
The uncharted identity

This is a tale about the lost prince of Augruviel dynasty Geoffrey, who is destined for greatness and power, but went missing with his mother few days after his birth. He grew like every other kids not knowing his real Identity, Along the line he fell in love with the princess, Agatha who was supposed to be his step sister...but with many twist she turned out to be a mare farmers daughter. as the story goes on Marcus will be said to be an interchange with Agatha who discovered her real Identity as a mare farmers daughter not a princess. Geoffrey on the other hand will discover the truth of his birth and destiny from his mother and made forth to attain his dream, but was faced with so many trials which will lead to his death or maybe rebirth.In the story their will be lot's of magical creatures and deity mentioned. Read on to find out what actually happened to Agatha and Geoffrey's relationship and to know who will be the next king, Marcus or Geoffrey... discover whether Geoffrey actually died or not and more about Sophie, Geoffrey's mother...

EmochMalvine · Fantasy
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15 Chs

A warning Note

Ezzie screams in pain which made Lancelot urge Agatha to stop.

"Where is Azzura I ask you for the last time? Agatha asked looking quite different from her real self, a quite, friendly and social Agatha.

"I will tell you, she is behind the orchard tree...ahhh". she tried saying in pain, Agatha brought down the flame urging her to continue.

"I left her behind an orchard tree in the garden". she said feeling exhausted about everything.

"She is still alive, right?" Agatha asked trying to be more spectacle.

"Yes she is but isn't gonna make it till sun set. she said drastically trying now to be open enough.

Lancelot stepped forward observing the lady in front of the who is now in her original form, he tried to fish out what her mission really was and why she took the form of a mare servant.

"Who are you, where are you from and who sent you here and what actually was your mission here?" he asked not giving her a chance to reply.

"I am Ezzie from Crunthe Dynasty, I am here for the princess, I was sent by ..." she was still on about to mention who it was that sent her, when the wind began to blow rashly, Agatha and Lancelot covered there eyes as the wind blew pass them, when it settled they removed their hands realizing that Ezzie was gone, they then realized that the wind came for her.

"She's gone my lady what do we do now?" Lancelot asked falling to his knee.

Agatha raise her hand asking him to stand, which he literally did.

"What else is there to do? oh yes , let's go find Azzura. she said rushing out of the place, and Lancelot follow her lead.

They got to the garden after several times of searching , Agatha saw Azzura lying lying lifeless behind an orchard tree, Agatha quickly ruched to her, making her lay on her laps, touching her face slightly as Azzura slightly opened her eyes weakly trying to shut them again.

" Azzura!, are you okay? please open your eyes. Agatha said tapping her face gently.

"your majesty it's you, I'm glad I get to see you again for the last time". she replied forcing a smile on her lips, as she gently closed her eyes and breathe her last, Agatha was confused at first trying not to see what was actually clear to her.

"Azzu!Azzu!, no Azzura open your eyes, open your eyes, Azzuraaaa!".

she cried in pain shaking Azzura vigorously and steadily.

"My lady, she can't hear you she is gone".

Lancelot trying not to hurt her feeling more but he sure did.

"No she is not, where's my father, father! father!" she called out in a teary red eyes walking into the Palace leaving Lancelot with Azzura's corpse.

Johnathan on seeing his daughter's state, he raised his hand for them to be excused, walking towards Agatha to know what had happened without his knowledge, because she has never been seen in such state before.

"Agie, what happened? tell me dear I will solve it the possible way I can".

Johnathan assured, Agatha opened her mouth to speak but continue crying which made Johnathan draw her to an embrace.

"Speak up dear, I'm ready to hear you out tell me what the matter is, c'mon say it". John urged, gradually pulling her from the embrace.

"Father, they killed her, they killed Azzura".

She said crying leaving Johnathan in a confused state.

"Who did? tell me who did?" John asked with so much concern in his eyes.

"Your brother Cane, the Crunthe Dynasty".

she managed to say, embracing her father tightly still crying as Johnathan consoles her robbing her hair gently.

Agatha suddenly disengaged from the embrace, wipes her eyes and clenching her teeth in anger.

"They will pay for what they did to Azzura"

she stated trying to step out but John dragged her back in objection.

"Even though you have magical powers combined with your little knowledge in martial arts you still are no match for anyone of them, expect for their knights, how are you going to fight my dear, please ". he pleaded with her.

"But I am a royal blood, ain't I?" she asked not understanding the limitations of her power.

"Although you are my dear, you still gat a lot to learn". he stated drastically.

"Then, should I just sit around and do nothing, that was my servant they killed, my best friend and my sister, just do something father, do something, they don't have to get away with this".

she said in a commanding tone other than a requesting tone.

"I will surely do something my dear, but a warning Note should be dropped first that's what makes us different from them". he assured her consoling her once again.

He ordered a guard to take her to her room the other to arrange a benefiting burial for Azzura and to send the message of her demise to her parents.

*Crunthe Dynasty*

Ezzie dropped rashly in Cane's presence after vanishing with the wind in Augruviel dynasty. Cane dismissed everyone else leaving himself with Ezzie.

"What have you done? you couldn't complete a simple task, what is wrong with you?" he said moving angrily towards her as she fell to her knees on getting up.

"I'm sorry my Lord, I didn't know that Agatha would turn out to be so smart, I didn't know she saw a thing when she left the room because she pretended not to have". she said in defense keeping her head low scared of cane's wrath.

"And what did you do with the servant?"

he asked looking kneely at her.

She began to shiver knowing that Cane isn't going to spear her if he discovered that she killed the girl with out completing the task given to her.

"My Lord I...". she was trying to say but interrupted by the royal messenger.

"Your majesty, there's a latter for you".

he said bowing while presenting him the later, the king collected the from him and asked him to leave.

Cane glared at the latter over and over again each time he did look at it he raised his brow to stare at Ezzie who was really shivering, Cane threw the latter at her angrily, starring daggers at her.

"Ahhhh!, what have you done? read it , that's a warning note, you ruined everything, this was meant to be a silent mission but you destroyed everything what you expect me to do now? tell me!"

he said furiously rushing over to Ezzie grabbed her on the neck hanging her on the wall strangling her, Ezzie struggled hard to pull his hand but only Keep staggering.

"Your... Majesty, you...are hurting...me". she managed to speak struggling to breathe.

"Of course I am, and this will be your last warning, any further mistake you will lose your life, you should take not of that".

Cane dropped her rashly not minding if she got hurt. Ezzie fell to the ground catching her breathe, she held her neck coughing continuously.

"I thought I was already dead, Augruviel dynasty surely will pay for this".

she said to herself holding her neck starring at Cane.