
The Ultimate War Of The Apocalypse

The Aliens descended with hostility. In the face of the Alien invasion, humans were as weak as ants. So this was the apocalypse, the true apocalypse. But where there was invasion, there was resistance. For some people, this wasn't the end times, it was war. So this was war. The real war!

Just Like Water · War
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245 Chs

Chapter 99: Keep Up

Translator: 549690339


Gao Yuan didn't believe there was a creature that a heavy machine gun couldn't handle, yet reality proved him wrong. A monster, under the fire of at least seven heavy machine guns, destroyed each of the seven gun emplacements with composure and speed, then continued towards the next target.

The monster ran past where Gao Yuan and the others were, but didn't pay any attention to them.

This was an important discovery.

Li Changfeng stood rooted to the spot, his legs had given out; he truly couldn't run. When Gao Yuan passed by him, he pulled at him and whispered, "Don't just stand there like an idiot, run with me!"

Since the others were teammates, Gao Yuan really didn't mind lending a hand to a few more, but Li Xiaodong and Ma Zihang had run in the opposite direction.

"This way!"

Gao Yuan shouted, Li Xiaodong looked back and said, "No, I have to find my grandfather, my grandfather is over there."

"I'm going to find my mom!"

Li Xiaodong and Ma Zihang both had relatives there; they were the only blood relatives they had left. Now that they needed to escape, they wanted to flee with their families.

At this moment, it was every man for himself.

Gao Yuan once again pulled Li Changfeng along, dragging him towards the direction of the camp.

Just then, Gao Yuan saw another very familiar person.


Gao Yuan and Luo Xingyu, who was running towards him, hugged each other tightly. Luo Xingyu burst into loud sobs, and Gao Yuan urged, "Shut up, don't cry, run!"

Yu Shunzhou, who was following beside Luo Xingyu, waved and said, "This way, they haven't gone far yet!"

Gao Yuan, while pulling Luo Xingyu, asked urgently, "We evacuating?"

"We're evacuating, Xiaoyu insisted on looking for you, so we came, we might still catch up."

Gao Yuan firmly believed that following Xiang Weiguo was the only way to survive. To be precise, he was convinced that being near Xinghe meant not necessarily being safe, but it was definitely the safest place.

"Then let's go find them, run faster, quick!"

Gao Yuan could see a monster sprinting towards the camp, then another, and he slowly came to a stop, which caused the few people running behind him to also stop.

"The camp is not safe anymore.

Gao Yuan started to consider whether it was still wise to head towards the camp, as those large monsters seemed to be attracted to it.

Li Changfeng said urgently, "Don't just wait here stupidly, run in a different direction, towards where there are more people!"

Gao Yuan snapped, "The more people there are, the more dangerous it is!"

At this moment, Yu Shunzhou walked up to Gao Yuan and patted him on the shoulder, then pointed somewhere.

Gao Yuan followed the direction Yu Shunzhou pointed and saw a monster run towards the barbed wire fence, collide with it, then reach out with its forelimb and make a large tear in it. Piles of zombie bodies immediately slid through the opening in the fence.

The pressure on the east side was much greater than the west, almost reaching the top of the barbed wire.

The monster continued to swing its limbs near the fence, and after a moment, it broke off a support pole, making the barbed wire collapse inward.

At that time, only a few of the machine gun emplacements on the eastern side of the sanctuary were still spitting flames.

"It's completely over... Run west!"

Luo Xingyu asked urgently, "Aren't we looking for Uncle Xiang and the others anymore?"


Gao Yuan whispered, "No need to search, they'll come over. The camp is where the monsters converge. If we don't move forward, let's just wait here!"

Li Changfeng said anxiously, "If you guys want to wait, that's up to you, but I'm not waiting. I'm leaving!"

As Li Changfeng turned to leave, Gao Yuan grabbed him, whispering, "We're brothers in this, don't say I didn't try to save you. If you really want to live, follow me."

After a blank stare at Gao Yuan, Li Changfeng hesitated for a moment but finally nodded.

Just then, someone ran past them swiftly. Upon seeing Gao Yuan and the others, the passerby shouted, "Don't stand there like a fool, run!"

The voice sounded familiar, but it was too dark to see clearly.

Luo Xingyu said, "That's... Er Long, isn't it?"

As soon as Luo Xingyu spoke out, Gao Yuan also recognized him; it was Nie Erlong.

"Er Long! Come here, over this way!"

Gao Yuan shouted loudly, and Nie Erlong heard him. After he made a turn and ran up to Gao Yuan, he glanced over and panted heavily, saying urgently, "Run fast, why are you still here? If the zombies get in, there will be no chance left. The political commissar has already ordered, the shelter has fallen, and the soldiers will try to buy us time to escape."

Gao Yuan grabbed Nie Erlong's arm, speaking in a low voice, "Running blindly is no use. Don't go where there are too many people. Stick with me when the time comes."

Nie Erlong, aware of Gao Yuan's status in the military, was taken aback for a moment before he quickly responded, "Alright, I'll follow you."

Gao Yuan was still looking toward the camp. He whispered to Yu Shunzhou, "Keep an eye on the east side. If the zombies come in, we can only run. If they don't, we wait for the main forces."


The zombies hadn't flooded in en masse because the artillery fire outside was still intense, and it was getting even more so.

The artillerymen seemed to know what had happened in the shelter and brought out all their stored firepower. For a while, the east side of the shelter was besieged by non-stop explosions.

It should be the time now. At that moment, Gao Yuan indeed saw a large group of people charging out of the camp.

"Follow me, quick, keep up!"

Gao Yuan shouted, pulling Luo Xingyu and starting to run.

People coming out of the camp were heading northwest, while Gao Yuan and his group ran directly west. As they were about to merge with the other group, Gao Yuan saw two tanks rolling out of the camp and crossing the crowd at a faster pace, heading straight for the wire fence.

The two tanks slowed down simultaneously, then adjusted the distance between them, and finally hit the supporting columns of the wire fence together.

The tanks struck the wire net and, pressing it down, rolled over the zombies, bursting forth from the three-meter-high mound of corpses.

About thirty or forty meters from the wire net, Gao Yuan and his group finally merged with the troop from the camp.

Running alongside the troops, several soldiers turned their heads to look at Gao Yuan and his group. At that moment, Gao Yuan shouted, "Uncle Xiang! Uncle Xiang!"

Gao Yuan had not seen Xiang Weiguo and could only continue shouting.

The sounds of gunfire, artillery, and explosions made the whole shelter a deafening battlefield; no matter how loud he shouted, it was doubtful anyone inside would hear.

But just then, as if on cue, the soldiers running alongside Gao Yuan and his group parted, leaving a path. Xiang Weiguo was inside, desperately waving. So Gao Yuan and Luo Xingyu ran into the ranks surrounded by soldiers, bringing with them Yu Shunzhou and the others.

Xiang Weiguo seemed very pleased, patting Gao Yuan on the back with a satisfied expression, and then he shouted, "Keep up, but don't come over here. Just stay at the back, they..."

Xiang Weiguo glanced at Li Changfeng and Nie Erlong, thought for a moment, then loudly said, "Try your best to keep up, if you get left behind, no one will care for you!"

Li Changfeng and Nie Erlong both nodded vigorously. Running with such a troop, it was obvious that the chances of survival were much higher than with the other survivors.