
The Unbounded Mortal

A young girl, Shana, faces challenges in high school due to her loss of an eye and financial struggles. She is constantly bullied by her classmates, but one day a terrifying monster intervenes and is fought off by a mysterious man dressed in a uniform. The man turns out to be a new transfer student at her school, Laka, who offers her encouragement and support, promising to protect and be her friend. As they spend more time together, their friendship deepens and Shana starts to feel a sense of hope and excitement for the future. However, as Laka reveals a shocking secret and their relationship takes a dramatic turn, Shana must come to terms with her feelings and decide if Laka is truly the friend she thought he was.

JoPO_The_Jojo · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
11 Chs

Chapter 7: “War beyond Training”

Part 1

For 12 months, Shana trained in Muay Thai, Deicoon in boxing, and Shirou in BJJ techniques. They were all accustomed to their martial arts and did a gruesome warm-up routine, which included roadwork. Over time, they increased their endurance and speed to run 100 million laps in a femtosecond, covering 100,000 light-years worth of distance. They trained in a white void of dimension with infinite layers, created by Laka. Each layer had infinite space-time, and they ran at ridiculous speeds while wearing suits equivalent to 100,000 solar masses.

During their training, they built a strong bond and cherished their friendship. Shana had never experienced such a connection before, and she was grateful to have them in her life. Deicoon and Shirou echoed the same sentiment and expressed their appreciation for each other.

As they ran, they were aware of the infinite size and distance of the dimension, so they shouted at the clones of Laka not to wander too far. The clones cheered for them and watched their progress closely. As they approached the finish line, Shana was slightly faster than both Deicoon and Shirou, while Shirou was a bit faster than Deicoon.

With their training complete, they felt accomplished and proud of their progress. The clones of Laka congratulated them on their hard work, and they all felt grateful for the experience.

After completing their roadwork, the three clones of Laka had news to share with Shana, Deicoon, and Shirou. They revealed that every year, each of them would fight someone at their level. The three of them were excited to hear about their opponents, but also confused about why they would fight normal humans when they had become so powerful.

The first clone of Laka, who taught Deicoon boxing, announced that his opponent would be the legendary Mike Tyson. Shana was set to fight against the legendary Buakaw Banchamek, while Shirou was to face Royce Gracie, the legendary BJJ fighter in UFC history. Shana questioned why they would fight normal humans when they were capable of defeating the whole planet with one finger.

The clones of Laka explained that they would equalize all of their opponents' stats with theirs, so they would be on the same weight and have the same stats as their opponents. They also said that the fights would be preceded by one week of preparation.

The clones of Laka emphasized that it was okay to lose to their opponents in the early years of the competition, but they would need to knock down all of their opponents in the final year. The clones then took their respective students and trained them in their respective martial arts.

As the three students trained, they knew that they had a tough challenge ahead of them. However, they were determined to give their best effort and emerge victorious. They worked hard day and night, pushing themselves to their limits, knowing that they had to win to fulfill their destiny.

Deicoon worked on extreme training doing 1 billion squats and 1 billion push ups and every training of endurance known to man and Deicoon was doing mitt punches and heavy bag hitting and was doing very good footwork training and practiced his peekabo style and philly stances

And practiced weaving and dodges and counter attack and trained in cycle in 24 hours

On Shana side they watched Buakaw best highlights and they trained with each other by mitt punching and the clone of Laka sparred with muay thai the clone of Laka copied Buakaw fighting style and they did sparing for a few hours and did mitt punching and heavy bag drills through grueling hard conditioning and they did the cycle for a few hours

And finally on Shirou side also watched Royce Gracie fights and thewy copied and make good grappling and ground techniques with good bjj sparring and ground technique with a training dummy and good muscle conditioning and spared with the clone of Laka with bjj training and they did this training for 24 hours

After four grueling days of training and good food, Shana, Deicoon, and Shirou were exhausted and hungry. The three clones of Laka cooked a feast for them, and they each devoured 100,000,000 calories of food, causing their metabolism to increase. They rested and chatted for a few hours before returning to training.

On the last two days, the clones of Laka declared a vacation, and they summoned a giant beachside with a beautiful sunny beach. They all enjoyed swimming, surfing, and playing volleyball. While the others played, Laka cooked barbeque and hung out with them. However, Shirou avoided the water and preferred to stay on the sand. When asked why, he simply said he was fine and preferred to watch.

Later, Laka approached Shirou and asked him about his parents. Shirou remembered a terrible memory and walked away, but Laka silently followed him.

As Shirou lay on the beach in this otherworldly dimension, memories flooded back to him. His last memory of being on a beach was a sunny day when he was with his grandmother. His parents were busy working under an umbrella, leaving him to play with his grandmother in the water. When she briefly left to get something, Shirou ventured deeper into the ocean, not realizing he couldn't swim.

When his grandmother returned, she asked where Shirou was, and his parents said he was swimming. However, his grandmother knew he couldn't swim and saw him drowning in the deep water. She swam quickly to save him, but his parents only called for the lifeguard and did not follow. The lifeguard arrived and worked to revive Shirou, while his grandmother argued with his parents about their negligence.

Shirou's parents called an ambulance, and he was taken to the hospital, where his grandmother visited him until he was healed. Shirou asked her why his parents didn't come to see him and questioned if they loved him. She assured him that they did, but Shirou said he hated them and refused to be near them. From that point on, Shirou rarely saw his parents and did not want to be close to them.

As Laka silently followed Shirou, he overheard his thoughts and felt sympathy for the pain that Shirou had experienced. He realized that Shirou had been carrying this emotional burden for a long time, and it was affecting his current behavior. Laka decided to talk to Shirou and offer support, hoping to help him overcome his past and reconcile with his parents.

As Laka read Shirou's mind and learned of his troubles, he felt a deep sense of empathy towards his friend. Rather than being angry about the invasion of privacy, Shirou was grateful that someone understood his problems. They talked and shared experiences, and their friendship grew stronger with each passing moment.

Laka suggested that he could teach Shirou how to swim, an idea that Shirou accepted with some trepidation. As they walked towards the water, Shirou's trauma was triggered, and he felt himself freeze up. However, Laka was there to reassure him, and Deicoon and Shana came to help.

Gently, they worked with Shirou to help him overcome his fear of the water. Slowly but surely, he was able to float in deep waters and even learn basic swimming techniques. As he gained confidence, he dove into the ocean and was amazed by the beauty of the underwater world that Laka had created.

They played water games and laughed, enjoying each other's company until the sun began to set. As the group's bond deepened, they became more than just best friends - they were family

Part 2

After two days of fun in the beach, the group slept soundly, enjoying their vacation. However, Laka woke up early and used his powers to turn the beach into a gym. He then created three clones of himself to teach the group and prepare them for their upcoming fights.

Deicoon woke up back in the boxing gym and saw his Laka clone trainer prepping him for training. He asked about his friends, and the clone reassured him that they were fine and training as well. Deicoon felt relieved and began stretching before his roadwork training.

The Laka clone instructed Deicoon to do his daily warm-up exercises, which included quadrillion push-ups and squats in a microsecond, among other things. Deicoon finished his warm-up and ran with Shana and Shirou for 10,000 lightyears before doing quadrillion laps in just a few microseconds.

Before heading inside the gym, the group waved goodbye and wished each other luck for the following day's training. Deicoon's Laka clone coach then had him do mitt punches and heavy bag training while repeating the warm-up exercises five times over for 24 hours.

The training for Shana and Shirou was equally grueling, but they pushed themselves through it with determination and the guidance of their Laka clones. Shana focused on improving her endurance and defense, kicking the heavy bamboo repeatedly with her shins until she was ready to collapse from exhaustion. She then moved on to mitt and heavy bag training, honing her skills and technique for hours on end.

Meanwhile, Shirou was studying his opponent's fighting style, analyzing videos and sparring with his Laka clone to develop strategies to counter it. However, his clone was a formidable opponent, dominating through most of the grappling and ground techniques they practiced. Determined to improve, Shirou continued to condition his muscles and practice with a training dummy, pushing himself to his limits for 24 hours straight.

Despite the intense training, the three friends felt a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment, knowing they were doing everything in their power to prepare for the upcoming battles. And with their bond as strong as ever, they knew they could count on each other for support and encouragement.

After the final training session, the team members gathered around a table. Surprisingly, they weren't sweaty or exhausted. They had become accustomed to the weight of their heavy suits, which could hold at least 1 million solar masses. They shrugged off the burden, barely feeling the added weight and mass, even with a 100x boost. Shana couldn't help but think that the laws of physics in this dimension must be different from their own. If these suits existed in their universe, the entire planet, and even the solar system, would be destroyed. The very foundations of the Milky Way galaxy would shake and potentially break apart.

The three Clones of Laka walked in a row, carrying trays of food to be stored. They ate with delight, savoring the feast after the grueling training session. As they chatted for several minutes, the three clones merged into one original form. Laka informed them that they had three hours until their upcoming fight and should prepare accordingly. He summoned clothes out of thin air, providing Deicoon with white shorts adorned with gold line plating, matching gloves, and boxing boots. Deicoon was grateful to see his name on the waistband, thanking Laka for the thoughtful gesture. Next, Laka presented Shana with a set of purple fighting clothes with blue laced designs, and Shana was delighted by the beautiful outfit, hugging Laka and thanking him for the gift.

Shirou's turn came, and to his surprise, Laka presented him with only a white gi. Disappointed, Shirou sighed, but Laka handed him a belt in Brazilian jiu-jitsu. Laka, being an expert in martial arts, gave Shirou the highest rank black belt for his hard work, talent, determination, and long hours of training. Shirou was overjoyed, as he had dreamed of achieving this level in BJJ for years. Although the red belt was supposed to be the highest rank in BJJ, the black belt was the highest level for Shirou's dream. Laka promised that if Shirou continued to train and perfect his techniques, he might earn a red belt after two years.

Laka then pointed to a large stadium he had created and instructed the team to go there when they were done preparing for their upcoming fights. They headed to the stadium, ready to show off their newfound skills and abilities. As they approached, the adrenaline started pumping through their veins, and they knew they were ready for whatever challenges lay ahead.

Laka instructed the three of them to shower and prepare for their upcoming match. When they asked if they could remove the suit, Laka refused, stating that it was part of their training. However, he added that the suit could be transparent and ghost-like, while still retaining its heavy weight. To prove his point, Laka asked them to touch the suit, and they found that they couldn't pick it up or even touch it, as it felt like a ghostly presence.

Laka then reminded them that their fans were waiting for them and summoned three hotel rooms for them to prepare in.

As they showered, Shana, Deicoon, and Shirou were surprised to hear that they had fans. They had thought that only the four of them were inhabiting this dimension, but Laka assured them that they would see their fans soon. Laka also encouraged them to do their best and show their progress by beating the best martial artists representing their sports.

Part 3

As three hours passed, Shana, Deicoon, and Shirou emerged from their hotel rooms, each wearing the clothes that Laka had given them. They greeted each other with cheers and praise for their uniforms, except for Shirou, who was disappointed with his plain white gi. Deicoon couldn't help but admire Shana's well-conditioned muscles and beauty as he looked at her uniform, blushing inwardly. Shana noticed Deicoon's gaze and called him out, causing him to snap out of it and apologize. Shana brushed it off, saying it was fine and they continued on their way.

As they waited, all three of them were suddenly teleported to the arena by Laka. Laka instructed them to draw straws to determine the order of their matches. Laka grabbed three straws and handed them to the contestants, telling them to draw lots. Shirou drew the longest straw, Deicoon drew a normal straw, and Shana drew the shortest straw. Laka announced that Shirou would be going first, and Shana would be going last.

As the lots were drawn, Deicoon and Shana congratulated Shirou and promised to cheer him on. Shirou expressed his gratitude and Laka instructed him to follow a gentleman, who was actually a clone of Laka that had trained him for 12 months, to the stage.

However, before following the clone, Shirou made a request for Laka to change his plain white gi, as he did not like it. Laka jokingly refused, but Shirou insisted, shaking him with his persistence. Laka found this amusing, but eventually took Shirou seriously and changed his gi into a fiery red design with black lining.As soon as Shirou saw the new design, he expressed his gratitude and thanked Laka before following the clone to the stage.

Shana and Deicoon asked Laka where they should go to watch Shirou's fight. Laka teleported them to a glass dome that was close to the stage, giving them a perfect view of the fight. As they looked around in awe, they were amazed by the beauty of the stadium and the stunning lighting. The sight of the stage made them even more excited for the fight.

However, their excitement was cut short when they noticed that all the spectators around them were clones of Laka. As they looked closer, they realized that there were at least hundreds of thousands of clones watching the fight. Shana and Deicoon looked at the original Laka with a mixture of surprise and disbelief, and Laka grinned at them, saying, "What did you say you wanted? Fans? Well, now you've got them!"

Shana was a bit angry at her brother's joke and scolded him, while Deicoon laughed at the situation. Laka commented that at least Deicoon was able to see the humor in it.

As Shana and Deicoon marveled at the stadium, they noticed a clone of Laka inside a UFC cage surrounding them. The announcer shouted out the name of the world champion, Royce Gracie, who had an outstanding record of 15 wins and 2 losses in professional MMA, with 11 of his victories coming by submission.

In the blue corner, Laka had created a clone of Royce Gracie, but this clone was only meant to mimic the original's fighting abilities and had no emotions. Royce Gracie entered the cage, displaying his arms to the cheering crowd. The announcer then introduced Shirou Hirose, a student and best friend, who was challenging the champion to see if he could defeat him. The announcer questioned if he could do it or not, and as soon as Shirou entered the cage, he raised his hand, causing the crowd to erupt with cheers and stomping feet that made the stadium shake. Shana and Deicoon felt as though something more was shaking, and they screamed in happiness for Shirou, causing the stadium to shake even more. The shake was so intense that it almost shook the second layer of this dimension.

As the crowd settled down, the referee came into the cage and made Shirou and Royce Gracie fist-pump each other. The announcer then left the cage, and the two fighters began their match.

The bell rings and the two fighters meet in the center of the Octagon. Shirou looks calm and composed, his black belt in BJJ shining like a badge of honor. Royce, on the other hand, looks serious and focused, knowing that this fight will not be an easy one.

The first round starts slowly, with both fighters circling each other, trying to find an opening. Shirou is using his striking to keep Royce at bay, throwing jabs and kicks to keep him at range. Royce, however, is being patient, waiting for an opportunity to take the fight to the ground.

As the round progresses, Royce starts to feel the effects of his fatigue. He's carrying more weight than he's used to, and he's not as agile as he once was. Shirou sees this and starts to increase the pace, throwing more strikes and combinations. But Royce manages to avoid them and eventually secures a takedown.

On the ground, Shirou shows off his black belt in BJJ, using his technical skills to escape Royce's submission attempts. But Royce is persistent and eventually manages to secure a rear-naked choke, forcing Shirou to tap out.

In the second round, Shirou realizes that he needs to change his strategy. He starts to use his BJJ skills to take the fight to the ground, but Royce is ready for him. They engage in a grappling battle, with Royce coming out on top once again, landing punches from the top.

The third round is where things start to get interesting. Both fighters are fatigued, but they refuse to give up. Shirou starts to use his striking to set up his takedowns, but Royce is still able to defend them. Eventually, Royce lands a takedown and starts to work from Shirou's guard.

As the round progresses, Royce's strikes start to take their toll on Shirou. He's bleeding from his nose and mouth, but he refuses to give up. Royce tries to finish the fight with a submission, but Shirou manages to escape.

In the fourth round, both fighters are exhausted. Shirou knows that he needs to finish the fight to win, so he comes out aggressively. He lands a few solid punches and kicks, but Royce manages to weather the storm and secure another takedown.

On the ground, Royce is in control, landing punches and elbows from the top. Shirou is defending well, but he's not able to mount any offense of his own. The round ends with Royce in dominant position.

In the fifth and final round, both fighters know that this is it. Shirou comes out swinging, throwing everything he has at Royce. But Royce is able to avoid the strikes and secure another takedown.

On the ground, Royce is in full control. He's landing punches and elbows at will, and Shirou is unable to escape. Eventually, Royce secures another rear-naked choke, forcing Shirou to tap out.

The crowd erupts in applause as Royce stands up, exhausted but victorious. He nods respectfully to Shirou, who looks disappointed but gracious in defeat.

And the crowd roared in the arena, cheering for Shirou as the clone of Royce Gracie disappeared. The announcer declared Royce Gracie as the winner, and Shirou looked over at the glass where Shana, Laka, and Deicoon were watching. He had the face of a man thinking about whom he had disappointed. He then walked over to the clone of Laka, who had trained him, and the clone offered his shoulder for Shirou to cry on. Shirou wept on the clone's shoulder, feeling overwhelmed with disappointment.

Deicoon tried to go out and comfort his friend, but the original Laka stopped him, reminding him that it was his turn to fight his debut match for the day. Deicoon didn't want to fight if his friend was out there crying his eyes out. However, Laka reassured Deicoon that everything was fine. He explained that all the clones of Laka had the same strength and personality as the original, and that his clone had the same personality to comfort Shirou. Laka told Deicoon not to worry about it

Deicoon listened to Laka and accepted his statement about Shirou. Before they left, Laka reassured Deicoon that Shirou was watching his fight, which gave Deicoon hope and strength to believe that he could win.

Deicoon was teleported to the blue corner, where he saw the original Laka created with the exact skills and experience of the prime Mike Tyson. In the red corner stood the prime Mike Tyson clone, emotionless but possessing the skills and experience to match the original if it desired to do so.

As they waited for the match to start, the announcer used his powers to change the UFC cage into a boxing ring. He then shouted to announce Mike Tyson, 'Get ready to witness the most feared heavyweight boxing champion of all time! The one and only Iron Mike Tyson, with a record of 50 wins, 44 of them by knockout, and only 6 losses, is stepping into the ring once again!'

The crowd erupted in a thunderous roar, on their feet and waiting with bated breath for this historic moment. The energy in the arena was electric as Tyson strode towards the ring, exuding an aura of raw power and intensity. The announcer introduced the heavyweight legend, whose name was synonymous with greatness.

As Tyson stepped into the ring, he sized up his opponent with a look of determination etched on his face. With lightning-fast footwork and the explosive power of his fists, he was ready to unleash a barrage of punches that would leave his opponent dazed and defeated.

As Tyson displayed his immense power, Deicoon was shaken to his core. Despite being a demigod, the raw strength of the legendary boxer was enough to instill fear in him. Nevertheless, he made a promise to himself to win, or at least perform better, in honor of his best friend Shirou. As the announcer called out Deicoon's name, the atmosphere in the arena intensified. The crowd knew they were about to witness a clash of titans, with the rising star Deicoon taking on the reigning champion, Mike Tyson. With twelve months of intense training under his belt, Deicoon was a prodigious talent and hungry for victory. He was determined to prove himself as the best and the upcoming fight promised to be an epic battle not to be missed.

Deicoon and Tyson stepped up to the boxing ring, with the referee, a clone of Laka, presiding over the match. After touching gloves, they retreated to their respective corners, awaiting the sound of the bell. Even though Deicoon possessed godly strength, Laka had equalized their stats, making it a battle of skill and technique. As they waited for the bell, Deicoon considered his opponent, who seemed to be of similar weight.

In the first round, Tyson landed a devastating blow to Deicoon's chin, causing him to collapse to the mat. Despite the setback, Deicoon remained determined to continue fighting and rose to his feet. In the second round, Tyson knocked Deicoon down again, this time with a hit to the solar plexus. Despite the excruciating pain, Deicoon refused to give up and got back up to keep going.

Recalling his training, Deicoon shuffled his boxing stances between peekaboo and Philly shell to counter Tyson's attacks. By the third round, the two fighters were nearly evenly matched, but Tyson landed a powerful blow to Deicoon's liver, sending him crashing to the ground once more. Though he contemplated giving up, Deicoon heard the cheers of his friends and Shirou, which gave him the motivation to stand back up and continue the fight.

Finally, Deicoon landed a strong hook to Tyson's right temple, causing him to fall to the ground. The crowd erupted in excitement as Deicoon won his first fight, but Tyson managed to get back up, determined to keep going.

As the fight between Mike Tyson and Deicoon reached its climactic final round, both fighters continued to exchange punches despite their bodies being battered and bruised. Their bones cracked and their muscles strained with each blow.

In a surprise move, both fighters were knocked down to the mat at the same time. While Tyson was able to get back up within five seconds, Deicoon struggled to his feet, his face and body covered in bruises. Despite his injuries, he refused to give up and continued to fight.

As Tyson switched to his infamous peekaboo stance, Deicoon caught him off guard by landing two jabs to his chin. Thinking he had the upper hand, Deicoon launched a powerful uppercut, but he underestimated Tyson's skills. In a split second, Tyson dodged the blow and retaliated by punching Deicoon in the ribs, shattering his bones and tearing his muscles. Deicoon was launched into the air before crashing down to the mat.

Unable to continue, Deicoon was helped immediately by Laka, who made him even better than before. Meanwhile, the clones of Mike Tyson dissipated and disappeared, leaving the ring empty and silent.

Although Deicoon had lost the fight, he earned the respect of the audience and fellow fighters for his determination and resilience in the ring. As he was helped out of the ring, he knew that he had given his all and had nothing to be ashamed of.

As Deicoon left the stage, the audience was cheering and roaring his name. Deicoon wanted to look like a winner, so he raised his arm, but before he did, he remembered Laka's words about the audience being just clones of the original Laka. Deicoon looked at Laka, smiling, and said, "Come on, raise your hand." Deicoon then said, "Now I get why Shana was mad at you." As he said that, he was teleported back to the glass lookout of the arena, where he saw Shirou. Deicoon went over to comfort him, but Shirou stood up and offered Deicoon a handshake, suggesting a rematch.

Shirou said, "Now we both lost our matches, but you made your opponent come to a standstill, and although your opponent won, I just made mine tired and even humbled me. In my point of view, you win." However, as soon as Shirou said that, Deicoon replied, "A loss is a loss. We have time, almost three thousand years of time here. All of it will be developed in this infinite space dimension. So we will do our best until we can beat every martial artist in the world with just a finger." Deicoon then gave Shirou a hug, and Shirou hugged back. They both looked at the window and realized it was Shana's turn. Deicoon said to Shirou, "Even though we both lost, we still have one more friend in her match. Let's give her our all." As they said this, Shirou forgot all of his past matches, and Deicoon made a secret bro or best friend handshake. They focused all their energy on supporting their other best friend, Shana. As Laka looked at them, he felt like part of the family in their friendship.

As Shana was teleported into the blue corner, she noticed something strange happening in the opposite corner. She saw the original Laka creating a clone of Suphachai "Saenchai" Saepong, who appeared to possess all of his skills and experience in this cloned form. Before the fight, the clone performed a Wai Kru Ram, a dance-like ritual that paid homage to their teachers and ancestors. Shana was intrigued by this tradition, and asked her trainer for more information.

"Well, it's a tradition in Muay Thai to perform a Wai Kru before a fight," her trainer explained. "It's believed to give the fighters spiritual strength and focus." However, Shana couldn't help but wonder if there was more to it than just tradition. She had heard rumors that some Muay Thai fighters used the Wai Kru to intimidate their opponents and gain a psychological advantage.

Feeling a bit unsettled, Shana asked her trainer for advice on how to prepare. "Just stay focused on your game plan and don't let his pre-fight rituals distract you," her trainer advised. "Remember, you're a well-rounded MMA fighter with a variety of skills. Use them to your advantage and don't get caught up in his style."

Shana nodded, feeling more confident now. She knew that her opponent's Muay Thai skills were dangerous, but she was ready to face the challenge head-on. As she walked towards the octagon, she kept her mind clear and focused on the task at hand. She would not let her opponent's pre-fight prayer or rituals get in the way of her victory.

The arena was filled with excitement as the announcer's voice boomed through the loudspeakers. "Ladies and gentlemen, it's time for the moment you've all been waiting for!" he exclaimed. "In the red corner, weighing in at 145 pounds, hailing from Thailand, with a record of 369 wins and only 48 losses, the living legend of Muay Thai, Suphachai 'Saenchai' Saepong!"

The crowd erupted into cheers and applause as Saenchai made his way towards the ring, his eyes fixed on his opponent. The announcer continued to hype up the fighter, highlighting his impressive career achievements and his status as one of the greatest Muay Thai fighters of all time.

"At 41 years of age, Saenchai is still at the top of his game," the announcer declared. "His lightning-fast strikes, impeccable timing, and his ability to move with grace and agility in the ring make him a force to be reckoned with. He's a true master of his craft and a role model for fighters around the world."

The crowd's excitement grew even more as Saenchai stepped into the ring, his fists raised in the air. The announcer paused for a moment, letting the audience soak in the magnitude of the moment.

"Tonight, he faces another worthy opponent, but make no mistake, Saenchai is here to win," the announcer declared. "He's a fighter like no other, a true icon in the world of martial arts. So let's give it up for the one and only, Suphachai 'Saenchai' Saepong!"

The crowd's cheers and applause reached a fever pitch as Saenchai prepared to face his opponent and defend his title once again.

As Shana saw her opponent, unlike Deicoon, she prepared for her role as she waited for the announcer to call her name.

The announcer boomed, "Ladies and gentlemen, get ready for a showdown like no other! In the blue corner, standing at 5'7" and weighing in at 135 pounds, we have a true prodigy in the world of martial arts. She's a master of Muay Thai, and in just 12 short months of training, she's already proven to be a force to be reckoned with. Introducing the challenger, Shana!"

The crowd's excitement built as the announcer continued to hype up Shana's skills. "Shana's training and dedication have taken her to the top of her game. Her speed, precision, and incredible footwork make her a true force in the ring. She's earned her place in this championship fight through hard work, discipline, and a passion for Muay Thai."

The announcer paused before continuing. "Make no mistake, Shana is not here to back down. She's here to fight, and she's here to win. She's been training non-stop for this moment, and her determination and tenacity will be on full display tonight. So let's hear it for the challenger, Shana!"

The crowd roared with excitement as Shana stepped into the ring, her eyes focused on her opponent. The announcer's voice echoed through the arena, filling the air with anticipation. "Tonight, we will witness a true battle between two of the best fighters in the world. Both Saenchai and Shana are masters of their craft, and it's anyone's game. So sit back, relax, and get ready for a night of heart-pumping action as these two titans of Muay Thai go head-to-head in a fight to remember!"

And as she stepped into the ring, the crowd roared even louder, shaking the very fabric of the dimension they were in. The cheers were so thunderous that they echoed throughout the infinite space, reaching even the highest layers of the dimension. Shana drew strength from the support of the crowd and the many clones of her brother that stood behind her.

Both fighters took their corners and waited for the bell to signal the start of the first round. When the bell rang, they met in the center of the ring to touch gloves. Saenchai, the experienced veteran, immediately took control of the ring, moving confidently and throwing sharp, calculated strikes. Shana, on the other hand, appeared a bit nervous and tentative, perhaps feeling the pressure of facing such a renowned opponent.

Saenchai started out with a few probing jabs and low kicks, testing Shana's reactions. Shana responded with some solid counterpunches, but Saenchai quickly adapted, using his footwork and head movement to evade most of the blows.

As the round progressed, Saenchai began to open up with more aggressive strikes, targeting Shana's legs and midsection with powerful kicks. Shana tried to keep up, but she was clearly struggling to keep pace with Saenchai's speed and precision.

Towards the end of the round, Shana shows signs of wear and tear, breathing heavily and moving sluggishly. Saenchai seizes the opportunity and backs Shana into a corner with a flurry of strikes.

The bell rings, and both fighters return to their corners. After conferring, the judges award the first round to Saenchai, citing his superior technique and control of the fight.

In the second round of the fight between Suphachai 'Saenchai' Saepong and Shana, Saenchai appeared to have the upper hand when he delivered a powerful shins kick to Shana's legs, causing her to visibly falter. However, despite the injury, Shana did not back down and continued to fight with great determination.

In the latter part of the second round, Shana managed to dodge Saenchai's kicks and put him in a clinch, using her knees to inflict damage. Despite Saenchai's counter-attacks, she continued to endure.

As they separated from the clinch, Shana retaliated with a well-placed shin kick to Saenchai's right abdomen, causing him to momentarily lose his balance. However, Saenchai quickly regained his composure and kicked back, hitting her in the stomach.

Towards the end of the round, Shana displayed exceptional defense skills, effortlessly dodging all of Saenchai's strikes and launching her own counter-attack with her elbows. She fought back aggressively, showing no signs of weakness despite her earlier injury.

The second round ended with Shana being declared the winner, thanks to her remarkable display of skill, endurance, and determination.

In the third round, Shana and Saenchai rushed towards each other, displaying aggressive kicks and punches that left their bodies bruised. Shana's photographic memory allowed her to remember Saenchai's moves and she blocked and countered his attacks with precision. The power of their strikes shook the stadium, creating an earthquake-like effect.

Despite Saenchai's experience, Shana continued to fight back, launching her own attacks. However, Saenchai focused on attacking her legs with his shins, causing great pain to Shana, even though she managed to endure it.

The judges, Laka Deicoon and Shirou, could hear bones cracking and muscles ripping apart during this intense fight. As they kept fighting, the bell rang, and the referee stepped in to stop them. The judges declared the third round a draw, and both fighters would face each other for one last round in the fourth.

In the fourth round, both fighters were at a standstill, but Shana's legs were badly damaged, and she could barely stand. Despite her injuries, she was determined to win this fight and avenge her friends, Shirou and Deicoon. As the bell rang, Saenchai blitzed towards her with lightning speed, catching her off guard. He kicked her arm and almost broke it, then hit her in the stomach, causing unbearable pain.

Shana fell to the ground, knocked down. As she lay there, she thought about her life and the people who were important to her. Laka, her first best friend, who had become her adopted brother. Deicoon, the gentle giant who had fought her when they first met, but had become her friend over time. And Shirou, the newcomer whom she had accepted as her friend and considered part of her second family.

Shana had promised herself that she would avenge Deicoon and Shirou, and as she lay on the ground, she remembered that promise. Despite the pain and the odds against her, she refused to give up. She would get back up and keep fighting, no matter what.

And she woke up, took a stand, and held herself up, ready to fight back. Saenchai used his shin to kick her legs again, but it did nothing. She fought back, ignoring her injuries, and used her almost-broken arm to punch, but Saenchai blocked it, breaking both her arms and his own arms in the process. He dropped his guard, and Shana punched back with her other arm. When Saenchai tried to dodge it, he wasn't expecting a shin kick, which he blocked but ended up cracking one of his arms. All of his arm bones were broken, and the muscles were ripped, and his head was open. Shana hoped for a win and finally launched a hook with her other arm to Saenchai's head with full force, but it wasn't enough. His hard head made it crack, and Shana's arm began cracking too, but she ignored it when Saenchai blocked it.

With her other arm, Shana launched a super-strong elbow strike, cracking Saenchai's other arm and hitting his head, but in turn, her own arm became broken. As Shana looked at Saenchai standing there, she heard his voice in her mind saying she had given her all, both of her arms were broken, and now it was a battle of willpower. Shana accepted being hit as Saenchai rushed at her, thinking to herself that she had given it her all, but he had more willpower than her. However, to her surprise, Saenchai fell into a knockout, and the referee checked on him, finding that he was knocked down and couldn't get up. The referee lifted Shana's body and put her on his back, announcing that in this round, in this first match, Shana had won.

And the announcer said, 'Ladies and gentlemen, after an intense and thrilling fight, we have a winner! Shana, the young woman who showed immense skill and determination, has defeated the renowned Suphachai 'Saenchai' Saepong!'

In the fourth and final round, both fighters gave it their all, with no holds barred. Shana and Saenchai traded punches and kicks with great ferocity, causing the entire stadium to shake with their power.

And then, in a stunning moment, Shana landed a devastating knockout blow on Saenchai, sending him crashing to the mat. The referee counted him out, and with that, Shana emerged as the victor!

'This is a momentous occasion, folks,' the announcer continued. 'Shana has shown that gender and age are no barriers to excellence in martial arts. She has made history tonight, and we are honored to witness it. Let's give her a round of applause for this incredible achievement!'

As she won, Shana was praised by the crowd, and her friends and her brother congratulated her on her match.

Laka appeared and said, "You can regenerate now, Shana." Shana listened to Laka and as she regenerated her body, it became more durable and stronger than before. She was healed, and Laka explained that in this training, she could heal when he tells her to. Laka asked Shana if her body had changed, and she confirmed that it had. She felt like she had copied Saenchai's body skills and techniques into her own body, making it adapt and counter opponents like Saenchai. When she fights someone like him again, her body will counter the opponent.

Then, the clone of Saenchai disappeared and turned into dust. The whole arena vanished, and all of the audience's hundred thousand clones of Laka merged into just one Laka. He told all three of them that this was their everyday training, and every twelve months, they would have an all-out training session with every drill and exercise known to their martial arts. Every two years, all three of them would switch martial arts, and Laka would stack another martial art into one another. He planned to keep doing this until the end of 2,800 years inside this dimension.

Laka then explained the reason behind the intense training regime. Shana asked her brother in a questioning voice, "What do you mean, brother?" and asked more, "Even you said that when we go out into the real world, we only spend a microsecond." Deicoon joined in and asked, "Yes, my friend Laka, why should we train this long? Even though I like the comfort of great friendship, I may ask why we need to train this many years of living worth of a demigod itself." Shirou also added, "Yeah, I like this friendship this past year, but even if it is not significant in the real world, I miss my grandmother. Even if we leave and go back to the real world, we only did one microsecond worth of time."

And Laka spoke the truth, "The Shin.co technology company activated a calling beam of ancient technology, so ancient that it surpassed the age of this infinite universe," Laka explained. Shana remembered what he said to her in the bedroom and replied, "Yes, I remember." Laka continued, "It seems my extermination of demon imps is not yet complete, and I sense that in the real world, you only have 30 minutes left before they conquer the infinite universe."

All three of them were surprised, but Deicoon was even more shocked. "Demon Imps? Those insects? They are an infestation of demons who are the weakest rank of a demon. Even if they are weak, they can make up armies of millions to decillions, enough to storm an entire universe," he exclaimed. Shana thought to herself, "Shino, why did you do this? Why did you not come home instead?"

Deicoon continued, "30 minutes? I thought an army of this size would take only a few seconds to conquer an entire universe." He demanded Laka to answer his question.

Laka replied, "Shin.co company gave us time. Even if they are not fond of us, they have the technology to stop them. But their technology isn't advanced enough to withstand the full force of the demon imps. They are still protectors of humanity, and I know Shino understands the technology. They are preparing as I speak, but their preparation is not enough to withstand the full force. They will give us enough time to escape, and I am surprised that they can give us at least 30 minutes."

Laka spoke in a commanding voice, "Today, we will use 2,800 years worth of experience to train and build up the next generation of defenders. We will be the last line of defense, but it is your job to protect this world and universe. I can defeat all of them with a single punch, but I cannot intervene. My job is to train you."

Shirou felt overwhelmed by the pressure and began to worry about his grandmother. He thought to himself, "I can't be a defender, it's too much pressure. I need to protect my grandmother and get out of here." He pleaded with Laka, "Please let me out. I need to be with my grandma. If this is the last day on earth, I can't bear the thought of her being in danger."

Shana and Deicoon tried to comfort him, but Shirou pushed them away. He continued to beg Laka to let him leave. Laka replied, "I understand your concern for your family, but hear me out before I let you go."

Laka spoke in a reassuring voice, "I understand that protecting your loved ones is your top priority. But we must choose the best option that will ensure 100 percent success. If you decline this option, there will be no hard feelings."

Shirou listened and felt comforted by Laka's words. When he was calm enough, he made his decision. "I want to go back," he said.

Laka opened a portal for Shirou to return, but as he walked towards it, he had second thoughts. He thought about his friends, who had become a second family to him. He realized that if he wanted to save his grandmother and his second family with 100 percent certainty, he needed to stay and fight.

Shana gained confidence and said, "Close the portal, Laka. If we want to succeed, we need to defeat them with 100 percent effort." Shirou, Shana, and Deicoon hugged each other tightly, and Laka joined in.

They prepared for 2,800 years worth of training and preparation in this infinite dimension. They were determined to use it to protect their world and their universe.
