
The uncharted identity

This is a tale about the lost prince of Augruviel dynasty Geoffrey, who is destined for greatness and power, but went missing with his mother few days after his birth. He grew like every other kids not knowing his real Identity, Along the line he fell in love with the princess, Agatha who was supposed to be his step sister...but with many twist she turned out to be a mare farmers daughter. as the story goes on Marcus will be said to be an interchange with Agatha who discovered her real Identity as a mare farmers daughter not a princess. Geoffrey on the other hand will discover the truth of his birth and destiny from his mother and made forth to attain his dream, but was faced with so many trials which will lead to his death or maybe rebirth.In the story their will be lot's of magical creatures and deity mentioned. Read on to find out what actually happened to Agatha and Geoffrey's relationship and to know who will be the next king, Marcus or Geoffrey... discover whether Geoffrey actually died or not and more about Sophie, Geoffrey's mother...

EmochMalvine · Fantasy
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15 Chs


Cane dropped her lifeless body on the floor after he had strangled her to death, he ordered the guard nearby to dispose her corpse sitting on his throne, still fuming in anger as to what would have happened if he hadn't taken care of the situation.

"if Agatha really didn't go back to the palace yesterday then, where exactly could she be?, just like my men fail to kill Sophie and Geoffrey 20 years back and they went missing so did Ezzie repeat the same mistake, but they all got what they wanted, death, death is for all those who couldn't complete the task assigned to them, and for Johnathan your time will come and you shall equally face death just like your father". he said evil mindedly relaxing on the arm of the throne.

"Your Majesty, I have searched the whole forest but no sign of the princess, I only found this bracelet which I think belongs to her". Lancelot stated presenting the bracelet to the king.

"Yes, this is her's I gave it to her on her sixteenth birthday and she always wore it saying it was the best gift she ever had".

he stated remembering vividly giving it to her on her birthday, he held the bracelet so tight as to say he was resisting his tears from dropping.

"Your Majesty, I think the princess was saved from the hunters, from what I heard hunters always come to this forest to hunt". he said politely putting down his head in respect.

"So what are you trying to say?" Johnathan asked wanting to know what he was pointing at.

"If the princess was really saved by a hunter and was hurt in any way, the hunter will bring her back to us after treating her wounds". he stated.

"So, what do you suggest we do?"

Johnathan asked as he couldn't think of what to do.

"Your Majesty, I think we should return to the palace in case if the princess is to return to the palace". he said waiting for the king's approval.

"Alright then, get the carriage and tell the others we are heading back to the palace". Johnathan ordered.

"Yes your Majesty". Lancelot said and Left to carry out the order given.

Lancelot is not only the king's personal guard but the chief of the other guards, he equally is the king's adviser, he used to be Jonathan's best friend of the two friends he had, but when Johnathan ascended the throne he decided to make him his chief guard, and ever since then he takes advice from him before doing anything, he have occasionally told him to address him as Johnathan or John but he was adamant about it.

Lancelot returned with the carriage and they headed back to palace.

"princess Agatha, it's time to take your medicine" Geoffrey said moving close to her.

"Agatha, please I will love it if you address me as Agatha". Agatha said to him trying to get up but tripped, Geoffrey dropped what he was with, rushed over to her and caught her before she could fall.

"How... how did you do that? I mean you were over there just now, so how did you get here within a second?" Agatha asked after been pulled up by Geoffrey either surprise or confused about what just happened looking at the distance he was as of that moment.

"I... I just did it, I mean I ran and caught you that's it nothing else, why did you ask?" he defended and asked pretending not to know what she was about.

"uhmm, it's okay I guess I was just exaggerating things, let's just forget about it, but how long is it going to take for my wound to heal?" he asked looking at her wound which has started bleeding from the trip she had a while ago.

"C'mon, sit over here, if you keep being this careless I can't determine how long it will take to heal, but it was meant to take only 3 to 4 days". he stated holding her hand and making her sit on the wooden bed dressing the wound.

"do you really call me careless? I didn't intentionally trip you know, I was just trying get the medicine from you, if I know this will be what you will say then I wouldn't have stood from her".

she said frowning and looking the other way and pulling her leg from Geoffrey.

"C'mon Agie, don't act like a child I said that to you as my patient not my friend, so please don't take it to heart". he said with honesty in his words.

"Agie? you called me Agie" she said smiling shyly.

" I'm sorry if you don't like it I just thought I could call you in short the same way Beyer and my mom calls me Geoff".

he said apologetically.

"No, no I didn't mean that I actually love the name, that's what my father do call me, so I love it, it's just that I didn't expect you to call me by the name, can I equally call you Geoff like your friend do, if you don't mind?" she asked with a smile.

"Sure, you can call me by the name it's fine by me". Geoffrey said looking up to her to know her reaction.

" Okay then... Geoff" she called sprightly.

Geoffrey stood up after dressing her wound smiling over her words.

"I have to go treat someone in the village and fetch some herbs on my way back, i ain't going for hunting today, but I might be back late so please stay with my mom and don't trouble her while I'm out". he said picking his bag from where he left it wanting to leave but Agatha held him back.

" Do you really think of me as a problematic one?" she asked making a cute face.

"No that's not what I meant, I wanted to say you should be safe till am back that all but I guess it came out wrongly".

he said defending his words.

"Okay then, I will take care of myself so you don't have to worry about me when you are talking care of your patients" she said in assurance.

"Okay then take care". he said with a smile. Geoffrey stepped out of the house but kept on turning to look at Agatha.

he reached the village and headed straight to Beyer's home.

"hey Geoff, how is the princess doing, and her injury?" he asked concerned.

"well, she's getting better but she really tipped and hurt the leg this morning, which makes me worried". he stated worried.

"C'mon on Geoff, you have never been this worried for and reason before, so tell me what's wrong?" he asked expecting and answer from him.

"To be honest with you, I just meet her yesterday but feeling attached to her for some reason I no not about". he stated pacing in the room.

"Who? the princess?" he asked confused.

"Yes, I don't know but whenever I get close to her I don't feel like leaving, and whenever she holds me there is this inner joy I feel in my heart which I have never felt before?" he stated honestly.

"Wait... could it be that you have fallen for the princess?, that's the feeling of love."

he said walking close to Geoffrey and holding his shoulder, Geoffrey walked off from his grips confused.

"Love?, you mean I'm in love with someone I just met yesterday?" Geoffrey asked confused.