.Scored ton of goals in his Junior High school.However, since he joined his High school football team, his career went downhill. Find out how can he restart his career and can he become the Underdog?

Hero_Anon · Sports
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2 Chs

Chapter 2: Japan U-14 begins!

"Yes, stop right there, There!".Shin exits the car. "Oh, there he is.....Our STRIKER. Well, we knew that you would come here " said his teammate. "You know,he's a big man...(Laughs)...You know, my man has his own Chauffeur, like seriously? "Said Daichii, his teammate, and their first-rate goalkeeper..'Are you guys done? Now let's focus on this tournament.. Don't be silly. Aren't you guys scared?". "Nah, why would we be scared, when we got Dai- ". "When you guys got me!!!!" said Shin, interrupting."Right?.....Right?....Huh?". By the time Shin said that, everybody had left. "EMOTIONAL DAMAGE!!!".

J-FOOTBALL U-14, One of the greatest under 14 tournaments in Japan. Junior high teams from every region of Japan compete in this tournament to win this. And Shin and his team, Okawa Junior, has qualified for this tournament.....

Shin went into the gym and exclaimed, 'Wow, it's so big and well-equipped too.....Maybe I should have chosen this school over mine....huh...What??Suddenly he looked around and noticed that everybody was gazing at him as if to say,"What did you say? "

Gym was big, as it was supposed to be. The tournament was held in Izaki High, one of the most prestigious school in Japan. The training facilities were good and the classrooms were as clean as it supposed to be. Players of various teams were training together. Okawa Junior, was a good team,with both skilled players and technique. The only thing they lacked was, PHYSICALITY.